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Sonnenbestrahlungssteigerung auf Glashausdach (22 Grad geneigt) gegenüber der Bestrahlung eines senkrechten Fensters: Index s: Sommerhalbjahr, Index w: Winterhalbjahr, nach RWE-Energie Bauhandbuch S. 17/19. alphai .......... Wärmedurchlaßkoeffizient einer horizontalen Luftschicht im Rauminneren, alphi ............ mittlerer Wärmedurchlaßkoeffizient einer horizontalen Luftschicht im Außenraum bei mittlerem Wind nach Kraft, Seite 589 und Ihle 176.5, bilanz[tf, ti, tout] .... grobe Wärmebilanz im Glashaus, basierend allein auf den Grenz-Luftschichten, Cst ............... Stefan-Boltzmann Konstante. e1, e2 .......... Emissivität der inneren, äußeren Glasscheibe (bei Zweischeibenglas). fb ............... Bodenfläche (31 m^2). fg ............... Fensterfläche (93 m^2). flag ..............flag = -1: W-Bilanzen nur für Apr ... Sept, flag = 0: W-Bilanzen für tf = 32 C, tin = 19 C, flag = 1: W-Bilanzen bei tf = 32 C, tin = 19 C außer Jan/Feb: tf = 2 C, tin = 2 C, März, Okt., Nov., Dez.: tf = 22 C, tin = 19 C. F(Wand) .... Wandfläche, die auch Sonnenwärme speichert (12 m^2). g .................... Gesamtenergiedurchlässigkeitsgrad. ii ................. Index für Monat (ii = 1 ist Januar, ii = 2 Februar etc.). k ................... Wärmedurchlaßkoeffizient für Aggregat von Schichten. kr ................. Wärmedurchlasskoefffizient des Rahmens, 1: RMG 1, 2: RMG 2.1 ({kr[1], kr[2]} = {1.7, 2.7}W/(m^2 K). kv .................. Wärmedurchlasskoeffizient der Glasscheibe (Bundesanzeiger), 1: Einfachglas, 2:Zweischeiben-Isolierglas, 3: Zweischeiben-Wärmeschutzglas {kv[1], kv[2], kv[3]} = {5.8, 3.0, 1.8}. kf[kv, kr] ...... = kv 0.7 + kr 0.3, Wärmedurchlasskoeffiz. eines Fensters mit 30% Rahmenanteil. kf ....... Wärmedurchlaßkoeffizient einer Isolierglasscheibe. lpwbilv[lambda, 0] ..... ...... Plot des Wärmebilanzvektors wbilv[lambda, 0]. maptemps[lambdaF, q] ..... rechnet den Jahresgang von tout, tf, tin für datao, so, sonnenqo, mtempo bei lambdaF. mtemp .......... Jahresgang der mittleren Außenluft-Temperatur, Index o wie bei sonnenq. mtin[tF] ....... rechnet den Jahresgang von tin (für tout aus mtemp) bei Fußbodentemp = tF, indem es solv verwendet. m^2 .............. die Wärmeströme werden auf 1 m^2 Bodenfläche bezogen. plottemps[lambdaF, qel] ..... zeichnet den Jahresgang von tout, tf, tin für datao, so, sonnenqo, mtempo bei lambdaF und Zusatzheizung qel (W/m^2). plottin[tF] ... zeichnet den Gang der Innenluft-Temp., wenn Fußboden auf tF gehalten wird. q .................... Leistung der Fußbodenheizung (W/m^2). qg .................. Transmissionswärmeverlust durch die Glasscheiben. Normiert auf die Fußbodenfläche fb. qst ................. von der Glasfläche abgestrahlte Leistung. Bei Zweischeibenglas abhängig von der Emissivität der äußeren (e2) und inneren Scheibe (e1), letztere ist durch Beschichtung reduziert. qst ist auf die Einheitsbodenfläche fb normiert. s ..................... Schichtdicke. Vektor sv = {s[1], s[2], s[3], s[4]}. SF ................... Solargewinnkoeffizient (W/(m^2 K)). solve[q, tout] löst Wärmebilanzgleichung wbodenup[tf, tin] + wbodendown[tf, ts] = q, wbodenup[tf, tin] = wglas[tin, tout] nach stationären Fußboden tf und Innenluft-Temperaturen tin. solv[tout] ..... löst die Wärmebilanz wbodenup[tfu, tin] = wglas[tin, tout] für tf = tfu und tout. sonnenq ........ Jahresgang der über 24 h gemittelte Sonnen-Einstrahlungsleistung : ohne Index (sonnenq): W pro unter 45 Grad geneigte nach Süden ausgerichtete Fläche (m^2) nach Ihle, Bader, Golla, Index f(sonnenqf): W/m^2, globale Sonneneinstrahlung auf Fassade nach Wasserausstellung in NB, Index g(sonnenqg): W/m^2, globale Sonneneinstrahlung auf Gebäude nach Wasserausstellung in NB, Index o (sonnenqo,sonnenqfo, sonnenqgo ): wie oben, nur ohne Einheiten. sv ................. {s[1], s[2], s[3], s[4]} = Vektor der Schichtdicken. tf ................. Temperatur des Fußbodens (Speicher). tin .............. Lufttemperatur im Glashaus. tout ............. Temperatur der Außenluft, gemittelt über einen Monat. Tagesmittelwert errechnet sich nach Kraft S. 112 zu tout(Tag) = 1/4 (t(7 Uhr) + t(14 Uhr) + 2 t(21 Uhr)). ts ................ Temperatur des Erdreichs unter Stahlbeton. wbil[{ii_,tout_}] ............ ..... Wärme, die im Glashaus pro m^2 Bodenfläche gewonnen wird, wenn durch eine Wärmeabfuhr (z.B. Wasserschlangen im Boden, Lüftung) eine Fußbodentemp. tf = 22 C und eine Innenlufttemp. tin = 19 C eingestellt wird. wbilv[lambda, 0] ..... ...... Wärmebilanzvektor für Fenster-k-Wert lambda und reine Sonneneinstrahlung. Vektor ist aus den monatlichen Werten von wbil aufgebaut. wbodenup .. Wärmeabgabe durch die Fliesenschicht in die Innenluft. wbodendown .. Wärmeabgabe durch Dämmschicht und Stahlbeton ins Erdreich. wglas ......... Wärmestrom durch die Fensterfläche. wglasb ........Wärmestrom aus Glashaus hinaus, durch Glas und Boden, ist eine Funktion von tf, tin, tout und ts. Schichtenfolge: ========== 1 .............. Stahlbeton auf Erdreich, 0.20 m dick, lambda[1] = 2.10 W/m K; 2 .............. Dämmschicht, 0.08 m dick, lambda[2] = 0.04 W/m K; 3 .............. Zementestrich als Sonnenwärmespeicher, 0.10 m dick, lambda[3] = 1.4 W/m K; hierin ist im Glashaus der Wärmeträger angeordnet; 4 .............. Fliesen, 0.01 m dick, lambda[4] = 1.0 W/m K. :[font = subtitle; inactive; Cclosed; dontPreserveAspect; startGroup] Quelle der Daten :[font = smalltext; inactive; dontPreserveAspect; endGroup; endGroup] Gerhard Gasser, Harry Timm, Beheizte Fußbodenkonstruktionen, Estriche, Industrieböden, Beläge, Bauverlag GmbH, Wiesbaden und Berlin, 1985. Claus Ihle, Rolf Bader, Manfred Golla, Tabellenbuch - Sanitär, Heizung, Lüftung, Schroedel Schulbuchverlag GmbH, Hannover, 1991. Kilmadaten der DDR - ein Handbuch für die Praxis, Reihe B, Band 3 "Strahlung und Bevölkung, Potsdam, 1981. Günther Kraft, Handbuch der Technischen Gebäudeausrüstung, 2. Auflage, VEB Verlag für Bauwesen, Berlin, 1983. Poroton-Merk- und Formelblatt: Planung und Ausführung von Ziegelmauerwerk, Deutsche Poroton GmbH, Cäsariusstr. 83a, D - 53639 Königswinter, Tel.: (02223) 91 10 30 RWE Energie Bau-Handbuch, 12. Ausgabe, RWE Energie AG, Bereich Anwendungstechnik, D-45117 Essen, Tel.:(0201) 12 - 01, Fax: (0201) 12 - 2 45 43, www.rweenergie.de :[font = subsubtitle; inactive; dontPreserveAspect; startGroup] Mit Einheiten dataU, sU, areaU, qsU, datasU, mtempnU, mtempkU ;[s] 2:0,0;14,1;62,-1; 2:1,20,14,Times,1,18,0,0,0;1,17,12,Times,0,14,0,0,0; :[font = section; inactive; dontPreserveAspect; startGroup] Wärmeleitfähigkeiten, Erdreich-Temp. :[font = input; dontPreserveAspect; endGroup] Clear[dataU]; dataU := ( Clear[alphai, alphaa, alphi, lambda,ts, kf]; alphai = 1/0.13 W/(m^2 K); alphaa = Infinity; alphi = 1/0.04 W/(m^2 K); (*Ihle 176.5, Kraft: 1/0.15, Seite 589, Tab. 7.1/8*) {lambda[1], lambda[2], lambda[3], lambda[4]} = {2.1, 0.035, 1.4, 1.0}W/(m K); ts = 5 K; (*eigentlich (5 + 293) K, 293 fällt raus, weil immer Temp.-Diff. verwendet*) lambdav := Array[lambda, 4]; kf[kv_] := 0.7 kv + 0.3 2.5 W/(m^2 K) ); dataU; ;[s] 3:0,0;172,1;195,0;439,-1; 2:2,14,9,Times,0,12,0,0,0;1,14,10,Geneva,0,10,0,0,0; :[font = section; inactive; Cclosed; dontPreserveAspect; startGroup] Dicken, Flächen (Achtung: Estrichdicke ist 100 mm, Betondicke ist 100 mm) :[font = input; dontPreserveAspect] sU := ( s[1] = 100/1000 m; s[2] = 90/1000 m; s[3] = 100/1000 m; s[4] = 10/1000 m) sU; Clear[sv]; sv := Array[ s, 4]; areaU := ( fn3 = 1/4 3.7 7 m^2; fn1to3 = 1/4 1.5 20 m^2; fd1to2 = 1/2 1.95 6.5 m^2; fd3 = 1/4 8 7.5 m^2; fd2 = 1/4 ( 5.5 8 + 1.7 5.5) m^2; fd1 = 1/4 4.5 7.5 m^2; fs1 = 1/4 4.7 7 m^2; fs2to3 = 1/4 13 2.5 m^2; fw = 1/4 (8.5 2.5 + (7.5 2.5)/2 + 4 2) m^2; fo = fw; fdach = fd1 + fd2 + fd3; fg = fn3 + fn1to3 + fd1to2 + fdach + fs1 + fs2to3 + fw + fo; fwand = fg - fdach; fb = 1/4 (9 20 - 6 7 - 1.7 7) m^2); areaU; :[font = input; preserveAspect; endGroup] :[font = smalltext; inactive; Cclosed; preserveAspect; startGroup] Einzelne Flächen :[font = input; preserveAspect; startGroup] fb/fg 200 W/m^2 :[font = output; output; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup] (67.97843665768194*W)/m^2 ;[o] 67.9784 W --------- 2 m :[font = input; preserveAspect; startGroup] fg :[font = output; output; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup] 92.75*m^2 ;[o] 2 92.75 m :[font = input; preserveAspect; startGroup] fd1to2 :[font = output; output; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup] 6.3375*m^2 ;[o] 2 6.3375 m :[font = input; preserveAspect; startGroup] fwand :[font = output; output; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup] 55.97500000000001*m^2 ;[o] 2 55.975 m :[font = input; preserveAspect; startGroup] fb :[font = output; output; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup] 31.525*m^2 ;[o] 2 31.525 m :[font = input; preserveAspect; startGroup] fdach :[font = output; output; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup; endGroup] 36.775*m^2 ;[o] 2 36.775 m :[font = input; preserveAspect; startGroup] (*Grundfläche = *) (3.55 3.639 + (6.557 - 3.639) (3.55 + 0.859) + 1.455 3.546) m^2 :[font = output; output; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup] 30.943342*m^2 ;[o] 2 30.9433 m :[font = smalltext; inactive; Cclosed; preserveAspect; startGroup] Umbauter Raum :[font = input; preserveAspect; startGroup] Vol = 10^-6 m^3/cm^3 (330. 170 990 + 85 85 990 + 1/2 (85 290 990 + 205 50 990 + 300 105 990)) cm^3 :[font = output; output; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup] 95.55975*m^3 ;[o] 3 95.5597 m :[font = input; preserveAspect; startGroup] 10^-6 m^3 / cm^3 (142 397 655.7 + 111 261 354.6 + 90 228 646.2 + 0.5 145 367 655.7 + 28 94 (655.7 + 354.6)) cm^3 :[font = output; output; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup] 80.60321975*m^3 ;[o] 3 80.6032 m :[font = input; preserveAspect; endGroup] :[font = section; inactive; dontPreserveAspect; startGroup] Jahresgang der Sonneneinstrahlung und Temperatur :[font = smalltext; inactive; Cclosed; preserveAspect; startGroup] RWE Energie Bau-Handbuch, 12. Ausgabe, RWE Energie AG, Bereich Anwendungstechnik, D-45117 Essen, Tel.:(0201) 12 - 01, Fax: (0201) 12 - 2 45 43, www.rweenergie.de Seite 17/5 :[font = smalltext; inactive; preserveAspect] (*max. Strahlungsleistung auf senkrecht bestrahlte Fläche*) qs[1] = 1000 W/m^2; (*Strahlungsleistung bei sehr dichter Bevölkung*) qs[2] = 20 W/m^2; (*min. diff. Strahlungsleistung bei vollständig verdeckter Sonne*) qs[3] = 20 W/m^2; (*max. diff. Strahlungsleistung bei vollständig verdeckter Sonne*) qs[4] = 250 W/m^2; :[font = input; preserveAspect] qsU := ( (*jährl. Einstrahlung auf horiz. Meckl.Ebene, dividiert durch 24h/d 365d*) qs[5] = 10.^6 W h /(m^2 24 h/d 365 d); (*durchschn. Globalstrahlung, Meckl., April-Sept.*) qs[6] = 8. 10^5 W h/(m^2 24 h/d 365/2 d); (*max. tägl. Einstrahlg., sehr klares Sommerwetter*) qs[7] = 8. 10^3 W h/(m^2 24 h); (*mittl. tägl. Einstrahlg. an den besten 100 Sonnentagen des Jahres*) qs[8] = 5500 W h/(m^2 24 h); (*mittl. tägl. Einstrahlg. an den 100 ungünstigsten Tagen des Jahres*) qs[9] = 10^3 W h/(m^2 24. h); (*min. tägl. Einstrahlg., sehr trübes Winterwetter*) qs[10] = 100. W h/(m^2 24 h); (*Sonnenscheindauer pro Jahr, min*) Tamin = 1300 h/(365 d 24. h/d); (*Sonnenscheindauer pro Jahr, max*) Tamax = 1900 h/(365 d 24. h/d); (*Sonnenscheindauer April-Sept., min*) Tamin = 1000 h/(365/2 d 24. h/d); (*Sonnenscheindauer April-Sept., max*) Tamax = 1400 h/(365/2 d 24. h/d); (*Sonnenscheindauer Okt.-März, min*) Tamin = 300 h/(365/2 d 24. h/d); (*Sonnenscheindauer Okt.-März, max*) Tamax = 500 h/(365/2 d 24. h/d) ); qsU; :[font = input; preserveAspect; startGroup] Table[qs[ii], {ii, 5, 10}] :[font = output; output; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup] {(114.1552511415525*W)/m^2, (182.648401826484*W)/m^2, (333.3333333333333*W)/m^2, (1375*W)/(6*m^2), (41.66666666666666*W)/m^2, (4.166666666666667*W)/m^2} ;[o] 114.155 W 182.648 W 333.333 W 1375 W 41.6667 W 4.16667 W {---------, ---------, ---------, ------, ---------, ---------} 2 2 2 2 2 2 m m m 6 m m m :[font = input; preserveAspect; startGroup] 24 h/d 1 kW/(1000 W) Table[qs[ii], {ii, 5, 10}] :[font = output; output; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup] {(2.73972602739726*h*kW)/(d*m^2), (4.383561643835617*h*kW)/(d*m^2), (8.*h*kW)/(d*m^2), (11*h*kW)/(2*d*m^2), (1.*h*kW)/(d*m^2), (0.1*h*kW)/(d*m^2)} ;[o] 2.73973 h kW 4.38356 h kW 8. h kW 11 h kW 1. h kW 0.1 h kW {------------, ------------, -------, -------, -------, --------} 2 2 2 2 2 2 d m d m d m 2 d m d m d m :[font = input; preserveAspect; startGroup] 1/5 24 h/d 1 kW/(1000 W) Sum[qs[ii], {ii, 5, 9}] :[font = output; output; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup] (4.324657534246576*h*kW)/(d*m^2) ;[o] 4.32466 h kW ------------ 2 d m :[font = input; preserveAspect; startGroup] 1/5 Sum[qs[ii], {ii, 5, 9}] :[font = output; output; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup] (180.1940639269406*W)/m^2 ;[o] 180.194 W --------- 2 m :[font = input; preserveAspect; startGroup] BarChart[Table[ 24/1000 m^2/W qs[i], {i, 5, 10}], Frame->True, GridLines->{None, Automatic}] :[font = postscript; PostScript; formatAsPostScript; output; inactive; preserveAspect; pictureLeft = 34; pictureWidth = 282; pictureHeight = 174] %! %%Creator: Mathematica %%AspectRatio: .61803 MathPictureStart %% Graphics /Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont % Scaling calculations -0.0645161 0.16129 0.0147151 0.0735755 [ [(1)] .09677 0 0 2 Msboxa [(2)] .25806 0 0 2 Msboxa [(3)] .41935 0 0 2 Msboxa [(4)] .58065 0 0 2 Msboxa [(5)] .74194 0 0 2 Msboxa [(6)] .90323 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0)] -0.0125 .01472 1 0 Msboxa [(2)] -0.0125 .16187 1 0 Msboxa [(4)] -0.0125 .30902 1 0 Msboxa [(6)] -0.0125 .45617 1 0 Msboxa [(8)] -0.0125 .60332 1 0 Msboxa [ -0.001 -0.001 0 0 ] [ 1.001 .61903 0 0 ] ] MathScale % Start of Graphics 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin newpath [ ] 0 setdash 0 g p p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .16187 m 1 .16187 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .30902 m 1 .30902 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .45617 m 1 .45617 L s P p .002 w .09677 0 m .09677 .00625 L s P [(1)] .09677 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .25806 0 m .25806 .00625 L s P [(2)] .25806 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .41935 0 m .41935 .00625 L s P [(3)] .41935 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .58065 0 m .58065 .00625 L s P [(4)] .58065 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .74194 0 m .74194 .00625 L s P [(5)] .74194 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .90323 0 m .90323 .00625 L s P [(6)] .90323 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w 0 0 m 1 0 L s P p .002 w 0 .01472 m .00625 .01472 L s P [(0)] -0.0125 .01472 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .16187 m .00625 .16187 L s P [(2)] -0.0125 .16187 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .30902 m .00625 .30902 L s P [(4)] -0.0125 .30902 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .45617 m .00625 .45617 L s P [(6)] -0.0125 .45617 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .60332 m .00625 .60332 L s P [(8)] -0.0125 .60332 1 0 Mshowa p .001 w 0 .04415 m .00375 .04415 L s P p .001 w 0 .07358 m .00375 .07358 L s P p .001 w 0 .10301 m .00375 .10301 L s P p .001 w 0 .13244 m .00375 .13244 L s P p .001 w 0 .1913 m .00375 .1913 L s P p .001 w 0 .22073 m .00375 .22073 L s P p .001 w 0 .25016 m .00375 .25016 L s P p .001 w 0 .27959 m .00375 .27959 L s P p .001 w 0 .33845 m .00375 .33845 L s P p .001 w 0 .36788 m .00375 .36788 L s P p .001 w 0 .39731 m .00375 .39731 L s P p .001 w 0 .42674 m .00375 .42674 L s P p .001 w 0 .4856 m .00375 .4856 L s P p .001 w 0 .51503 m .00375 .51503 L s P p .001 w 0 .54446 m .00375 .54446 L s P p .001 w 0 .57389 m .00375 .57389 L s P p .002 w 0 0 m 0 .61803 L s P P p p .002 w .09677 .61178 m .09677 .61803 L s P p .002 w .25806 .61178 m .25806 .61803 L s P p .002 w .41935 .61178 m .41935 .61803 L s P p .002 w .58065 .61178 m .58065 .61803 L s P p .002 w .74194 .61178 m .74194 .61803 L s P p .002 w .90323 .61178 m .90323 .61803 L s P p .002 w 0 .61803 m 1 .61803 L s P p .002 w .99375 .01472 m 1 .01472 L s P p .002 w .99375 .16187 m 1 .16187 L s P p .002 w .99375 .30902 m 1 .30902 L s P p .002 w .99375 .45617 m 1 .45617 L s P p .002 w .99375 .60332 m 1 .60332 L s P p .001 w .99625 .04415 m 1 .04415 L s P p .001 w .99625 .07358 m 1 .07358 L s P p .001 w .99625 .10301 m 1 .10301 L s P p .001 w .99625 .13244 m 1 .13244 L s P p .001 w .99625 .1913 m 1 .1913 L s P p .001 w .99625 .22073 m 1 .22073 L s P p .001 w .99625 .25016 m 1 .25016 L s P p .001 w .99625 .27959 m 1 .27959 L s P p .001 w .99625 .33845 m 1 .33845 L s P p .001 w .99625 .36788 m 1 .36788 L s P p .001 w .99625 .39731 m 1 .39731 L s P p .001 w .99625 .42674 m 1 .42674 L s P p .001 w .99625 .4856 m 1 .4856 L s P p .001 w .99625 .51503 m 1 .51503 L s P p .001 w .99625 .54446 m 1 .54446 L s P p .001 w .99625 .57389 m 1 .57389 L s P p .002 w 1 0 m 1 .61803 L s P P p p .002 w 0 .01472 m 1 .01472 L s P p .002 w 0 0 m 0 .61803 L s P P 0 0 m 1 0 L 1 .61803 L 0 .61803 L closepath clip newpath p p p 1 0 0 r .03226 .01472 m .03226 .21629 L .16129 .21629 L .16129 .01472 L F P p .004 w .03226 .01472 m .03226 .21629 L .16129 .21629 L .16129 .01472 L .03226 .01472 L s P P p p 1 0 0 r .19355 .01472 m .19355 .33724 L .32258 .33724 L .32258 .01472 L F P p .004 w .19355 .01472 m .19355 .33724 L .32258 .33724 L .32258 .01472 L .19355 .01472 L s P P p p 1 0 0 r .35484 .01472 m .35484 .60332 L .48387 .60332 L .48387 .01472 L F P p .004 w .35484 .01472 m .35484 .60332 L .48387 .60332 L .48387 .01472 L .35484 .01472 L s P P p p 1 0 0 r .51613 .01472 m .51613 .41938 L .64516 .41938 L .64516 .01472 L F P p .004 w .51613 .01472 m .51613 .41938 L .64516 .41938 L .64516 .01472 L .51613 .01472 L s P P p p 1 0 0 r .67742 .01472 m .67742 .08829 L .80645 .08829 L .80645 .01472 L F P p .004 w .67742 .01472 m .67742 .08829 L .80645 .08829 L .80645 .01472 L .67742 .01472 L s P P p p 1 0 0 r .83871 .01472 m .83871 .02207 L .96774 .02207 L .96774 .01472 L F P p .004 w .83871 .01472 m .83871 .02207 L .96774 .02207 L .96774 .01472 L .83871 .01472 L s P P P % End of Graphics MathPictureEnd :[font = output; output; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup; endGroup] Graphics["<<>>"] ;[o] -Graphics- :[font = smalltext; inactive; dontPreserveAspect; startGroup] Die tägliche Sonneneinstrahlung in eine 45 Grad geneigte nach Süden ausgerichtete Fläche ist nach Ihle, Bader, Golla, 221.5 :[font = input; dontPreserveAspect; startGroup] sonnenqI = 1000{0.8, 1.55, 2.7, 4.25, 4.8, 4.3, 3.8, 3.75, 3.5, 1.9, 1.1, 0.4}(W h/(m^2 24 h)); (*Komponente 1 = Januar, 2 = Februar, etc.*) :[font = smalltext; inactive; preserveAspect; startGroup] Veränderung dieser Sonneneinstrahlung: Einstrahlung auf eine horizontale Fläche nach RWE-Energie, Seite 17/19 :[font = input; preserveAspect; endGroup] Clear[sonnenqU]; datasU := ( sonnenqU = {55/95 sonnenqI[[1]], 55/95 sonnenqI[[2]], 55/95 sonnenqI[[3]], sonnenqI[[4]], sonnenqI[[5]], sonnenqI[[6]], sonnenqI[[7]], sonnenqI[[8]], sonnenqI[[9]], 55/95 sonnenqI[[10]], 55/95 sonnenqI[[11]], 55/95 sonnenqI[[12]]} ); datasU; :[font = input; preserveAspect; startGroup] sonnenqU :[font = output; output; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup] {(19.29824561403509*W)/m^2, (37.39035087719299*W)/m^2, (65.13157894736843*W)/m^2, (177.0833333333333*W)/m^2, (200.*W)/m^2, (179.1666666666666*W)/m^2, (158.3333333333333*W)/m^2, (156.25*W)/m^2, (145.8333333333333*W)/m^2, (45.83333333333333*W)/m^2, (26.53508771929824*W)/m^2, (9.64912280701754*W)/m^2} ;[o] 19.2982 W 37.3904 W 65.1316 W 177.083 W 200. W 179.167 W 158.333 W 156.25 W 145.833 W 45.8333 W {---------, ---------, ---------, ---------, ------, ---------, ---------, --------, ---------, ---------, 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 m m m m m m m m m m 26.5351 W 9.64912 W ---------, ---------} 2 2 m m :[font = smalltext; active; dontPreserveAspect; fontSize = 12; fontName = "Times"; startGroup] BarChart[24/1000 sonnenqI/(W/m^2), Frame->True, GridLines->{None, Automatic}] (*kWh/(d m^2)*) :[font = postscript; PostScript; formatAsPostScript; output; inactive; preserveAspect; pictureLeft = 34; pictureWidth = 282; pictureHeight = 174] %! %%Creator: Mathematica %%AspectRatio: .61803 MathPictureStart %% Graphics /Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont % Scaling calculations -0.0327869 0.0819672 0.0147151 0.122626 [ [(1)] .04918 0 0 2 Msboxa [(2)] .13115 0 0 2 Msboxa [(3)] .21311 0 0 2 Msboxa [(4)] .29508 0 0 2 Msboxa [(5)] .37705 0 0 2 Msboxa [(6)] .45902 0 0 2 Msboxa [(7)] .54098 0 0 2 Msboxa [(8)] .62295 0 0 2 Msboxa [(9)] .70492 0 0 2 Msboxa [(10)] .78689 0 0 2 Msboxa [(11)] .86885 0 0 2 Msboxa [(12)] .95082 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0)] -0.0125 .01472 1 0 Msboxa [(1)] -0.0125 .13734 1 0 Msboxa [(2)] -0.0125 .25997 1 0 Msboxa [(3)] -0.0125 .38259 1 0 Msboxa [(4)] -0.0125 .50522 1 0 Msboxa [ -0.001 -0.001 0 0 ] [ 1.001 .61903 0 0 ] ] MathScale % Start of Graphics 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin newpath [ ] 0 setdash 0 g p p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .13734 m 1 .13734 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .25997 m 1 .25997 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .38259 m 1 .38259 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .50522 m 1 .50522 L s P p .002 w .04918 0 m .04918 .00625 L s P [(1)] .04918 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .13115 0 m .13115 .00625 L s P [(2)] .13115 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .21311 0 m .21311 .00625 L s P [(3)] .21311 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .29508 0 m .29508 .00625 L s P [(4)] .29508 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .37705 0 m .37705 .00625 L s P [(5)] .37705 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .45902 0 m .45902 .00625 L s P [(6)] .45902 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .54098 0 m .54098 .00625 L s P [(7)] .54098 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .62295 0 m .62295 .00625 L s P [(8)] .62295 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .70492 0 m .70492 .00625 L s P [(9)] .70492 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .78689 0 m .78689 .00625 L s P [(10)] .78689 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .86885 0 m .86885 .00625 L s P [(11)] .86885 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .95082 0 m .95082 .00625 L s P [(12)] .95082 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w 0 0 m 1 0 L s P p .002 w 0 .01472 m .00625 .01472 L s P [(0)] -0.0125 .01472 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .13734 m .00625 .13734 L s P [(1)] -0.0125 .13734 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .25997 m .00625 .25997 L s P [(2)] -0.0125 .25997 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .38259 m .00625 .38259 L s P [(3)] -0.0125 .38259 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .50522 m .00625 .50522 L s P [(4)] -0.0125 .50522 1 0 Mshowa p .001 w 0 .03924 m .00375 .03924 L s P p .001 w 0 .06377 m .00375 .06377 L s P p .001 w 0 .08829 m .00375 .08829 L s P p .001 w 0 .11282 m .00375 .11282 L s P p .001 w 0 .16187 m .00375 .16187 L s P p .001 w 0 .18639 m .00375 .18639 L s P p .001 w 0 .21092 m .00375 .21092 L s P p .001 w 0 .23544 m .00375 .23544 L s P p .001 w 0 .28449 m .00375 .28449 L s P p .001 w 0 .30902 m .00375 .30902 L s P p .001 w 0 .33354 m .00375 .33354 L s P p .001 w 0 .35807 m .00375 .35807 L s P p .001 w 0 .40712 m .00375 .40712 L s P p .001 w 0 .43164 m .00375 .43164 L s P p .001 w 0 .45617 m .00375 .45617 L s P p .001 w 0 .48069 m .00375 .48069 L s P p .001 w 0 .52974 m .00375 .52974 L s P p .001 w 0 .55427 m .00375 .55427 L s P p .001 w 0 .57879 m .00375 .57879 L s P p .001 w 0 .60332 m .00375 .60332 L s P p .002 w 0 0 m 0 .61803 L s P P p p .002 w .04918 .61178 m .04918 .61803 L s P p .002 w .13115 .61178 m .13115 .61803 L s P p .002 w .21311 .61178 m .21311 .61803 L s P p .002 w .29508 .61178 m .29508 .61803 L s P p .002 w .37705 .61178 m .37705 .61803 L s P p .002 w .45902 .61178 m .45902 .61803 L s P p .002 w .54098 .61178 m .54098 .61803 L s P p .002 w .62295 .61178 m .62295 .61803 L s P p .002 w .70492 .61178 m .70492 .61803 L s P p .002 w .78689 .61178 m .78689 .61803 L s P p .002 w .86885 .61178 m .86885 .61803 L s P p .002 w .95082 .61178 m .95082 .61803 L s P p .002 w 0 .61803 m 1 .61803 L s P p .002 w .99375 .01472 m 1 .01472 L s P p .002 w .99375 .13734 m 1 .13734 L s P p .002 w .99375 .25997 m 1 .25997 L s P p .002 w .99375 .38259 m 1 .38259 L s P p .002 w .99375 .50522 m 1 .50522 L s P p .001 w .99625 .03924 m 1 .03924 L s P p .001 w .99625 .06377 m 1 .06377 L s P p .001 w .99625 .08829 m 1 .08829 L s P p .001 w .99625 .11282 m 1 .11282 L s P p .001 w .99625 .16187 m 1 .16187 L s P p .001 w .99625 .18639 m 1 .18639 L s P p .001 w .99625 .21092 m 1 .21092 L s P p .001 w .99625 .23544 m 1 .23544 L s P p .001 w .99625 .28449 m 1 .28449 L s P p .001 w .99625 .30902 m 1 .30902 L s P p .001 w .99625 .33354 m 1 .33354 L s P p .001 w .99625 .35807 m 1 .35807 L s P p .001 w .99625 .40712 m 1 .40712 L s P p .001 w .99625 .43164 m 1 .43164 L s P p .001 w .99625 .45617 m 1 .45617 L s P p .001 w .99625 .48069 m 1 .48069 L s P p .001 w .99625 .52974 m 1 .52974 L s P p .001 w .99625 .55427 m 1 .55427 L s P p .001 w .99625 .57879 m 1 .57879 L s P p .001 w .99625 .60332 m 1 .60332 L s P p .002 w 1 0 m 1 .61803 L s P P p p .002 w 0 .01472 m 1 .01472 L s P p .002 w 0 0 m 0 .61803 L s P P 0 0 m 1 0 L 1 .61803 L 0 .61803 L closepath clip newpath p p p 1 0 0 r .01639 .01472 m .01639 .11282 L .08197 .11282 L .08197 .01472 L F P p .004 w .01639 .01472 m .01639 .11282 L .08197 .11282 L .08197 .01472 L .01639 .01472 L s P P p p 1 0 0 r .09836 .01472 m .09836 .20479 L .16393 .20479 L .16393 .01472 L F P p .004 w .09836 .01472 m .09836 .20479 L .16393 .20479 L .16393 .01472 L .09836 .01472 L s P P p p 1 0 0 r .18033 .01472 m .18033 .3458 L .2459 .3458 L .2459 .01472 L F P p .004 w .18033 .01472 m .18033 .3458 L .2459 .3458 L .2459 .01472 L .18033 .01472 L s P P p p 1 0 0 r .2623 .01472 m .2623 .53587 L .32787 .53587 L .32787 .01472 L F P p .004 w .2623 .01472 m .2623 .53587 L .32787 .53587 L .32787 .01472 L .2623 .01472 L s P P p p 1 0 0 r .34426 .01472 m .34426 .60332 L .40984 .60332 L .40984 .01472 L F P p .004 w .34426 .01472 m .34426 .60332 L .40984 .60332 L .40984 .01472 L .34426 .01472 L s P P p p 1 0 0 r .42623 .01472 m .42623 .54201 L .4918 .54201 L .4918 .01472 L F P p .004 w .42623 .01472 m .42623 .54201 L .4918 .54201 L .4918 .01472 L .42623 .01472 L s P P p p 1 0 0 r .5082 .01472 m .5082 .48069 L .57377 .48069 L .57377 .01472 L F P p .004 w .5082 .01472 m .5082 .48069 L .57377 .48069 L .57377 .01472 L .5082 .01472 L s P P p p 1 0 0 r .59016 .01472 m .59016 .47456 L .65574 .47456 L .65574 .01472 L F P p .004 w .59016 .01472 m .59016 .47456 L .65574 .47456 L .65574 .01472 L .59016 .01472 L s P P p p 1 0 0 r .67213 .01472 m .67213 .44391 L .7377 .44391 L .7377 .01472 L F P p .004 w .67213 .01472 m .67213 .44391 L .7377 .44391 L .7377 .01472 L .67213 .01472 L s P P p p 1 0 0 r .7541 .01472 m .7541 .2477 L .81967 .2477 L .81967 .01472 L F P p .004 w .7541 .01472 m .7541 .2477 L .81967 .2477 L .81967 .01472 L .7541 .01472 L s P P p p 1 0 0 r .83607 .01472 m .83607 .1496 L .90164 .1496 L .90164 .01472 L F P p .004 w .83607 .01472 m .83607 .1496 L .90164 .1496 L .90164 .01472 L .83607 .01472 L s P P p p 1 0 0 r .91803 .01472 m .91803 .06377 L .98361 .06377 L .98361 .01472 L F P p .004 w .91803 .01472 m .91803 .06377 L .98361 .06377 L .98361 .01472 L .91803 .01472 L s P P P % End of Graphics MathPictureEnd :[font = output; output; inactive; dontPreserveAspect; endGroup; endGroup; endGroup] Graphics["<<>>"] ;[o] -Graphics- :[font = input; dontPreserveAspect; startGroup] (*Jahresgang der mittleren Außenluft-Temperatur, kalte/normale Winter*) mtempkU = {-8, -10, -3, 0, 8, 15, 20, 20, 15, 8, 5, 0.2} C; mtempnU = {1.7, 2.7, 5.4, 5.5, 12, 16, 18, 17, 14, 7.7, 4, 1.6} C; mtemppU = {-2, 2, 6.5, 11.5, 17, 19.5, 21, 20.5, 17, 12.5, 6.5, 0.5} C; :[font = input; inactive; preserveAspect; startGroup] BarChart[mtempkU/(C), PlotRange->{{0, 13}, {-10, 20}}, AxesOrigin->{0, 0}, Frame->True, GridLines->{None, Automatic}] (*C*) :[font = postscript; PostScript; formatAsPostScript; output; inactive; dontPreserveAspect; pictureLeft = 29; pictureWidth = 291; pictureHeight = 174] %! %%Creator: Mathematica %%AspectRatio: .61803 MathPictureStart %% Graphics /Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont % Scaling calculations 0 0.0769231 0.206011 0.0206011 [ [(1)] .07692 0 0 2 Msboxa [(2)] .15385 0 0 2 Msboxa [(3)] .23077 0 0 2 Msboxa [(4)] .30769 0 0 2 Msboxa [(5)] .38462 0 0 2 Msboxa [(6)] .46154 0 0 2 Msboxa [(7)] .53846 0 0 2 Msboxa [(8)] .61538 0 0 2 Msboxa [(9)] .69231 0 0 2 Msboxa [(10)] .76923 0 0 2 Msboxa [(11)] .84615 0 0 2 Msboxa [(12)] .92308 0 0 2 Msboxa [(-10)] -0.0125 0 1 0 Msboxa [(-5)] -0.0125 .10301 1 0 Msboxa [(0)] -0.0125 .20601 1 0 Msboxa [(5)] -0.0125 .30902 1 0 Msboxa [(10)] -0.0125 .41202 1 0 Msboxa [(15)] -0.0125 .51503 1 0 Msboxa [(20)] -0.0125 .61803 1 0 Msboxa [ -0.001 -0.001 0 0 ] [ 1.001 .61903 0 0 ] ] MathScale % Start of Graphics 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin newpath [ ] 0 setdash 0 g p p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .10301 m 1 .10301 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .20601 m 1 .20601 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .30902 m 1 .30902 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .41202 m 1 .41202 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .51503 m 1 .51503 L s P p .002 w .07692 0 m .07692 .00625 L s P [(1)] .07692 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .15385 0 m .15385 .00625 L s P [(2)] .15385 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .23077 0 m .23077 .00625 L s P [(3)] .23077 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .30769 0 m .30769 .00625 L s P [(4)] .30769 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .38462 0 m .38462 .00625 L s P [(5)] .38462 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .46154 0 m .46154 .00625 L s P [(6)] .46154 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .53846 0 m .53846 .00625 L s P [(7)] .53846 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .61538 0 m .61538 .00625 L s P [(8)] .61538 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .69231 0 m .69231 .00625 L s P [(9)] .69231 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .76923 0 m .76923 .00625 L s P [(10)] .76923 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .84615 0 m .84615 .00625 L s P [(11)] .84615 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .92308 0 m .92308 .00625 L s P [(12)] .92308 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w 0 0 m 1 0 L s P p .002 w 0 0 m .00625 0 L s P [(-10)] -0.0125 0 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .10301 m .00625 .10301 L s P [(-5)] -0.0125 .10301 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .20601 m .00625 .20601 L s P [(0)] -0.0125 .20601 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .30902 m .00625 .30902 L s P [(5)] -0.0125 .30902 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .41202 m .00625 .41202 L s P [(10)] -0.0125 .41202 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .51503 m .00625 .51503 L s P [(15)] -0.0125 .51503 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .61803 m .00625 .61803 L s P [(20)] -0.0125 .61803 1 0 Mshowa p .001 w 0 .0206 m .00375 .0206 L s P p .001 w 0 .0412 m .00375 .0412 L s P p .001 w 0 .0618 m .00375 .0618 L s P p .001 w 0 .0824 m .00375 .0824 L s P p .001 w 0 .12361 m .00375 .12361 L s P p .001 w 0 .14421 m .00375 .14421 L s P p .001 w 0 .16481 m .00375 .16481 L s P p .001 w 0 .18541 m .00375 .18541 L s P p .001 w 0 .22661 m .00375 .22661 L s P p .001 w 0 .24721 m .00375 .24721 L s P p .001 w 0 .26781 m .00375 .26781 L s P p .001 w 0 .28842 m .00375 .28842 L s P p .001 w 0 .32962 m .00375 .32962 L s P p .001 w 0 .35022 m .00375 .35022 L s P p .001 w 0 .37082 m .00375 .37082 L s P p .001 w 0 .39142 m .00375 .39142 L s P p .001 w 0 .43262 m .00375 .43262 L s P p .001 w 0 .45322 m .00375 .45322 L s P p .001 w 0 .47383 m .00375 .47383 L s P p .001 w 0 .49443 m .00375 .49443 L s P p .001 w 0 .53563 m .00375 .53563 L s P p .001 w 0 .55623 m .00375 .55623 L s P p .001 w 0 .57683 m .00375 .57683 L s P p .001 w 0 .59743 m .00375 .59743 L s P p .002 w 0 0 m 0 .61803 L s P P p p .002 w .07692 .61178 m .07692 .61803 L s P p .002 w .15385 .61178 m .15385 .61803 L s P p .002 w .23077 .61178 m .23077 .61803 L s P p .002 w .30769 .61178 m .30769 .61803 L s P p .002 w .38462 .61178 m .38462 .61803 L s P p .002 w .46154 .61178 m .46154 .61803 L s P p .002 w .53846 .61178 m .53846 .61803 L s P p .002 w .61538 .61178 m .61538 .61803 L s P p .002 w .69231 .61178 m .69231 .61803 L s P p .002 w .76923 .61178 m .76923 .61803 L s P p .002 w .84615 .61178 m .84615 .61803 L s P p .002 w .92308 .61178 m .92308 .61803 L s P p .002 w 0 .61803 m 1 .61803 L s P p .002 w .99375 0 m 1 0 L s P p .002 w .99375 .10301 m 1 .10301 L s P p .002 w .99375 .20601 m 1 .20601 L s P p .002 w .99375 .30902 m 1 .30902 L s P p .002 w .99375 .41202 m 1 .41202 L s P p .002 w .99375 .51503 m 1 .51503 L s P p .001 w .99625 .0206 m 1 .0206 L s P p .001 w .99625 .0412 m 1 .0412 L s P p .001 w .99625 .0618 m 1 .0618 L s P p .001 w .99625 .0824 m 1 .0824 L s P p .001 w .99625 .12361 m 1 .12361 L s P p .001 w .99625 .14421 m 1 .14421 L s P p .001 w .99625 .16481 m 1 .16481 L s P p .001 w .99625 .18541 m 1 .18541 L s P p .001 w .99625 .22661 m 1 .22661 L s P p .001 w .99625 .24721 m 1 .24721 L s P p .001 w .99625 .26781 m 1 .26781 L s P p .001 w .99625 .28842 m 1 .28842 L s P p .001 w .99625 .32962 m 1 .32962 L s P p .001 w .99625 .35022 m 1 .35022 L s P p .001 w .99625 .37082 m 1 .37082 L s P p .001 w .99625 .39142 m 1 .39142 L s P p .001 w .99625 .43262 m 1 .43262 L s P p .001 w .99625 .45322 m 1 .45322 L s P p .001 w .99625 .47383 m 1 .47383 L s P p .001 w .99625 .49443 m 1 .49443 L s P p .001 w .99625 .53563 m 1 .53563 L s P p .001 w .99625 .55623 m 1 .55623 L s P p .001 w .99625 .57683 m 1 .57683 L s P p .001 w .99625 .59743 m 1 .59743 L s P p .002 w 1 0 m 1 .61803 L s P P p p .002 w 0 .20601 m 1 .20601 L s P p .002 w 0 0 m 0 .61803 L s P P 0 0 m 1 0 L 1 .61803 L 0 .61803 L closepath clip newpath p p p 1 0 0 r .04615 .20601 m .04615 .0412 L .10769 .0412 L .10769 .20601 L F P p .004 w .04615 .20601 m .04615 .0412 L .10769 .0412 L .10769 .20601 L .04615 .20601 L s P P p p 1 0 0 r .12308 .20601 m .12308 0 L .18462 0 L .18462 .20601 L F P p .004 w .12308 .20601 m .12308 0 L .18462 0 L .18462 .20601 L .12308 .20601 L s P P p p 1 0 0 r .2 .20601 m .2 .14421 L .26154 .14421 L .26154 .20601 L F P p .004 w .2 .20601 m .2 .14421 L .26154 .14421 L .26154 .20601 L .2 .20601 L s P P p p 1 0 0 r .27692 .20601 m .27692 .20601 L .33846 .20601 L .33846 .20601 L F P p .004 w .27692 .20601 m .27692 .20601 L .33846 .20601 L .33846 .20601 L .27692 .20601 L s P P p p 1 0 0 r .35385 .20601 m .35385 .37082 L .41538 .37082 L .41538 .20601 L F P p .004 w .35385 .20601 m .35385 .37082 L .41538 .37082 L .41538 .20601 L .35385 .20601 L s P P p p 1 0 0 r .43077 .20601 m .43077 .51503 L .49231 .51503 L .49231 .20601 L F P p .004 w .43077 .20601 m .43077 .51503 L .49231 .51503 L .49231 .20601 L .43077 .20601 L s P P p p 1 0 0 r .50769 .20601 m .50769 .61803 L .56923 .61803 L .56923 .20601 L F P p .004 w .50769 .20601 m .50769 .61803 L .56923 .61803 L .56923 .20601 L .50769 .20601 L s P P p p 1 0 0 r .58462 .20601 m .58462 .61803 L .64615 .61803 L .64615 .20601 L F P p .004 w .58462 .20601 m .58462 .61803 L .64615 .61803 L .64615 .20601 L .58462 .20601 L s P P p p 1 0 0 r .66154 .20601 m .66154 .51503 L .72308 .51503 L .72308 .20601 L F P p .004 w .66154 .20601 m .66154 .51503 L .72308 .51503 L .72308 .20601 L .66154 .20601 L s P P p p 1 0 0 r .73846 .20601 m .73846 .37082 L .8 .37082 L .8 .20601 L F P p .004 w .73846 .20601 m .73846 .37082 L .8 .37082 L .8 .20601 L .73846 .20601 L s P P p p 1 0 0 r .81538 .20601 m .81538 .30902 L .87692 .30902 L .87692 .20601 L F P p .004 w .81538 .20601 m .81538 .30902 L .87692 .30902 L .87692 .20601 L .81538 .20601 L s P P p p 1 0 0 r .89231 .20601 m .89231 .21013 L .95385 .21013 L .95385 .20601 L F P p .004 w .89231 .20601 m .89231 .21013 L .95385 .21013 L .95385 .20601 L .89231 .20601 L s P P P % End of Graphics MathPictureEnd :[font = output; output; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup] The Unformatted text for this cell was not generated. Use options in the Actions Preferences dialog box to control when Unformatted text is generated. ;[o] -Graphics- :[font = input; inactive; preserveAspect; startGroup] BarChart[mtempnU/(C), PlotRange->{{0, 13}, {-10, 20}}, AxesOrigin->{0, 0}, Frame->True, GridLines->{None, Automatic}] (*C*) :[font = postscript; PostScript; formatAsPostScript; output; inactive; preserveAspect; pictureLeft = 34; pictureWidth = 281; pictureHeight = 173] %! %%Creator: Mathematica %%AspectRatio: .61803 MathPictureStart %% Graphics /Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont % Scaling calculations 0 0.0769231 0.206011 0.0206011 [ [(1)] .07692 0 0 2 Msboxa [(2)] .15385 0 0 2 Msboxa [(3)] .23077 0 0 2 Msboxa [(4)] .30769 0 0 2 Msboxa [(5)] .38462 0 0 2 Msboxa [(6)] .46154 0 0 2 Msboxa [(7)] .53846 0 0 2 Msboxa [(8)] .61538 0 0 2 Msboxa [(9)] .69231 0 0 2 Msboxa [(10)] .76923 0 0 2 Msboxa [(11)] .84615 0 0 2 Msboxa [(12)] .92308 0 0 2 Msboxa [(-10)] -0.0125 0 1 0 Msboxa [(-5)] -0.0125 .10301 1 0 Msboxa [(0)] -0.0125 .20601 1 0 Msboxa [(5)] -0.0125 .30902 1 0 Msboxa [(10)] -0.0125 .41202 1 0 Msboxa [(15)] -0.0125 .51503 1 0 Msboxa [(20)] -0.0125 .61803 1 0 Msboxa [ -0.001 -0.001 0 0 ] [ 1.001 .61903 0 0 ] ] MathScale % Start of Graphics 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin newpath [ ] 0 setdash 0 g p p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .10301 m 1 .10301 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .20601 m 1 .20601 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .30902 m 1 .30902 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .41202 m 1 .41202 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .51503 m 1 .51503 L s P p .002 w .07692 0 m .07692 .00625 L s P [(1)] .07692 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .15385 0 m .15385 .00625 L s P [(2)] .15385 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .23077 0 m .23077 .00625 L s P [(3)] .23077 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .30769 0 m .30769 .00625 L s P [(4)] .30769 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .38462 0 m .38462 .00625 L s P [(5)] .38462 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .46154 0 m .46154 .00625 L s P [(6)] .46154 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .53846 0 m .53846 .00625 L s P [(7)] .53846 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .61538 0 m .61538 .00625 L s P [(8)] .61538 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .69231 0 m .69231 .00625 L s P [(9)] .69231 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .76923 0 m .76923 .00625 L s P [(10)] .76923 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .84615 0 m .84615 .00625 L s P [(11)] .84615 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .92308 0 m .92308 .00625 L s P [(12)] .92308 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w 0 0 m 1 0 L s P p .002 w 0 0 m .00625 0 L s P [(-10)] -0.0125 0 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .10301 m .00625 .10301 L s P [(-5)] -0.0125 .10301 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .20601 m .00625 .20601 L s P [(0)] -0.0125 .20601 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .30902 m .00625 .30902 L s P [(5)] -0.0125 .30902 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .41202 m .00625 .41202 L s P [(10)] -0.0125 .41202 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .51503 m .00625 .51503 L s P [(15)] -0.0125 .51503 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .61803 m .00625 .61803 L s P [(20)] -0.0125 .61803 1 0 Mshowa p .001 w 0 .0206 m .00375 .0206 L s P p .001 w 0 .0412 m .00375 .0412 L s P p .001 w 0 .0618 m .00375 .0618 L s P p .001 w 0 .0824 m .00375 .0824 L s P p .001 w 0 .12361 m .00375 .12361 L s P p .001 w 0 .14421 m .00375 .14421 L s P p .001 w 0 .16481 m .00375 .16481 L s P p .001 w 0 .18541 m .00375 .18541 L s P p .001 w 0 .22661 m .00375 .22661 L s P p .001 w 0 .24721 m .00375 .24721 L s P p .001 w 0 .26781 m .00375 .26781 L s P p .001 w 0 .28842 m .00375 .28842 L s P p .001 w 0 .32962 m .00375 .32962 L s P p .001 w 0 .35022 m .00375 .35022 L s P p .001 w 0 .37082 m .00375 .37082 L s P p .001 w 0 .39142 m .00375 .39142 L s P p .001 w 0 .43262 m .00375 .43262 L s P p .001 w 0 .45322 m .00375 .45322 L s P p .001 w 0 .47383 m .00375 .47383 L s P p .001 w 0 .49443 m .00375 .49443 L s P p .001 w 0 .53563 m .00375 .53563 L s P p .001 w 0 .55623 m .00375 .55623 L s P p .001 w 0 .57683 m .00375 .57683 L s P p .001 w 0 .59743 m .00375 .59743 L s P p .002 w 0 0 m 0 .61803 L s P P p p .002 w .07692 .61178 m .07692 .61803 L s P p .002 w .15385 .61178 m .15385 .61803 L s P p .002 w .23077 .61178 m .23077 .61803 L s P p .002 w .30769 .61178 m .30769 .61803 L s P p .002 w .38462 .61178 m .38462 .61803 L s P p .002 w .46154 .61178 m .46154 .61803 L s P p .002 w .53846 .61178 m .53846 .61803 L s P p .002 w .61538 .61178 m .61538 .61803 L s P p .002 w .69231 .61178 m .69231 .61803 L s P p .002 w .76923 .61178 m .76923 .61803 L s P p .002 w .84615 .61178 m .84615 .61803 L s P p .002 w .92308 .61178 m .92308 .61803 L s P p .002 w 0 .61803 m 1 .61803 L s P p .002 w .99375 0 m 1 0 L s P p .002 w .99375 .10301 m 1 .10301 L s P p .002 w .99375 .20601 m 1 .20601 L s P p .002 w .99375 .30902 m 1 .30902 L s P p .002 w .99375 .41202 m 1 .41202 L s P p .002 w .99375 .51503 m 1 .51503 L s P p .001 w .99625 .0206 m 1 .0206 L s P p .001 w .99625 .0412 m 1 .0412 L s P p .001 w .99625 .0618 m 1 .0618 L s P p .001 w .99625 .0824 m 1 .0824 L s P p .001 w .99625 .12361 m 1 .12361 L s P p .001 w .99625 .14421 m 1 .14421 L s P p .001 w .99625 .16481 m 1 .16481 L s P p .001 w .99625 .18541 m 1 .18541 L s P p .001 w .99625 .22661 m 1 .22661 L s P p .001 w .99625 .24721 m 1 .24721 L s P p .001 w .99625 .26781 m 1 .26781 L s P p .001 w .99625 .28842 m 1 .28842 L s P p .001 w .99625 .32962 m 1 .32962 L s P p .001 w .99625 .35022 m 1 .35022 L s P p .001 w .99625 .37082 m 1 .37082 L s P p .001 w .99625 .39142 m 1 .39142 L s P p .001 w .99625 .43262 m 1 .43262 L s P p .001 w .99625 .45322 m 1 .45322 L s P p .001 w .99625 .47383 m 1 .47383 L s P p .001 w .99625 .49443 m 1 .49443 L s P p .001 w .99625 .53563 m 1 .53563 L s P p .001 w .99625 .55623 m 1 .55623 L s P p .001 w .99625 .57683 m 1 .57683 L s P p .001 w .99625 .59743 m 1 .59743 L s P p .002 w 1 0 m 1 .61803 L s P P p p .002 w 0 .20601 m 1 .20601 L s P p .002 w 0 0 m 0 .61803 L s P P 0 0 m 1 0 L 1 .61803 L 0 .61803 L closepath clip newpath p p p 1 0 0 r .04615 .20601 m .04615 .24103 L .10769 .24103 L .10769 .20601 L F P p .004 w .04615 .20601 m .04615 .24103 L .10769 .24103 L .10769 .20601 L .04615 .20601 L s P P p p 1 0 0 r .12308 .20601 m .12308 .26163 L .18462 .26163 L .18462 .20601 L F P p .004 w .12308 .20601 m .12308 .26163 L .18462 .26163 L .18462 .20601 L .12308 .20601 L s P P p p 1 0 0 r .2 .20601 m .2 .31726 L .26154 .31726 L .26154 .20601 L F P p .004 w .2 .20601 m .2 .31726 L .26154 .31726 L .26154 .20601 L .2 .20601 L s P P p p 1 0 0 r .27692 .20601 m .27692 .31932 L .33846 .31932 L .33846 .20601 L F P p .004 w .27692 .20601 m .27692 .31932 L .33846 .31932 L .33846 .20601 L .27692 .20601 L s P P p p 1 0 0 r .35385 .20601 m .35385 .45322 L .41538 .45322 L .41538 .20601 L F P p .004 w .35385 .20601 m .35385 .45322 L .41538 .45322 L .41538 .20601 L .35385 .20601 L s P P p p 1 0 0 r .43077 .20601 m .43077 .53563 L .49231 .53563 L .49231 .20601 L F P p .004 w .43077 .20601 m .43077 .53563 L .49231 .53563 L .49231 .20601 L .43077 .20601 L s P P p p 1 0 0 r .50769 .20601 m .50769 .57683 L .56923 .57683 L .56923 .20601 L F P p .004 w .50769 .20601 m .50769 .57683 L .56923 .57683 L .56923 .20601 L .50769 .20601 L s P P p p 1 0 0 r .58462 .20601 m .58462 .55623 L .64615 .55623 L .64615 .20601 L F P p .004 w .58462 .20601 m .58462 .55623 L .64615 .55623 L .64615 .20601 L .58462 .20601 L s P P p p 1 0 0 r .66154 .20601 m .66154 .49443 L .72308 .49443 L .72308 .20601 L F P p .004 w .66154 .20601 m .66154 .49443 L .72308 .49443 L .72308 .20601 L .66154 .20601 L s P P p p 1 0 0 r .73846 .20601 m .73846 .36464 L .8 .36464 L .8 .20601 L F P p .004 w .73846 .20601 m .73846 .36464 L .8 .36464 L .8 .20601 L .73846 .20601 L s P P p p 1 0 0 r .81538 .20601 m .81538 .28842 L .87692 .28842 L .87692 .20601 L F P p .004 w .81538 .20601 m .81538 .28842 L .87692 .28842 L .87692 .20601 L .81538 .20601 L s P P p p 1 0 0 r .89231 .20601 m .89231 .23897 L .95385 .23897 L .95385 .20601 L F P p .004 w .89231 .20601 m .89231 .23897 L .95385 .23897 L .95385 .20601 L .89231 .20601 L s P P P % End of Graphics MathPictureEnd :[font = output; output; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup] The Unformatted text for this cell was not generated. Use options in the Actions Preferences dialog box to control when Unformatted text is generated. ;[o] -Graphics- :[font = input; inactive; preserveAspect; startGroup] BarChart[mtemppU/C, PlotRange->{{0, 13}, {-10, 20}}, AxesOrigin->{0, 0}, Frame->True, GridLines->{None, Automatic}] (*C*) :[font = postscript; PostScript; formatAsPostScript; output; inactive; preserveAspect; pictureLeft = 34; pictureWidth = 282; pictureHeight = 174] %! %%Creator: Mathematica %%AspectRatio: .61803 MathPictureStart %% Graphics /Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont % Scaling calculations 0 0.0769231 0.206011 0.0206011 [ [(1)] .07692 0 0 2 Msboxa [(2)] .15385 0 0 2 Msboxa [(3)] .23077 0 0 2 Msboxa [(4)] .30769 0 0 2 Msboxa [(5)] .38462 0 0 2 Msboxa [(6)] .46154 0 0 2 Msboxa [(7)] .53846 0 0 2 Msboxa [(8)] .61538 0 0 2 Msboxa [(9)] .69231 0 0 2 Msboxa [(10)] .76923 0 0 2 Msboxa [(11)] .84615 0 0 2 Msboxa [(12)] .92308 0 0 2 Msboxa [(-10)] -0.0125 0 1 0 Msboxa [(-5)] -0.0125 .10301 1 0 Msboxa [(0)] -0.0125 .20601 1 0 Msboxa [(5)] -0.0125 .30902 1 0 Msboxa [(10)] -0.0125 .41202 1 0 Msboxa [(15)] -0.0125 .51503 1 0 Msboxa [(20)] -0.0125 .61803 1 0 Msboxa [ -0.001 -0.001 0 0 ] [ 1.001 .61903 0 0 ] ] MathScale % Start of Graphics 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin newpath [ ] 0 setdash 0 g p p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .10301 m 1 .10301 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .20601 m 1 .20601 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .30902 m 1 .30902 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .41202 m 1 .41202 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .51503 m 1 .51503 L s P p .002 w .07692 0 m .07692 .00625 L s P [(1)] .07692 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .15385 0 m .15385 .00625 L s P [(2)] .15385 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .23077 0 m .23077 .00625 L s P [(3)] .23077 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .30769 0 m .30769 .00625 L s P [(4)] .30769 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .38462 0 m .38462 .00625 L s P [(5)] .38462 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .46154 0 m .46154 .00625 L s P [(6)] .46154 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .53846 0 m .53846 .00625 L s P [(7)] .53846 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .61538 0 m .61538 .00625 L s P [(8)] .61538 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .69231 0 m .69231 .00625 L s P [(9)] .69231 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .76923 0 m .76923 .00625 L s P [(10)] .76923 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .84615 0 m .84615 .00625 L s P [(11)] .84615 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .92308 0 m .92308 .00625 L s P [(12)] .92308 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w 0 0 m 1 0 L s P p .002 w 0 0 m .00625 0 L s P [(-10)] -0.0125 0 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .10301 m .00625 .10301 L s P [(-5)] -0.0125 .10301 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .20601 m .00625 .20601 L s P [(0)] -0.0125 .20601 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .30902 m .00625 .30902 L s P [(5)] -0.0125 .30902 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .41202 m .00625 .41202 L s P [(10)] -0.0125 .41202 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .51503 m .00625 .51503 L s P [(15)] -0.0125 .51503 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .61803 m .00625 .61803 L s P [(20)] -0.0125 .61803 1 0 Mshowa p .001 w 0 .0206 m .00375 .0206 L s P p .001 w 0 .0412 m .00375 .0412 L s P p .001 w 0 .0618 m .00375 .0618 L s P p .001 w 0 .0824 m .00375 .0824 L s P p .001 w 0 .12361 m .00375 .12361 L s P p .001 w 0 .14421 m .00375 .14421 L s P p .001 w 0 .16481 m .00375 .16481 L s P p .001 w 0 .18541 m .00375 .18541 L s P p .001 w 0 .22661 m .00375 .22661 L s P p .001 w 0 .24721 m .00375 .24721 L s P p .001 w 0 .26781 m .00375 .26781 L s P p .001 w 0 .28842 m .00375 .28842 L s P p .001 w 0 .32962 m .00375 .32962 L s P p .001 w 0 .35022 m .00375 .35022 L s P p .001 w 0 .37082 m .00375 .37082 L s P p .001 w 0 .39142 m .00375 .39142 L s P p .001 w 0 .43262 m .00375 .43262 L s P p .001 w 0 .45322 m .00375 .45322 L s P p .001 w 0 .47383 m .00375 .47383 L s P p .001 w 0 .49443 m .00375 .49443 L s P p .001 w 0 .53563 m .00375 .53563 L s P p .001 w 0 .55623 m .00375 .55623 L s P p .001 w 0 .57683 m .00375 .57683 L s P p .001 w 0 .59743 m .00375 .59743 L s P p .002 w 0 0 m 0 .61803 L s P P p p .002 w .07692 .61178 m .07692 .61803 L s P p .002 w .15385 .61178 m .15385 .61803 L s P p .002 w .23077 .61178 m .23077 .61803 L s P p .002 w .30769 .61178 m .30769 .61803 L s P p .002 w .38462 .61178 m .38462 .61803 L s P p .002 w .46154 .61178 m .46154 .61803 L s P p .002 w .53846 .61178 m .53846 .61803 L s P p .002 w .61538 .61178 m .61538 .61803 L s P p .002 w .69231 .61178 m .69231 .61803 L s P p .002 w .76923 .61178 m .76923 .61803 L s P p .002 w .84615 .61178 m .84615 .61803 L s P p .002 w .92308 .61178 m .92308 .61803 L s P p .002 w 0 .61803 m 1 .61803 L s P p .002 w .99375 0 m 1 0 L s P p .002 w .99375 .10301 m 1 .10301 L s P p .002 w .99375 .20601 m 1 .20601 L s P p .002 w .99375 .30902 m 1 .30902 L s P p .002 w .99375 .41202 m 1 .41202 L s P p .002 w .99375 .51503 m 1 .51503 L s P p .001 w .99625 .0206 m 1 .0206 L s P p .001 w .99625 .0412 m 1 .0412 L s P p .001 w .99625 .0618 m 1 .0618 L s P p .001 w .99625 .0824 m 1 .0824 L s P p .001 w .99625 .12361 m 1 .12361 L s P p .001 w .99625 .14421 m 1 .14421 L s P p .001 w .99625 .16481 m 1 .16481 L s P p .001 w .99625 .18541 m 1 .18541 L s P p .001 w .99625 .22661 m 1 .22661 L s P p .001 w .99625 .24721 m 1 .24721 L s P p .001 w .99625 .26781 m 1 .26781 L s P p .001 w .99625 .28842 m 1 .28842 L s P p .001 w .99625 .32962 m 1 .32962 L s P p .001 w .99625 .35022 m 1 .35022 L s P p .001 w .99625 .37082 m 1 .37082 L s P p .001 w .99625 .39142 m 1 .39142 L s P p .001 w .99625 .43262 m 1 .43262 L s P p .001 w .99625 .45322 m 1 .45322 L s P p .001 w .99625 .47383 m 1 .47383 L s P p .001 w .99625 .49443 m 1 .49443 L s P p .001 w .99625 .53563 m 1 .53563 L s P p .001 w .99625 .55623 m 1 .55623 L s P p .001 w .99625 .57683 m 1 .57683 L s P p .001 w .99625 .59743 m 1 .59743 L s P p .002 w 1 0 m 1 .61803 L s P P p p .002 w 0 .20601 m 1 .20601 L s P p .002 w 0 0 m 0 .61803 L s P P 0 0 m 1 0 L 1 .61803 L 0 .61803 L closepath clip newpath p p p 1 0 0 r .04615 .20601 m .04615 .16481 L .10769 .16481 L .10769 .20601 L F P p .004 w .04615 .20601 m .04615 .16481 L .10769 .16481 L .10769 .20601 L .04615 .20601 L s P P p p 1 0 0 r .12308 .20601 m .12308 .24721 L .18462 .24721 L .18462 .20601 L F P p .004 w .12308 .20601 m .12308 .24721 L .18462 .24721 L .18462 .20601 L .12308 .20601 L s P P p p 1 0 0 r .2 .20601 m .2 .33992 L .26154 .33992 L .26154 .20601 L F P p .004 w .2 .20601 m .2 .33992 L .26154 .33992 L .26154 .20601 L .2 .20601 L s P P p p 1 0 0 r .27692 .20601 m .27692 .44292 L .33846 .44292 L .33846 .20601 L F P p .004 w .27692 .20601 m .27692 .44292 L .33846 .44292 L .33846 .20601 L .27692 .20601 L s P P p p 1 0 0 r .35385 .20601 m .35385 .55623 L .41538 .55623 L .41538 .20601 L F P p .004 w .35385 .20601 m .35385 .55623 L .41538 .55623 L .41538 .20601 L .35385 .20601 L s P P p p 1 0 0 r .43077 .20601 m .43077 .60773 L .49231 .60773 L .49231 .20601 L F P p .004 w .43077 .20601 m .43077 .60773 L .49231 .60773 L .49231 .20601 L .43077 .20601 L s P P p p 1 0 0 r .50769 .20601 m .50769 .63864 L .56923 .63864 L .56923 .20601 L F P p .004 w .50769 .20601 m 0 0 rlineto .50769 .61803 m .50769 .20601 L s s .56923 .61803 m .56923 .20601 L s .56923 .20601 m .50769 .20601 L s P P p p 1 0 0 r .58462 .20601 m .58462 .62833 L .64615 .62833 L .64615 .20601 L F P p .004 w .58462 .20601 m 0 0 rlineto .58462 .61803 m .58462 .20601 L s s .64615 .61803 m .64615 .20601 L s .64615 .20601 m .58462 .20601 L s P P p p 1 0 0 r .66154 .20601 m .66154 .55623 L .72308 .55623 L .72308 .20601 L F P p .004 w .66154 .20601 m .66154 .55623 L .72308 .55623 L .72308 .20601 L .66154 .20601 L s P P p p 1 0 0 r .73846 .20601 m .73846 .46353 L .8 .46353 L .8 .20601 L F P p .004 w .73846 .20601 m .73846 .46353 L .8 .46353 L .8 .20601 L .73846 .20601 L s P P p p 1 0 0 r .81538 .20601 m .81538 .33992 L .87692 .33992 L .87692 .20601 L F P p .004 w .81538 .20601 m .81538 .33992 L .87692 .33992 L .87692 .20601 L .81538 .20601 L s P P p p 1 0 0 r .89231 .20601 m .89231 .21631 L .95385 .21631 L .95385 .20601 L F P p .004 w .89231 .20601 m .89231 .21631 L .95385 .21631 L .95385 .20601 L .89231 .20601 L s P P P % End of Graphics MathPictureEnd :[font = output; output; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup] The Unformatted text for this cell was not generated. Use options in the Actions Preferences dialog box to control when Unformatted text is generated. ;[o] -Graphics- :[font = input; preserveAspect; startGroup] mtempbeitzke = {3.3, 4.6, 6.5, 8.8, 15.8, 17, 20, 20, 13, 8, 5, 5} :[font = output; output; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup] {3.3, 4.6, 6.5, 8.8, 15.8, 17, 20, 20, 13, 8, 5, 5} ;[o] {3.3, 4.6, 6.5, 8.8, 15.8, 17, 20, 20, 13, 8, 5, 5} :[font = input; preserveAspect; startGroup] Length[mtempbeitzke] :[font = output; output; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup] 12 ;[o] 12 :[font = input; preserveAspect; startGroup] gtempbeitzke = { 5.8, 7.9, 10, 13.8, 20, 20.6, 22.4, 22.3, 15.6, 8, 5, 5} :[font = output; output; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup] {5.8, 7.900000000000001, 10, 13.8, 20, 20.6, 22.4, 22.3, 15.6, 8, 5, 5} ;[o] {5.8, 7.9, 10, 13.8, 20, 20.6, 22.4, 22.3, 15.6, 8, 5, 5} :[font = input; preserveAspect; startGroup] Length[gtempbeitzke] :[font = output; output; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup] 12 ;[o] 12 :[font = input; preserveAspect; startGroup] (*Differenztemperatur*) ListPlot[Table[gtempbeitzke[[i]] - mtempbeitzke[[i]], {i, 12}], PlotRange->{{1, 12}, {0, 5}}] :[font = postscript; PostScript; formatAsPostScript; output; inactive; preserveAspect; pictureLeft = 34; pictureWidth = 282; pictureHeight = 174] %! %%Creator: Mathematica %%AspectRatio: .61803 MathPictureStart %% Graphics /Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont % Scaling calculations -0.0909091 0.0909091 0 0.123607 [ [(2)] .09091 0 0 2 Msboxa [(4)] .27273 0 0 2 Msboxa [(6)] .45455 0 0 2 Msboxa [(8)] .63636 0 0 2 Msboxa [(10)] .81818 0 0 2 Msboxa [(12)] 1 0 0 2 Msboxa [(1)] .07841 .12361 1 0 Msboxa [(2)] .07841 .24721 1 0 Msboxa [(3)] .07841 .37082 1 0 Msboxa [(4)] .07841 .49443 1 0 Msboxa [(5)] .07841 .61803 1 0 Msboxa [ -0.001 -0.001 0 0 ] [ 1.001 .61903 0 0 ] ] MathScale % Start of Graphics 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin newpath [ ] 0 setdash 0 g p p .002 w .09091 0 m .09091 .00625 L s P [(2)] .09091 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .27273 0 m .27273 .00625 L s P [(4)] .27273 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .45455 0 m .45455 .00625 L s P [(6)] .45455 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .63636 0 m .63636 .00625 L s P [(8)] .63636 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .81818 0 m .81818 .00625 L s P [(10)] .81818 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w 1 0 m 1 .00625 L s P [(12)] 1 0 0 2 Mshowa p .001 w .12727 0 m .12727 .00375 L s P p .001 w .16364 0 m .16364 .00375 L s P p .001 w .2 0 m .2 .00375 L s P p .001 w .23636 0 m .23636 .00375 L s P p .001 w .30909 0 m .30909 .00375 L s P p .001 w .34545 0 m .34545 .00375 L s P p .001 w .38182 0 m .38182 .00375 L s P p .001 w .41818 0 m .41818 .00375 L s P p .001 w .49091 0 m .49091 .00375 L s P p .001 w .52727 0 m .52727 .00375 L s P p .001 w .56364 0 m .56364 .00375 L s P p .001 w .6 0 m .6 .00375 L s P p .001 w .67273 0 m .67273 .00375 L s P p .001 w .70909 0 m .70909 .00375 L s P p .001 w .74545 0 m .74545 .00375 L s P p .001 w .78182 0 m .78182 .00375 L s P p .001 w .85455 0 m .85455 .00375 L s P p .001 w .89091 0 m .89091 .00375 L s P p .001 w .92727 0 m .92727 .00375 L s P p .001 w .96364 0 m .96364 .00375 L s P p .001 w .05455 0 m .05455 .00375 L s P p .001 w .01818 0 m .01818 .00375 L s P p .002 w 0 0 m 1 0 L s P p .002 w .09091 .12361 m .09716 .12361 L s P [(1)] .07841 .12361 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w .09091 .24721 m .09716 .24721 L s P [(2)] .07841 .24721 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w .09091 .37082 m .09716 .37082 L s P [(3)] .07841 .37082 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w .09091 .49443 m .09716 .49443 L s P [(4)] .07841 .49443 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w .09091 .61803 m .09716 .61803 L s P [(5)] .07841 .61803 1 0 Mshowa p .001 w .09091 .02472 m .09466 .02472 L s P p .001 w .09091 .04944 m .09466 .04944 L s P p .001 w .09091 .07416 m .09466 .07416 L s P p .001 w .09091 .09889 m .09466 .09889 L s P p .001 w .09091 .14833 m .09466 .14833 L s P p .001 w .09091 .17305 m .09466 .17305 L s P p .001 w .09091 .19777 m .09466 .19777 L s P p .001 w .09091 .22249 m .09466 .22249 L s P p .001 w .09091 .27193 m .09466 .27193 L s P p .001 w .09091 .29666 m .09466 .29666 L s P p .001 w .09091 .32138 m .09466 .32138 L s P p .001 w .09091 .3461 m .09466 .3461 L s P p .001 w .09091 .39554 m .09466 .39554 L s P p .001 w .09091 .42026 m .09466 .42026 L s P p .001 w .09091 .44498 m .09466 .44498 L s P p .001 w .09091 .46971 m .09466 .46971 L s P p .001 w .09091 .51915 m .09466 .51915 L s P p .001 w .09091 .54387 m .09466 .54387 L s P p .001 w .09091 .56859 m .09466 .56859 L s P p .001 w .09091 .59331 m .09466 .59331 L s P p .002 w .09091 0 m .09091 .61803 L s P P 0 0 m 1 0 L 1 .61803 L 0 .61803 L closepath clip newpath p .008 w 0 .30902 Mdot .09091 .4079 Mdot .18182 .43262 Mdot .27273 .61803 Mdot .36364 .51915 Mdot .45455 .44498 Mdot .54545 .29666 Mdot .63636 .2843 Mdot .72727 .32138 Mdot .81818 0 Mdot .90909 0 Mdot 1 0 Mdot P % End of Graphics MathPictureEnd :[font = output; output; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup] Graphics["<<>>"] ;[o] -Graphics- :[font = input; preserveAspect; startGroup] 0.6 2.5 :[font = output; output; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup] 1.5 ;[o] 1.5 :[font = input; preserveAspect; endGroup] :[font = input; preserveAspect; endGroup; endGroup] :[font = subsubtitle; inactive; dontPreserveAspect; startGroup] Ohne Einheiten datao, so, areao, qso, dataso, mtempno, mtempko ;[s] 2:0,0;15,1;64,-1; 2:1,20,14,Times,1,18,0,0,0;1,17,12,Times,0,14,0,0,0; :[font = section; inactive; dontPreserveAspect; startGroup] Wärmeleitfähigkeiten, Erdreich-Temp. (datao) :[font = input; preserveAspect; endGroup] Clear[datao]; datao := ( Clear[alphai, alphaa, alphi, lambda,ts, kf]; alphai = 1/0.13 (*W/(m^2 K), DIN 4701, Teil 2*); alphaa = Infinity; alphi = 1/0.04 (*W/(m^2 K), mittlere Windgeschwindigkeit, Ihle 176.5*); Cst = 5.67; Clear[lambda]; {lambda[1], lambda[2], lambda[3], lambda[4]} = {2.1, 0.035, 1.4, 1.0}(*W/(m K)*); ts = 5; lambdav := Array[lambda, 4]; kf[kv_] := 0.7 kv + 0.3 2.5 (*W/(m^2 K)*)); datao; :[font = section; inactive; Cclosed; preserveAspect; startGroup] Glasdaten - ich brauche Glas senkrecht: F6/16/F6, schräg: 6/16/VSG8 - ;[s] 2:0,0;12,1;70,-1; 2:1,17,12,Times,1,14,0,0,0;1,14,9,Times,0,12,0,0,0; :[font = input; dontPreserveAspect] (*{g, en, SZR, kv}*) glasdata = {{1 (* - Infrastop Silber 48/43, Ar*) g, 0.11, 12, 1.7}, {2 (*- Infrastop Neutral 51/37, Ar*), g, 0.10, 12, 1.6}, {3 (*- Infrastop Neutral 51/37, Ar*), g, 0.10, 14, 1.5}, {4 (*- Infrastop Neutral 51/37, Ar*), g, 0.10, 16, 1.4}, {5 (*- Infrastop Grün 37/20, Ar*), g, 0.02, 12, 1.4}, {6 (*- Infrastop Brilliant 66/33, Ar*), g, 0.02, 12, 1.4}, {7 (*- Infrastop Brilliant 66/33, Ar*), g, 0.02, 14, 1.2}, {8 (*- Infrastop Brilliant 66/33, Ar*), g, 0.02, 16, 1.1}, {9 (* - Thermopane Comfort 37/20, Ar*), g, 0.02, 12, 1.4}, {10 (*- Thermopane Comfort 37/20, Ar*), g, 0.02, 14, 1.2}, {11 (*- Thermopane Comfort 37/20, Ar*), g, 0.02, 16, 1.1}, {214 (*- Semcosafe S.1.1 VSG8/16/4, Ar*), 0.52, 0.04, 16, 1.2}, {213 (*- Semcosafe S.1.4.L, VSG8/16/4, Luft*), 0.53, 0.04, 16, 1.5}, {125 (*- Semcoplus S 1.0, 4/16/4, Ar50Kr50*), 0.58, 0.04, 16, 1.1}, {196 (*- Semcoplus S 1.0, 4/16/4, Kr*), 0.58, 0.04, 16, 1.1}, {123 (*- Semcoplus S1.4L 4/16/4, Luft*), 0.59, 0.04, 16, 1.5}, {129 (*- Semcoplus S1.4L 6/16/6, Luft*), 0.58, 0.04, 16, 1.5}, {284 (*- Semcostar 0.9 4/16/4, Ar50Kr50*), 0.50, 0.04, 16, 1.0}, {155 (*- Semcophone S 35/26 6/16/4, Ar*), 0.58, 0.04, 16, 1.2}, {155 (*- Semcophone S 35/27 6/16/5, Ar*), 0.58, 0.04, 16, 1.2}, {159 (*- Semcophone S 36/27 6/16/5, Ar50/Kr50*), 0.58, 0.04, 16, 1.1}, {161 (*- Semcophone S36/28 8/16/4, Ar*), 0.57, 0.04, 16, 1.2}, {162 (*- Semcophone S36/28 6/16/4, Ar50/Kr50*), 0.57, 0.04, 16, 1.1}, {6 (*- Semcoplus N 4/18/4, Luft*), 0.64, 0.07, 18, 1.5}, {15 (*- Semcoplus N 4/18/4, Ar*), 0.64, 0.07, 18, 1.3}, {173 (*- Semcoplus N w6/12/w6, Kr*), 0.68, 0.07, 12, 1.2}, (*{275 (*- Semcoplus N 2.V.1.1 w6/12/6, Kr*), 0.68, 0.07, 12, 1.2}, *) {16 (* - Semcoplus N 4/20/4, Ar*), 0.64, 0.07, 20, 1.3}, {514 (* or 14- Semcoplus N 1.1, 6/16/6, Ar*), 0.63, 0.07, 16, 1.3}, {505 (*or 5- Semcoplus N 15.L, 6/16/6, Luft*), 0.63, 0.07, 16, 1.6}, {185 (*- Semcophone S 36/29 8/16/5, Ar50/Kr50*), 0.57, 0.04, 16, 1.1}, {52 (*- Semcosafe N VSG8/16/4, Luft*), 0.57, 0.07, 16, 1.6}, {59 (*- Semcosafe N VSG8/16/4, Ar*), 0.59, 0.07, 16, 1.3}, {63 (* - Semcosafe N VSG8/16/4, Ar*), 0.56, 0.07, 16, 1.3}, {53 (*- Semcosafe N VSG8/16/4, Ar70/SF630*), 0.57, 0.07, 16, 1.6}, {535 (*or 35 - Semcophone N37/27 6/16/5, Ar70/SF630*), 0.63, 0.07, 16, 1.6}, {536 (*or 36 - Semcophone N38/28 8/16/4, Ar70/SF630*), 0.62, 0.07, 16, 1.6}, {537 (*or 37 - Semcophone N38/29 8/16/5, Ar70/SF630*), 0.62, 0.07, 16, 1.6}, {539 (*or 39 - Semcophone N40/28 10/14/4, Ar70/SF630*), 0.61, 0.07, 14, 1.6}, {RWE3 (*- Wärmeschutzglas 4/14/4, Ar*), 0.70, 0.16, 14, 2.0} }; :[font = input; preserveAspect] (*luftgefüllte Scheiben, Auerbachs-Keller.com/sciences/wintergarten.htm, Abb. 4.1, Abb. 4.2, Abb. 4.3 *) glasdata = {{123 (*- Semcoplus S1.4L 4/16/4, Luft*), 0.59, 0.04, 16, 1.5 }, {129 (*- Semcoplus S1.4L 6/16/6, Luft*), 0.58, 0.04, 16, 1.5}, {213 (*- Semcosafe S.1.4.L, VSG8/16/4, Luft*), 0.53, 0.04, 16, 1.5}, {N20 (*- IsolarNeutralux 1.8/20, 4/12/4, Luft*), 0.64, 0.04, 12, 1.8}, {N24 (*- IsolarNeutralux 1.6/24, 4/15...16/4, Luft*), 0.64, 0.04, 16, 1.5}, {6 (*- Semcoplus N 4/18/4, Luft*), 0.64, 0.07, 18, 1.5 }, {52 (*- Semcosafe N VSG8/16/4, Luft*), 0.57, 0.07, 16, 1.6}, {505 (*or 5- Semcoplus N 15.L, 6/16/6, Luft*), 0.63, 0.07, 16, 1.6 }, {N20 (*- IsolarNeutralux 1.8/20, 4/12/4, Luft*), 0.64, 0.07, 12, 1.8 }, {N24 (*- IsolarNeutralux 1.6/24, 4/15...16/4, ?*), 0.64, 0.07, 16, 1.6}, {TP6 (*- Transplus 1.6 6*/16/VSG8 oder 6/16/6*, Luft*), 0.65, 0.08, 16, 1.6 }}; :[font = input; preserveAspect] (*Argon-gefüllte Scheiben Auerbachs-Keller.com/sciences/wintergarten.htm, Abb. 4.4, Abb. 4.5, Abb. 4.6 *) glasdata = {{155 (*- Semcophone S 35/26 6/16/4, Ar*), 0.58, 0.04, 16, 1.2 }, {155 (*- Semcophone S 35/27 6/16/5, Ar*), 0.58, 0.04, 16, 1.2}, {161 (*- Semcophone S36/28 8/16/4, Ar*), 0.57, 0.04, 16, 1.2}, {214 (*- Semcosafe S.1.1 VSG8/16/4, Ar*), 0.52, 0.04, 16, 1.2}, {N24 (*- IsolarNeutralux 1.3/24, 4/15 ...16/4, Ar*), 0.64, 0.04, 16, 1.2}, (* {N18 (*- IsolarNeutralux 1.3/18, 4/10/4, Ar*), 0.64, 0.04, 10, 1.1}, *) {N20 (*- IsolarNeutralux 1.5/20, 4/12/4, Ar*), 0.64, 0.04, 12, 1.5}, {SN1 (*Semco Plus SN 1.1, 4/15/4, Ar*), 0.64, 0.04, 15, 1.1}, {15 (*- Semcoplus N 4/18/4, Ar*), 0.64, 0.07, 18, 1.3 }, {16 (* - Semcoplus N 4/20/4, Ar*), 0.64, 0.07, 20, 1.3}, {53 (*- Semcosafe N VSG8/16/4, Ar70/SF630*), 0.57, 0.07, 16, 1.6 }, {59 (*- Semcosafe N VSG8/16/4, Ar*), 0.59, 0.07, 16, 1.3 }, {63 (* - Semcosafe N VSG8/16/4, Ar*), 0.56, 0.07, 16, 1.3 }, {514 (* or 14- Semcoplus N 1.1, 6/16/6, Ar*), 0.63, 0.07, 16, 1.3 }, {535 (*or 35 - Semcophone N37/27 6/16/5, Ar70/SF630*), 0.63, 0.07, 16, 1.6}, {536 (*or 36 - Semcophone N38/28 8/16/4, Ar70/SF630*), 0.62, 0.07, 16, 1.6 }, {537 (*or 37 - Semcophone N38/29 8/16/5, Ar70/SF630*), 0.62, 0.07, 16, 1.6}, {539 (*or 39 - Semcophone N40/28 10/14/4, Ar70/SF630*), 0.61, 0.07, 14, 1.6}, {N24 (*- IsolarNeutralux 1.3/24, 4/15 ...16/4, Ar*), 0.64, 0.07, 16, 1.3 }, {N20 (*- IsolarNeutralux 1.5/20, 4/12/4, Ar*), 0.64, 0.07, 12, 1.5 }, {TP3 (*- Transplus 1.3 6*/16/VSG8 oder 6/16/6*, Ar*), 0.64, 0.08, 16, 1.3 }}; :[font = input; preserveAspect] (*Argon-Krypton-gefüllte Scheiben Auerbachs-Keller.com/sciences/wintergarten.htm, Abb. 4.7 *) glasdata = {{125 (*- Semcoplus S 1.0, 4/16/4, Ar50Kr50*), 0.58, 0.04, 16, 1.1}, {159 (*- Semcophone S 36/27 6/16/5, Ar50/Kr50*), 0.58, 0.04, 16, 1.1}, {185 (*- Semcophone S 36/29 8/16/5, Ar50/Kr50*), 0.57, 0.04, 16, 1.1}, {284 (*- Semcostar 0.9 4/16/4, Ar50Kr50*), 0.50, 0.04, 16, 1.0}}; :[font = input; preserveAspect] (*Krypton-gefüllte Scheiben Auerbachs-Keller.com/sciences/wintergarten.htm, Abb. 4.8, Abb. 4.9 *) glasdata = {{196 (*- Semcoplus S 1.0, 4/16/4, Kr*), 0.58, 0.04, 16, 1.1}, {173 (*- Semcoplus N w6/12/w6, Kr*), 0.68, 0.07, 12, 1.2 }, {275 (*- Semcoplus N 2.V.1.1 w6/12/6, Kr*), 0.68, 0.07, 12, 1.2}}; :[font = smalltext; inactive; preserveAspect; startGroup] en = f[g] :[font = input; preserveAspect; startGroup] Table[{glasdata[[i, 1]], glasdata[[i, 2]], glasdata[[i, 3]]}, {i, 12, Count[glasdata, _._]}] :[font = output; output; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup] {} ;[o] {} :[font = input; preserveAspect; startGroup] Table[ Text[glasdata[[i, 1]], {glasdata[[i, 2]], glasdata[[i, 3]]}, {0, 0}, {0, 1}], {i, 12, 37}] :[font = message; inactive; preserveAspect] Part::partw: Part 12 of {{196, 0.58, 0.04, 16, 1.1}, {173, 0.68, 0.07, 12, 1.2}, {275, 0.68, 0.07, 12, 1.2}} does not exist. :[font = message; inactive; preserveAspect] Part::partw: Part 12 of {{196, 0.58, 0.04, 16, 1.1}, {173, 0.68, 0.07, 12, 1.2}, {275, 0.68, 0.07, 12, 1.2}} does not exist. :[font = message; inactive; preserveAspect] Part::partw: Part 12 of {{196, 0.58, 0.04, 16, 1.1}, {173, 0.68, 0.07, 12, 1.2}, {275, 0.68, 0.07, 12, 1.2}} does not exist. :[font = message; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup] General::stop: Further output of Part::partw will be suppressed during this calculation. :[font = input; Cclosed; preserveAspect; startGroup] Show[Graphics[Table[ Text[glasdata[[i, 1]], {glasdata[[i, 2]], glasdata[[i, 3]]}, {0, 0}, {0, -1}], {i, 12, Count[glasdata, _._]}]], Axes->True, PlotRange->{{0.4, 0.71}, {0.03, 0.17}}, Frame->True, GridLines->Automatic] :[font = postscript; PostScript; formatAsPostScript; output; inactive; preserveAspect; pictureLeft = 34; pictureWidth = 360; pictureHeight = 222] %! %%Creator: Mathematica %%AspectRatio: .61803 MathPictureStart %% Graphics /Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont % Scaling calculations -1.29032 3.22581 -0.132436 4.41453 [ [(0.45)] .16129 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.5)] .32258 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.55)] .48387 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.6)] .64516 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.65)] .80645 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.7)] .96774 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.04)] -0.0125 .04415 1 0 Msboxa [(0.06)] -0.0125 .13244 1 0 Msboxa [(0.08)] -0.0125 .22073 1 0 Msboxa [(0.1)] -0.0125 .30902 1 0 Msboxa [(0.12)] -0.0125 .39731 1 0 Msboxa [(0.14)] -0.0125 .4856 1 0 Msboxa [(0.16)] -0.0125 .57389 1 0 Msboxa [ -0.001 -0.001 0 0 ] [ 1.001 .61903 0 0 ] ] MathScale % Start of Graphics 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin newpath [ ] 0 setdash 0 g p p 0 0 .5 r .001 w .16129 0 m .16129 .61803 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w .32258 0 m .32258 .61803 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w .48387 0 m .48387 .61803 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w .64516 0 m .64516 .61803 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w .80645 0 m .80645 .61803 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .04415 m 1 .04415 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .13244 m 1 .13244 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .22073 m 1 .22073 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .30902 m 1 .30902 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .39731 m 1 .39731 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .4856 m 1 .4856 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .57389 m 1 .57389 L s P p .002 w .16129 0 m .16129 .00625 L s P [(0.45)] .16129 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .32258 0 m .32258 .00625 L s P [(0.5)] .32258 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .48387 0 m .48387 .00625 L s P [(0.55)] .48387 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .64516 0 m .64516 .00625 L s P [(0.6)] .64516 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .80645 0 m .80645 .00625 L s P [(0.65)] .80645 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .96774 0 m .96774 .00625 L s P [(0.7)] .96774 0 0 2 Mshowa p .001 w .03226 0 m .03226 .00375 L s P p .001 w .06452 0 m .06452 .00375 L s P p .001 w .09677 0 m .09677 .00375 L s P p .001 w .12903 0 m .12903 .00375 L s P p .001 w .19355 0 m .19355 .00375 L s P p .001 w .22581 0 m .22581 .00375 L s P p .001 w .25806 0 m .25806 .00375 L s P p .001 w .29032 0 m .29032 .00375 L s P p .001 w .35484 0 m .35484 .00375 L s P p .001 w .3871 0 m .3871 .00375 L s P p .001 w .41935 0 m .41935 .00375 L s P p .001 w .45161 0 m .45161 .00375 L s P p .001 w .51613 0 m .51613 .00375 L s P p .001 w .54839 0 m .54839 .00375 L s P p .001 w .58065 0 m .58065 .00375 L s P p .001 w .6129 0 m .6129 .00375 L s P p .001 w .67742 0 m .67742 .00375 L s P p .001 w .70968 0 m .70968 .00375 L s P p .001 w .74194 0 m .74194 .00375 L s P p .001 w .77419 0 m .77419 .00375 L s P p .001 w .83871 0 m .83871 .00375 L s P p .001 w .87097 0 m .87097 .00375 L s P p .001 w .90323 0 m .90323 .00375 L s P p .001 w .93548 0 m .93548 .00375 L s P p .002 w 0 0 m 1 0 L s P p .002 w 0 .04415 m .00625 .04415 L s P [(0.04)] -0.0125 .04415 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .13244 m .00625 .13244 L s P [(0.06)] -0.0125 .13244 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .22073 m .00625 .22073 L s P [(0.08)] -0.0125 .22073 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .30902 m .00625 .30902 L s P [(0.1)] -0.0125 .30902 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .39731 m .00625 .39731 L s P [(0.12)] -0.0125 .39731 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .4856 m .00625 .4856 L s P [(0.14)] -0.0125 .4856 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .57389 m .00625 .57389 L s P [(0.16)] -0.0125 .57389 1 0 Mshowa p .001 w 0 .0618 m .00375 .0618 L s P p .001 w 0 .07946 m .00375 .07946 L s P p .001 w 0 .09712 m .00375 .09712 L s P p .001 w 0 .11478 m .00375 .11478 L s P p .001 w 0 .15009 m .00375 .15009 L s P p .001 w 0 .16775 m .00375 .16775 L s P p .001 w 0 .18541 m .00375 .18541 L s P p .001 w 0 .20307 m .00375 .20307 L s P p .001 w 0 .23838 m .00375 .23838 L s P p .001 w 0 .25604 m .00375 .25604 L s P p .001 w 0 .2737 m .00375 .2737 L s P p .001 w 0 .29136 m .00375 .29136 L s P p .001 w 0 .32668 m .00375 .32668 L s P p .001 w 0 .34433 m .00375 .34433 L s P p .001 w 0 .36199 m .00375 .36199 L s P p .001 w 0 .37965 m .00375 .37965 L s P p .001 w 0 .41497 m .00375 .41497 L s P p .001 w 0 .43262 m .00375 .43262 L s P p .001 w 0 .45028 m .00375 .45028 L s P p .001 w 0 .46794 m .00375 .46794 L s P p .001 w 0 .50326 m .00375 .50326 L s P p .001 w 0 .52091 m .00375 .52091 L s P p .001 w 0 .53857 m .00375 .53857 L s P p .001 w 0 .55623 m .00375 .55623 L s P p .001 w 0 .02649 m .00375 .02649 L s P p .001 w 0 .00883 m .00375 .00883 L s P p .001 w 0 .59155 m .00375 .59155 L s P p .001 w 0 .6092 m .00375 .6092 L s P p .002 w 0 0 m 0 .61803 L s P P p p .002 w 0 .61178 m 0 .61803 L s P p .002 w .16129 .61178 m .16129 .61803 L s P p .002 w .32258 .61178 m .32258 .61803 L s P p .002 w .48387 .61178 m .48387 .61803 L s P p .002 w .64516 .61178 m .64516 .61803 L s P p .002 w .80645 .61178 m .80645 .61803 L s P p .002 w .96774 .61178 m .96774 .61803 L s P p .001 w .03226 .61428 m .03226 .61803 L s P p .001 w .06452 .61428 m .06452 .61803 L s P p .001 w .09677 .61428 m .09677 .61803 L s P p .001 w .12903 .61428 m .12903 .61803 L s P p .001 w .19355 .61428 m .19355 .61803 L s P p .001 w .22581 .61428 m .22581 .61803 L s P p .001 w .25806 .61428 m .25806 .61803 L s P p .001 w .29032 .61428 m .29032 .61803 L s P p .001 w .35484 .61428 m .35484 .61803 L s P p .001 w .3871 .61428 m .3871 .61803 L s P p .001 w .41935 .61428 m .41935 .61803 L s P p .001 w .45161 .61428 m .45161 .61803 L s P p .001 w .51613 .61428 m .51613 .61803 L s P p .001 w .54839 .61428 m .54839 .61803 L s P p .001 w .58065 .61428 m .58065 .61803 L s P p .001 w .6129 .61428 m .6129 .61803 L s P p .001 w .67742 .61428 m .67742 .61803 L s P p .001 w .70968 .61428 m .70968 .61803 L s P p .001 w .74194 .61428 m .74194 .61803 L s P p .001 w .77419 .61428 m .77419 .61803 L s P p .001 w .83871 .61428 m .83871 .61803 L s P p .001 w .87097 .61428 m .87097 .61803 L s P p .001 w .90323 .61428 m .90323 .61803 L s P p .001 w .93548 .61428 m .93548 .61803 L s P p .002 w 0 .61803 m 1 .61803 L s P p .002 w .99375 .04415 m 1 .04415 L s P p .002 w .99375 .13244 m 1 .13244 L s P p .002 w .99375 .22073 m 1 .22073 L s P p .002 w .99375 .30902 m 1 .30902 L s P p .002 w .99375 .39731 m 1 .39731 L s P p .002 w .99375 .4856 m 1 .4856 L s P p .002 w .99375 .57389 m 1 .57389 L s P p .001 w .99625 .0618 m 1 .0618 L s P p .001 w .99625 .07946 m 1 .07946 L s P p .001 w .99625 .09712 m 1 .09712 L s P p .001 w .99625 .11478 m 1 .11478 L s P p .001 w .99625 .15009 m 1 .15009 L s P p .001 w .99625 .16775 m 1 .16775 L s P p .001 w .99625 .18541 m 1 .18541 L s P p .001 w .99625 .20307 m 1 .20307 L s P p .001 w .99625 .23838 m 1 .23838 L s P p .001 w .99625 .25604 m 1 .25604 L s P p .001 w .99625 .2737 m 1 .2737 L s P p .001 w .99625 .29136 m 1 .29136 L s P p .001 w .99625 .32668 m 1 .32668 L s P p .001 w .99625 .34433 m 1 .34433 L s P p .001 w .99625 .36199 m 1 .36199 L s P p .001 w .99625 .37965 m 1 .37965 L s P p .001 w .99625 .41497 m 1 .41497 L s P p .001 w .99625 .43262 m 1 .43262 L s P p .001 w .99625 .45028 m 1 .45028 L s P p .001 w .99625 .46794 m 1 .46794 L s P p .001 w .99625 .50326 m 1 .50326 L s P p .001 w .99625 .52091 m 1 .52091 L s P p .001 w .99625 .53857 m 1 .53857 L s P p .001 w .99625 .55623 m 1 .55623 L s P p .001 w .99625 .02649 m 1 .02649 L s P p .001 w .99625 .00883 m 1 .00883 L s P p .001 w .99625 .59155 m 1 .59155 L s P p .001 w .99625 .6092 m 1 .6092 L s P p .002 w 1 0 m 1 .61803 L s P P p p .002 w 0 .04415 m 1 .04415 L s P p .002 w 0 0 m 0 .61803 L s P P 0 0 m 1 0 L 1 .61803 L 0 .61803 L closepath clip newpath p [(214)] .3871 .04415 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(213)] .41935 .04415 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(125)] .58065 .04415 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(196)] .58065 .04415 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(123)] .6129 .04415 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(129)] .58065 .04415 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(284)] .32258 .04415 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(155)] .58065 .04415 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(155)] .58065 .04415 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(159)] .58065 .04415 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(161)] .54839 .04415 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(162)] .54839 .04415 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(6)] .77419 .17658 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(15)] .77419 .17658 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(173)] .90323 .17658 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(16)] .77419 .17658 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(514)] .74194 .17658 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(505)] .74194 .17658 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(185)] .54839 .04415 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(52)] .54839 .17658 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(59)] .6129 .17658 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(63)] .51613 .17658 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(53)] .54839 .17658 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(535)] .74194 .17658 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(536)] .70968 .17658 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(537)] .70968 .17658 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(539)] .67742 .17658 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(RWE3)] .96774 .57389 0 0 270 Mrotshowa P % End of Graphics MathPictureEnd :[font = output; output; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup] Graphics["<<>>"] ;[o] -Graphics- :[font = input; Cclosed; preserveAspect; startGroup] ListPlot[Table[{glasdata[[i, 2]], glasdata[[i, 3]]}, {i, 12, Count[glasdata, _._]}], PlotRange->{{0.4, 0.65}, {0.03, 0.1}}, Frame->True, GridLines->Automatic] :[font = postscript; PostScript; formatAsPostScript; output; inactive; preserveAspect; pictureLeft = 34; pictureWidth = 360; pictureHeight = 222] %! %%Creator: Mathematica %%AspectRatio: .61803 MathPictureStart %% Graphics /Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont % Scaling calculations -1.6 4 -0.264872 8.82906 [ [(0.45)] .2 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.5)] .4 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.55)] .6 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.6)] .8 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.65)] 1 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.03)] -0.0125 0 1 0 Msboxa [(0.04)] -0.0125 .08829 1 0 Msboxa [(0.05)] -0.0125 .17658 1 0 Msboxa [(0.06)] -0.0125 .26487 1 0 Msboxa [(0.07)] -0.0125 .35316 1 0 Msboxa [(0.08)] -0.0125 .44145 1 0 Msboxa [(0.09)] -0.0125 .52974 1 0 Msboxa [(0.1)] -0.0125 .61803 1 0 Msboxa [ -0.001 -0.001 0 0 ] [ 1.001 .61903 0 0 ] ] MathScale % Start of Graphics 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin newpath [ ] 0 setdash 0 g p p 0 0 .5 r .001 w .2 0 m .2 .61803 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w .4 0 m .4 .61803 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w .6 0 m .6 .61803 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w .8 0 m .8 .61803 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .08829 m 1 .08829 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .17658 m 1 .17658 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .26487 m 1 .26487 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .35316 m 1 .35316 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .44145 m 1 .44145 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .52974 m 1 .52974 L s P p .002 w .2 0 m .2 .00625 L s P [(0.45)] .2 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .4 0 m .4 .00625 L s P [(0.5)] .4 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .6 0 m .6 .00625 L s P [(0.55)] .6 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .8 0 m .8 .00625 L s P [(0.6)] .8 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w 1 0 m 1 .00625 L s P [(0.65)] 1 0 0 2 Mshowa p .001 w .04 0 m .04 .00375 L s P p .001 w .08 0 m .08 .00375 L s P p .001 w .12 0 m .12 .00375 L s P p .001 w .16 0 m .16 .00375 L s P p .001 w .24 0 m .24 .00375 L s P p .001 w .28 0 m .28 .00375 L s P p .001 w .32 0 m .32 .00375 L s P p .001 w .36 0 m .36 .00375 L s P p .001 w .44 0 m .44 .00375 L s P p .001 w .48 0 m .48 .00375 L s P p .001 w .52 0 m .52 .00375 L s P p .001 w .56 0 m .56 .00375 L s P p .001 w .64 0 m .64 .00375 L s P p .001 w .68 0 m .68 .00375 L s P p .001 w .72 0 m .72 .00375 L s P p .001 w .76 0 m .76 .00375 L s P p .001 w .84 0 m .84 .00375 L s P p .001 w .88 0 m .88 .00375 L s P p .001 w .92 0 m .92 .00375 L s P p .001 w .96 0 m .96 .00375 L s P p .002 w 0 0 m 1 0 L s P p .002 w 0 0 m .00625 0 L s P [(0.03)] -0.0125 0 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .08829 m .00625 .08829 L s P [(0.04)] -0.0125 .08829 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .17658 m .00625 .17658 L s P [(0.05)] -0.0125 .17658 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .26487 m .00625 .26487 L s P [(0.06)] -0.0125 .26487 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .35316 m .00625 .35316 L s P [(0.07)] -0.0125 .35316 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .44145 m .00625 .44145 L s P [(0.08)] -0.0125 .44145 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .52974 m .00625 .52974 L s P [(0.09)] -0.0125 .52974 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .61803 m .00625 .61803 L s P [(0.1)] -0.0125 .61803 1 0 Mshowa p .001 w 0 .01766 m .00375 .01766 L s P p .001 w 0 .03532 m .00375 .03532 L s P p .001 w 0 .05297 m .00375 .05297 L s P p .001 w 0 .07063 m .00375 .07063 L s P p .001 w 0 .10595 m .00375 .10595 L s P p .001 w 0 .12361 m .00375 .12361 L s P p .001 w 0 .14126 m .00375 .14126 L s P p .001 w 0 .15892 m .00375 .15892 L s P p .001 w 0 .19424 m .00375 .19424 L s P p .001 w 0 .2119 m .00375 .2119 L s P p .001 w 0 .22956 m .00375 .22956 L s P p .001 w 0 .24721 m .00375 .24721 L s P p .001 w 0 .28253 m .00375 .28253 L s P p .001 w 0 .30019 m .00375 .30019 L s P p .001 w 0 .31785 m .00375 .31785 L s P p .001 w 0 .3355 m .00375 .3355 L s P p .001 w 0 .37082 m .00375 .37082 L s P p .001 w 0 .38848 m .00375 .38848 L s P p .001 w 0 .40614 m .00375 .40614 L s P p .001 w 0 .42379 m .00375 .42379 L s P p .001 w 0 .45911 m .00375 .45911 L s P p .001 w 0 .47677 m .00375 .47677 L s P p .001 w 0 .49443 m .00375 .49443 L s P p .001 w 0 .51209 m .00375 .51209 L s P p .001 w 0 .5474 m .00375 .5474 L s P p .001 w 0 .56506 m .00375 .56506 L s P p .001 w 0 .58272 m .00375 .58272 L s P p .001 w 0 .60038 m .00375 .60038 L s P p .002 w 0 0 m 0 .61803 L s P P p p .002 w 0 .61178 m 0 .61803 L s P p .002 w .2 .61178 m .2 .61803 L s P p .002 w .4 .61178 m .4 .61803 L s P p .002 w .6 .61178 m .6 .61803 L s P p .002 w .8 .61178 m .8 .61803 L s P p .001 w .04 .61428 m .04 .61803 L s P p .001 w .08 .61428 m .08 .61803 L s P p .001 w .12 .61428 m .12 .61803 L s P p .001 w .16 .61428 m .16 .61803 L s P p .001 w .24 .61428 m .24 .61803 L s P p .001 w .28 .61428 m .28 .61803 L s P p .001 w .32 .61428 m .32 .61803 L s P p .001 w .36 .61428 m .36 .61803 L s P p .001 w .44 .61428 m .44 .61803 L s P p .001 w .48 .61428 m .48 .61803 L s P p .001 w .52 .61428 m .52 .61803 L s P p .001 w .56 .61428 m .56 .61803 L s P p .001 w .64 .61428 m .64 .61803 L s P p .001 w .68 .61428 m .68 .61803 L s P p .001 w .72 .61428 m .72 .61803 L s P p .001 w .76 .61428 m .76 .61803 L s P p .001 w .84 .61428 m .84 .61803 L s P p .001 w .88 .61428 m .88 .61803 L s P p .001 w .92 .61428 m .92 .61803 L s P p .001 w .96 .61428 m .96 .61803 L s P p .002 w 0 .61803 m 1 .61803 L s P p .002 w .99375 0 m 1 0 L s P p .002 w .99375 .08829 m 1 .08829 L s P p .002 w .99375 .17658 m 1 .17658 L s P p .002 w .99375 .26487 m 1 .26487 L s P p .002 w .99375 .35316 m 1 .35316 L s P p .002 w .99375 .44145 m 1 .44145 L s P p .002 w .99375 .52974 m 1 .52974 L s P p .001 w .99625 .01766 m 1 .01766 L s P p .001 w .99625 .03532 m 1 .03532 L s P p .001 w .99625 .05297 m 1 .05297 L s P p .001 w .99625 .07063 m 1 .07063 L s P p .001 w .99625 .10595 m 1 .10595 L s P p .001 w .99625 .12361 m 1 .12361 L s P p .001 w .99625 .14126 m 1 .14126 L s P p .001 w .99625 .15892 m 1 .15892 L s P p .001 w .99625 .19424 m 1 .19424 L s P p .001 w .99625 .2119 m 1 .2119 L s P p .001 w .99625 .22956 m 1 .22956 L s P p .001 w .99625 .24721 m 1 .24721 L s P p .001 w .99625 .28253 m 1 .28253 L s P p .001 w .99625 .30019 m 1 .30019 L s P p .001 w .99625 .31785 m 1 .31785 L s P p .001 w .99625 .3355 m 1 .3355 L s P p .001 w .99625 .37082 m 1 .37082 L s P p .001 w .99625 .38848 m 1 .38848 L s P p .001 w .99625 .40614 m 1 .40614 L s P p .001 w .99625 .42379 m 1 .42379 L s P p .001 w .99625 .45911 m 1 .45911 L s P p .001 w .99625 .47677 m 1 .47677 L s P p .001 w .99625 .49443 m 1 .49443 L s P p .001 w .99625 .51209 m 1 .51209 L s P p .001 w .99625 .5474 m 1 .5474 L s P p .001 w .99625 .56506 m 1 .56506 L s P p .001 w .99625 .58272 m 1 .58272 L s P p .001 w .99625 .60038 m 1 .60038 L s P p .002 w 1 0 m 1 .61803 L s P P p P 0 0 m 1 0 L 1 .61803 L 0 .61803 L closepath clip newpath p .008 w .48 .08829 Mdot .52 .08829 Mdot .72 .08829 Mdot .72 .08829 Mdot .76 .08829 Mdot .72 .08829 Mdot .4 .08829 Mdot .72 .08829 Mdot .72 .08829 Mdot .72 .08829 Mdot .68 .08829 Mdot .68 .08829 Mdot .96 .35316 Mdot .96 .35316 Mdot 1.12 .35316 Mdot .96 .35316 Mdot .92 .35316 Mdot .92 .35316 Mdot .68 .08829 Mdot .68 .35316 Mdot .76 .35316 Mdot .64 .35316 Mdot .68 .35316 Mdot .92 .35316 Mdot .88 .35316 Mdot .88 .35316 Mdot .84 .35316 Mdot 1.2 1.14778 Mdot P % End of Graphics MathPictureEnd :[font = output; output; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup; endGroup] Graphics["<<>>"] ;[o] -Graphics- :[font = smalltext; inactive; preserveAspect; startGroup] kv = f[g] :[font = input; preserveAspect] Clear[kvofg]; kvofg[is_, if_] := Show[Graphics[Table[ Text[glasdata[[i, 1]], {glasdata[[i, 2]], glasdata[[i, 5]]}, {0, 0}, {0, -1}], {i, is, if}]], Axes->True, PlotRange->{{0.4, 0.71}, {1.0, 2.1}}, Frame->True, GridLines->Automatic] :[font = input; preserveAspect; startGroup] (*en = 0.04*) kvofg[1, 7] :[font = postscript; PostScript; formatAsPostScript; output; inactive; preserveAspect; pictureLeft = 34; pictureWidth = 443; pictureHeight = 272] %! %%Creator: Mathematica %%AspectRatio: .61803 MathPictureStart %% Graphics /Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont % Scaling calculations -1.29032 3.22581 -0.561849 0.561849 [ [(0.45)] .16129 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.5)] .32258 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.55)] .48387 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.6)] .64516 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.65)] .80645 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.7)] .96774 0 0 2 Msboxa [(1)] -0.0125 0 1 0 Msboxa [(1.2)] -0.0125 .11237 1 0 Msboxa [(1.4)] -0.0125 .22474 1 0 Msboxa [(1.6)] -0.0125 .33711 1 0 Msboxa [(1.8)] -0.0125 .44948 1 0 Msboxa [(2)] -0.0125 .56185 1 0 Msboxa [ -0.001 -0.001 0 0 ] [ 1.001 .61903 0 0 ] ] MathScale % Start of Graphics 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin newpath [ ] 0 setdash 0 g p p 0 0 .5 r .001 w .16129 0 m .16129 .61803 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w .32258 0 m .32258 .61803 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w .48387 0 m .48387 .61803 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w .64516 0 m .64516 .61803 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w .80645 0 m .80645 .61803 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .11237 m 1 .11237 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .22474 m 1 .22474 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .33711 m 1 .33711 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .44948 m 1 .44948 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .56185 m 1 .56185 L s P p .002 w .16129 0 m .16129 .00625 L s P [(0.45)] .16129 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .32258 0 m .32258 .00625 L s P [(0.5)] .32258 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .48387 0 m .48387 .00625 L s P [(0.55)] .48387 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .64516 0 m .64516 .00625 L s P [(0.6)] .64516 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .80645 0 m .80645 .00625 L s P [(0.65)] .80645 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .96774 0 m .96774 .00625 L s P [(0.7)] .96774 0 0 2 Mshowa p .001 w .03226 0 m .03226 .00375 L s P p .001 w .06452 0 m .06452 .00375 L s P p .001 w .09677 0 m .09677 .00375 L s P p .001 w .12903 0 m .12903 .00375 L s P p .001 w .19355 0 m .19355 .00375 L s P p .001 w .22581 0 m .22581 .00375 L s P p .001 w .25806 0 m .25806 .00375 L s P p .001 w .29032 0 m .29032 .00375 L s P p .001 w .35484 0 m .35484 .00375 L s P p .001 w .3871 0 m .3871 .00375 L s P p .001 w .41935 0 m .41935 .00375 L s P p .001 w .45161 0 m .45161 .00375 L s P p .001 w .51613 0 m .51613 .00375 L s P p .001 w .54839 0 m .54839 .00375 L s P p .001 w .58065 0 m .58065 .00375 L s P p .001 w .6129 0 m .6129 .00375 L s P p .001 w .67742 0 m .67742 .00375 L s P p .001 w .70968 0 m .70968 .00375 L s P p .001 w .74194 0 m .74194 .00375 L s P p .001 w .77419 0 m .77419 .00375 L s P p .001 w .83871 0 m .83871 .00375 L s P p .001 w .87097 0 m .87097 .00375 L s P p .001 w .90323 0 m .90323 .00375 L s P p .001 w .93548 0 m .93548 .00375 L s P p .002 w 0 0 m 1 0 L s P p .002 w 0 0 m .00625 0 L s P [(1)] -0.0125 0 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .11237 m .00625 .11237 L s P [(1.2)] -0.0125 .11237 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .22474 m .00625 .22474 L s P [(1.4)] -0.0125 .22474 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .33711 m .00625 .33711 L s P [(1.6)] -0.0125 .33711 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .44948 m .00625 .44948 L s P [(1.8)] -0.0125 .44948 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .56185 m .00625 .56185 L s P [(2)] -0.0125 .56185 1 0 Mshowa p .001 w 0 .02247 m .00375 .02247 L s P p .001 w 0 .04495 m .00375 .04495 L s P p .001 w 0 .06742 m .00375 .06742 L s P p .001 w 0 .0899 m .00375 .0899 L s P p .001 w 0 .13484 m .00375 .13484 L s P p .001 w 0 .15732 m .00375 .15732 L s P p .001 w 0 .17979 m .00375 .17979 L s P p .001 w 0 .20227 m .00375 .20227 L s P p .001 w 0 .24721 m .00375 .24721 L s P p .001 w 0 .26969 m .00375 .26969 L s P p .001 w 0 .29216 m .00375 .29216 L s P p .001 w 0 .31464 m .00375 .31464 L s P p .001 w 0 .35958 m .00375 .35958 L s P p .001 w 0 .38206 m .00375 .38206 L s P p .001 w 0 .40453 m .00375 .40453 L s P p .001 w 0 .42701 m .00375 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w .3871 .61428 m .3871 .61803 L s P p .001 w .41935 .61428 m .41935 .61803 L s P p .001 w .45161 .61428 m .45161 .61803 L s P p .001 w .51613 .61428 m .51613 .61803 L s P p .001 w .54839 .61428 m .54839 .61803 L s P p .001 w .58065 .61428 m .58065 .61803 L s P p .001 w .6129 .61428 m .6129 .61803 L s P p .001 w .67742 .61428 m .67742 .61803 L s P p .001 w .70968 .61428 m .70968 .61803 L s P p .001 w .74194 .61428 m .74194 .61803 L s P p .001 w .77419 .61428 m .77419 .61803 L s P p .001 w .83871 .61428 m .83871 .61803 L s P p .001 w .87097 .61428 m .87097 .61803 L s P p .001 w .90323 .61428 m .90323 .61803 L s P p .001 w .93548 .61428 m .93548 .61803 L s P p .002 w 0 .61803 m 1 .61803 L s P p .002 w .99375 0 m 1 0 L s P p .002 w .99375 .11237 m 1 .11237 L s P p .002 w .99375 .22474 m 1 .22474 L s P p .002 w .99375 .33711 m 1 .33711 L s P p .002 w .99375 .44948 m 1 .44948 L s P p .002 w .99375 .56185 m 1 .56185 L s P p .001 w .99625 .02247 m 1 .02247 L s P p .001 w .99625 .04495 m 1 .04495 L s P p .001 w .99625 .06742 m 1 .06742 L s P p .001 w .99625 .0899 m 1 .0899 L s P p .001 w .99625 .13484 m 1 .13484 L s P p .001 w .99625 .15732 m 1 .15732 L s P p .001 w .99625 .17979 m 1 .17979 L s P p .001 w .99625 .20227 m 1 .20227 L s P p .001 w .99625 .24721 m 1 .24721 L s P p .001 w .99625 .26969 m 1 .26969 L s P p .001 w .99625 .29216 m 1 .29216 L s P p .001 w .99625 .31464 m 1 .31464 L s P p .001 w .99625 .35958 m 1 .35958 L s P p .001 w .99625 .38206 m 1 .38206 L s P p .001 w .99625 .40453 m 1 .40453 L s P p .001 w .99625 .42701 m 1 .42701 L s P p .001 w .99625 .47195 m 1 .47195 L s P p .001 w .99625 .49443 m 1 .49443 L s P p .001 w .99625 .5169 m 1 .5169 L s P p .001 w .99625 .53938 m 1 .53938 L s P p .001 w .99625 .58432 m 1 .58432 L s P p .001 w .99625 .6068 m 1 .6068 L s P p .002 w 1 0 m 1 .61803 L s P P p p .002 w 0 0 m 1 0 L s P p .002 w 0 0 m 0 .61803 L s P P 0 0 m 1 0 L 1 .61803 L 0 .61803 L closepath clip newpath p [(155)] .58065 .11237 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(155)] .58065 .11237 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(161)] .54839 .11237 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(214)] .3871 .11237 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(N24)] .77419 .11237 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(N20)] .77419 .28092 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(SN1)] .77419 .05618 0 0 270 Mrotshowa P % End of Graphics MathPictureEnd :[font = output; output; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup] Graphics["<<>>"] ;[o] -Graphics- :[font = input; preserveAspect; startGroup] (*en = 0.04*) kvofg[1, 8] :[font = postscript; PostScript; formatAsPostScript; output; inactive; preserveAspect; pictureLeft = 34; pictureWidth = 282; pictureHeight = 174] %! %%Creator: Mathematica %%AspectRatio: .61803 MathPictureStart %% Graphics /Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont % Scaling calculations -1.29032 3.22581 -0.561849 0.561849 [ [(0.45)] .16129 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.5)] .32258 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.55)] .48387 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.6)] .64516 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.65)] .80645 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.7)] .96774 0 0 2 Msboxa [(1)] -0.0125 0 1 0 Msboxa [(1.2)] -0.0125 .11237 1 0 Msboxa [(1.4)] -0.0125 .22474 1 0 Msboxa [(1.6)] -0.0125 .33711 1 0 Msboxa [(1.8)] -0.0125 .44948 1 0 Msboxa [(2)] -0.0125 .56185 1 0 Msboxa [ -0.001 -0.001 0 0 ] [ 1.001 .61903 0 0 ] ] MathScale % Start of Graphics 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin newpath [ ] 0 setdash 0 g p p 0 0 .5 r .001 w .16129 0 m .16129 .61803 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w .32258 0 m .32258 .61803 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w .48387 0 m .48387 .61803 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w .64516 0 m .64516 .61803 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w .80645 0 m .80645 .61803 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .11237 m 1 .11237 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .22474 m 1 .22474 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .33711 m 1 .33711 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .44948 m 1 .44948 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .56185 m 1 .56185 L s P p .002 w .16129 0 m .16129 .00625 L s P [(0.45)] .16129 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .32258 0 m .32258 .00625 L s P [(0.5)] .32258 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .48387 0 m .48387 .00625 L s P [(0.55)] .48387 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .64516 0 m .64516 .00625 L s P [(0.6)] .64516 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .80645 0 m .80645 .00625 L s P [(0.65)] .80645 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .96774 0 m .96774 .00625 L s P [(0.7)] .96774 0 0 2 Mshowa p .001 w .03226 0 m .03226 .00375 L s P p .001 w .06452 0 m .06452 .00375 L s P p .001 w .09677 0 m .09677 .00375 L s P p .001 w .12903 0 m .12903 .00375 L s P p .001 w .19355 0 m .19355 .00375 L s P p .001 w .22581 0 m .22581 .00375 L s P p .001 w .25806 0 m .25806 .00375 L s P p .001 w .29032 0 m .29032 .00375 L s P p .001 w .35484 0 m .35484 .00375 L s P p .001 w .3871 0 m .3871 .00375 L s P p .001 w .41935 0 m .41935 .00375 L s P p .001 w .45161 0 m .45161 .00375 L s P p .001 w .51613 0 m .51613 .00375 L s P p .001 w .54839 0 m .54839 .00375 L s P p .001 w .58065 0 m .58065 .00375 L s P p .001 w .6129 0 m .6129 .00375 L s P p .001 w .67742 0 m .67742 .00375 L s P p .001 w .70968 0 m .70968 .00375 L s P p .001 w .74194 0 m .74194 .00375 L s P p .001 w .77419 0 m .77419 .00375 L s P p .001 w .83871 0 m .83871 .00375 L s P p .001 w .87097 0 m .87097 .00375 L s P p .001 w .90323 0 m .90323 .00375 L s P p .001 w .93548 0 m .93548 .00375 L s P p .002 w 0 0 m 1 0 L s P p .002 w 0 0 m .00625 0 L s P [(1)] -0.0125 0 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .11237 m .00625 .11237 L s P [(1.2)] -0.0125 .11237 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .22474 m .00625 .22474 L s P [(1.4)] -0.0125 .22474 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .33711 m .00625 .33711 L s P [(1.6)] -0.0125 .33711 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .44948 m .00625 .44948 L s P [(1.8)] -0.0125 .44948 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .56185 m .00625 .56185 L s P [(2)] -0.0125 .56185 1 0 Mshowa p .001 w 0 .02247 m .00375 .02247 L s P p .001 w 0 .04495 m .00375 .04495 L s P p .001 w 0 .06742 m .00375 .06742 L s P p .001 w 0 .0899 m .00375 .0899 L s P p .001 w 0 .13484 m .00375 .13484 L s P p .001 w 0 .15732 m .00375 .15732 L s P p .001 w 0 .17979 m .00375 .17979 L s P p .001 w 0 .20227 m .00375 .20227 L s P p .001 w 0 .24721 m .00375 .24721 L s P p .001 w 0 .26969 m .00375 .26969 L s P p .001 w 0 .29216 m .00375 .29216 L s P p .001 w 0 .31464 m .00375 .31464 L s P p .001 w 0 .35958 m .00375 .35958 L s P p .001 w 0 .38206 m .00375 .38206 L s P p .001 w 0 .40453 m .00375 .40453 L s P p .001 w 0 .42701 m .00375 .42701 L s P p .001 w 0 .47195 m .00375 .47195 L s P p .001 w 0 .49443 m .00375 .49443 L s P p .001 w 0 .5169 m .00375 .5169 L s P p .001 w 0 .53938 m .00375 .53938 L s P p .001 w 0 .58432 m .00375 .58432 L s P p .001 w 0 .6068 m .00375 .6068 L s P p .002 w 0 0 m 0 .61803 L s P P p p .002 w 0 .61178 m 0 .61803 L s P p .002 w .16129 .61178 m .16129 .61803 L s P p .002 w .32258 .61178 m .32258 .61803 L s P p .002 w .48387 .61178 m .48387 .61803 L s P p .002 w .64516 .61178 m .64516 .61803 L s P p .002 w .80645 .61178 m .80645 .61803 L s P p .002 w .96774 .61178 m .96774 .61803 L s P p .001 w .03226 .61428 m .03226 .61803 L s P p .001 w .06452 .61428 m .06452 .61803 L s P p .001 w .09677 .61428 m .09677 .61803 L s P p .001 w .12903 .61428 m .12903 .61803 L s P p .001 w .19355 .61428 m .19355 .61803 L s P p .001 w .22581 .61428 m .22581 .61803 L s P p .001 w .25806 .61428 m .25806 .61803 L s P p .001 w .29032 .61428 m .29032 .61803 L s P p .001 w .35484 .61428 m .35484 .61803 L s P p .001 w .3871 .61428 m .3871 .61803 L s P p .001 w .41935 .61428 m .41935 .61803 L s P p .001 w .45161 .61428 m .45161 .61803 L s P p .001 w .51613 .61428 m .51613 .61803 L s P p .001 w .54839 .61428 m .54839 .61803 L s P p .001 w .58065 .61428 m .58065 .61803 L s P p .001 w .6129 .61428 m .6129 .61803 L s P p .001 w .67742 .61428 m .67742 .61803 L s P p .001 w .70968 .61428 m .70968 .61803 L s P p .001 w .74194 .61428 m .74194 .61803 L s P p .001 w .77419 .61428 m .77419 .61803 L s P p .001 w .83871 .61428 m .83871 .61803 L s P p .001 w .87097 .61428 m .87097 .61803 L s P p .001 w .90323 .61428 m .90323 .61803 L s P p .001 w .93548 .61428 m .93548 .61803 L s P p .002 w 0 .61803 m 1 .61803 L s P p .002 w .99375 0 m 1 0 L s P p .002 w .99375 .11237 m 1 .11237 L s P p .002 w .99375 .22474 m 1 .22474 L s P p .002 w .99375 .33711 m 1 .33711 L s P p .002 w .99375 .44948 m 1 .44948 L s P p .002 w .99375 .56185 m 1 .56185 L s P p .001 w .99625 .02247 m 1 .02247 L s P p .001 w .99625 .04495 m 1 .04495 L s P p .001 w .99625 .06742 m 1 .06742 L s P p .001 w .99625 .0899 m 1 .0899 L s P p .001 w .99625 .13484 m 1 .13484 L s P p .001 w .99625 .15732 m 1 .15732 L s P p .001 w .99625 .17979 m 1 .17979 L s P p .001 w .99625 .20227 m 1 .20227 L s P p .001 w .99625 .24721 m 1 .24721 L s P p .001 w .99625 .26969 m 1 .26969 L s P p .001 w .99625 .29216 m 1 .29216 L s P p .001 w .99625 .31464 m 1 .31464 L s P p .001 w .99625 .35958 m 1 .35958 L s P p .001 w .99625 .38206 m 1 .38206 L s P p .001 w .99625 .40453 m 1 .40453 L s P p .001 w .99625 .42701 m 1 .42701 L s P p .001 w .99625 .47195 m 1 .47195 L s P p .001 w .99625 .49443 m 1 .49443 L s P p .001 w .99625 .5169 m 1 .5169 L s P p .001 w .99625 .53938 m 1 .53938 L s P p .001 w .99625 .58432 m 1 .58432 L s P p .001 w .99625 .6068 m 1 .6068 L s P p .002 w 1 0 m 1 .61803 L s P P p p .002 w 0 0 m 1 0 L s P p .002 w 0 0 m 0 .61803 L s P P 0 0 m 1 0 L 1 .61803 L 0 .61803 L closepath clip newpath p [(123)] .6129 .28092 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(129)] .58065 .28092 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(213)] .41935 .28092 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(N20)] .77419 .44948 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(N24)] .77419 .28092 0 0 270 Mrotshowa P % End of Graphics MathPictureEnd :[font = output; output; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup] Graphics["<<>>"] ;[o] -Graphics- :[font = input; preserveAspect; startGroup] (*en = 0.07*) Show[Graphics[Table[ Text[glasdata[[i, 1]], {glasdata[[i, 2]], glasdata[[i, 5]]}, {0, 0}, {0, -1}], {i, 24, Count[glasdata, _._] - 1}]], Axes->True, PlotRange->{{0.4, 0.71}, {1.0, 2.1}}, Frame->True, GridLines->Automatic] :[font = postscript; PostScript; formatAsPostScript; output; inactive; preserveAspect; pictureLeft = 34; pictureWidth = 360; pictureHeight = 222] %! %%Creator: Mathematica %%AspectRatio: .61803 MathPictureStart %% Graphics /Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont % Scaling calculations -1.29032 3.22581 -0.561849 0.561849 [ [(0.45)] .16129 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.5)] .32258 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.55)] .48387 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.6)] .64516 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.65)] .80645 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.7)] .96774 0 0 2 Msboxa [(1)] -0.0125 0 1 0 Msboxa [(1.2)] -0.0125 .11237 1 0 Msboxa [(1.4)] -0.0125 .22474 1 0 Msboxa [(1.6)] -0.0125 .33711 1 0 Msboxa [(1.8)] -0.0125 .44948 1 0 Msboxa [(2)] -0.0125 .56185 1 0 Msboxa [ -0.001 -0.001 0 0 ] [ 1.001 .61903 0 0 ] ] MathScale % Start of Graphics 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin newpath [ ] 0 setdash 0 g p p 0 0 .5 r .001 w .16129 0 m .16129 .61803 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w .32258 0 m .32258 .61803 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w .48387 0 m .48387 .61803 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w .64516 0 m .64516 .61803 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w .80645 0 m .80645 .61803 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .11237 m 1 .11237 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .22474 m 1 .22474 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .33711 m 1 .33711 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .44948 m 1 .44948 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .56185 m 1 .56185 L s P p .002 w .16129 0 m .16129 .00625 L s P [(0.45)] .16129 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .32258 0 m .32258 .00625 L s P [(0.5)] .32258 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .48387 0 m .48387 .00625 L s P [(0.55)] .48387 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .64516 0 m .64516 .00625 L s P [(0.6)] .64516 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .80645 0 m .80645 .00625 L s P [(0.65)] .80645 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .96774 0 m .96774 .00625 L s P [(0.7)] .96774 0 0 2 Mshowa p .001 w .03226 0 m .03226 .00375 L s P p .001 w .06452 0 m .06452 .00375 L s P p .001 w .09677 0 m .09677 .00375 L s P p .001 w .12903 0 m .12903 .00375 L s P p .001 w .19355 0 m .19355 .00375 L s P p .001 w .22581 0 m .22581 .00375 L s P p .001 w .25806 0 m .25806 .00375 L s P p .001 w .29032 0 m .29032 .00375 L s P p .001 w .35484 0 m .35484 .00375 L s P p .001 w .3871 0 m .3871 .00375 L s P p .001 w .41935 0 m .41935 .00375 L s P p .001 w .45161 0 m .45161 .00375 L s P p .001 w .51613 0 m .51613 .00375 L s P p .001 w .54839 0 m .54839 .00375 L s P p .001 w .58065 0 m .58065 .00375 L s P p .001 w .6129 0 m .6129 .00375 L s P p .001 w .67742 0 m .67742 .00375 L s P p .001 w .70968 0 m .70968 .00375 L s P p .001 w .74194 0 m .74194 .00375 L s P p .001 w .77419 0 m .77419 .00375 L s P p .001 w .83871 0 m .83871 .00375 L s P p .001 w .87097 0 m .87097 .00375 L s P p .001 w .90323 0 m .90323 .00375 L s P p .001 w .93548 0 m .93548 .00375 L s P p .002 w 0 0 m 1 0 L s P p .002 w 0 0 m .00625 0 L s P [(1)] -0.0125 0 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .11237 m .00625 .11237 L s P [(1.2)] -0.0125 .11237 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .22474 m .00625 .22474 L s P [(1.4)] -0.0125 .22474 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .33711 m .00625 .33711 L s P [(1.6)] -0.0125 .33711 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .44948 m .00625 .44948 L s P [(1.8)] -0.0125 .44948 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .56185 m .00625 .56185 L s P [(2)] -0.0125 .56185 1 0 Mshowa p .001 w 0 .02247 m .00375 .02247 L s P p .001 w 0 .04495 m .00375 .04495 L s P p .001 w 0 .06742 m .00375 .06742 L s P p .001 w 0 .0899 m .00375 .0899 L s P p .001 w 0 .13484 m .00375 .13484 L s P p .001 w 0 .15732 m .00375 .15732 L s P p .001 w 0 .17979 m .00375 .17979 L s P p .001 w 0 .20227 m .00375 .20227 L s P p .001 w 0 .24721 m .00375 .24721 L s P p .001 w 0 .26969 m .00375 .26969 L s P p .001 w 0 .29216 m .00375 .29216 L s P p .001 w 0 .31464 m .00375 .31464 L s P p .001 w 0 .35958 m .00375 .35958 L s P p .001 w 0 .38206 m .00375 .38206 L s P p .001 w 0 .40453 m .00375 .40453 L s P p .001 w 0 .42701 m .00375 .42701 L s P p .001 w 0 .47195 m .00375 .47195 L s P p .001 w 0 .49443 m .00375 .49443 L s P p .001 w 0 .5169 m .00375 .5169 L s P p .001 w 0 .53938 m .00375 .53938 L s P p .001 w 0 .58432 m .00375 .58432 L s P p .001 w 0 .6068 m .00375 .6068 L s P p .002 w 0 0 m 0 .61803 L s P P p p .002 w 0 .61178 m 0 .61803 L s P p .002 w .16129 .61178 m .16129 .61803 L s P p .002 w .32258 .61178 m .32258 .61803 L s P p .002 w .48387 .61178 m .48387 .61803 L s P p .002 w .64516 .61178 m .64516 .61803 L s P p .002 w .80645 .61178 m .80645 .61803 L s P p .002 w .96774 .61178 m .96774 .61803 L s P p .001 w .03226 .61428 m .03226 .61803 L s P p .001 w .06452 .61428 m .06452 .61803 L s P p .001 w .09677 .61428 m .09677 .61803 L s P p .001 w .12903 .61428 m .12903 .61803 L s P p .001 w .19355 .61428 m .19355 .61803 L s P p .001 w .22581 .61428 m .22581 .61803 L s P p .001 w .25806 .61428 m .25806 .61803 L s P p .001 w .29032 .61428 m .29032 .61803 L s P p .001 w .35484 .61428 m .35484 .61803 L s P p .001 w .3871 .61428 m .3871 .61803 L s P p .001 w .41935 .61428 m .41935 .61803 L s P p .001 w .45161 .61428 m .45161 .61803 L s P p .001 w .51613 .61428 m .51613 .61803 L s P p .001 w .54839 .61428 m .54839 .61803 L s P p .001 w .58065 .61428 m .58065 .61803 L s P p .001 w .6129 .61428 m .6129 .61803 L s P p .001 w .67742 .61428 m .67742 .61803 L s P p .001 w .70968 .61428 m .70968 .61803 L s P p .001 w .74194 .61428 m .74194 .61803 L s P p .001 w .77419 .61428 m .77419 .61803 L s P p .001 w .83871 .61428 m .83871 .61803 L s P p .001 w .87097 .61428 m .87097 .61803 L s P p .001 w .90323 .61428 m .90323 .61803 L s P p .001 w .93548 .61428 m .93548 .61803 L s P p .002 w 0 .61803 m 1 .61803 L s P p .002 w .99375 0 m 1 0 L s P p .002 w .99375 .11237 m 1 .11237 L s P p .002 w .99375 .22474 m 1 .22474 L s P p .002 w .99375 .33711 m 1 .33711 L s P p .002 w .99375 .44948 m 1 .44948 L s P p .002 w .99375 .56185 m 1 .56185 L s P p .001 w .99625 .02247 m 1 .02247 L s P p .001 w .99625 .04495 m 1 .04495 L s P p .001 w .99625 .06742 m 1 .06742 L s P p .001 w .99625 .0899 m 1 .0899 L s P p .001 w .99625 .13484 m 1 .13484 L s P p .001 w .99625 .15732 m 1 .15732 L s P p .001 w .99625 .17979 m 1 .17979 L s P p .001 w .99625 .20227 m 1 .20227 L s P p .001 w .99625 .24721 m 1 .24721 L s P p .001 w .99625 .26969 m 1 .26969 L s P p .001 w .99625 .29216 m 1 .29216 L s P p .001 w .99625 .31464 m 1 .31464 L s P p .001 w .99625 .35958 m 1 .35958 L s P p .001 w .99625 .38206 m 1 .38206 L s P p .001 w .99625 .40453 m 1 .40453 L s P p .001 w .99625 .42701 m 1 .42701 L s P p .001 w .99625 .47195 m 1 .47195 L s P p .001 w .99625 .49443 m 1 .49443 L s P p .001 w .99625 .5169 m 1 .5169 L s P p .001 w .99625 .53938 m 1 .53938 L s P p .001 w .99625 .58432 m 1 .58432 L s P p .001 w .99625 .6068 m 1 .6068 L s P p .002 w 1 0 m 1 .61803 L s P P p p .002 w 0 0 m 1 0 L s P p .002 w 0 0 m 0 .61803 L s P P 0 0 m 1 0 L 1 .61803 L 0 .61803 L closepath clip newpath p [(6)] .77419 .28092 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(15)] .77419 .16855 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(173)] .90323 .11237 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(16)] .77419 .16855 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(514)] .74194 .16855 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(505)] .74194 .33711 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(185)] .54839 .05618 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(52)] .54839 .33711 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(59)] .6129 .16855 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(63)] .51613 .16855 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(53)] .54839 .33711 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(535)] .74194 .33711 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(536)] .70968 .33711 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(537)] .70968 .33711 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(539)] .67742 .33711 0 0 270 Mrotshowa P % End of Graphics MathPictureEnd :[font = output; output; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup] Graphics["<<>>"] ;[o] -Graphics- :[font = input; preserveAspect; startGroup] (*en = 0.07*) Show[%129, AxesLabel-> False] :[font = message; inactive; preserveAspect] Show::gtype: Out is not a type of graphics. :[font = output; output; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup] Show[Out[129], AxesLabel -> False] ;[o] Show[Out[129], AxesLabel -> False] :[font = input; preserveAspect; endGroup] :[font = smalltext; inactive; preserveAspect; startGroup] Nach kv sortieren :[font = smalltext; inactive; Cclosed; preserveAspect; startGroup] Daten :[font = input; preserveAspect] rwear = {{20, 1.1}, {15, 1.2}, {10, 1.5}, {9, 1.6}, {6, 2.0}}; rwel = {{20, 1.25}, {17, 1.3}, {15, 1.4}, {10, 1.8}, {6, 2.5}}; :[font = input; preserveAspect; startGroup] glaslist := (glaslist = Sort[Table[{glasdata[[i, 5]], glasdata[[i, 4]], glasdata[[i, 2]], glasdata[[i, 3]] , glasdata[[i, 1]]}, {i, 12, Count[glasdata, _._]}]]); glaslist :[font = output; output; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup; endGroup] {{1., 16, 0.5, 0.04, 284}, {1.1, 16, 0.57, 0.04, 162}, {1.1, 16, 0.57, 0.04, 185}, {1.1, 16, 0.58, 0.04, 125}, {1.1, 16, 0.58, 0.04, 159}, {1.1, 16, 0.58, 0.04, 196}, {1.2, 12, 0.6800000000000001, 0.07000000000000001, 173}, {1.2, 16, 0.5200000000000001, 0.04, 214}, {1.2, 16, 0.57, 0.04, 161}, {1.2, 16, 0.58, 0.04, 155}, {1.2, 16, 0.58, 0.04, 155}, {1.3, 16, 0.5600000000000001, 0.07000000000000001, 63}, {1.3, 16, 0.59, 0.07000000000000001, 59}, {1.3, 16, 0.63, 0.07000000000000001, 514}, {1.3, 18, 0.6400000000000001, 0.07000000000000001, 15}, {1.3, 20, 0.6400000000000001, 0.07000000000000001, 16}, {1.5, 16, 0.5300000000000001, 0.04, 213}, {1.5, 16, 0.58, 0.04, 129}, {1.5, 16, 0.59, 0.04, 123}, {1.5, 18, 0.6400000000000001, 0.07000000000000001, 6}, {1.6, 14, 0.61, 0.07000000000000001, 539}, {1.6, 16, 0.57, 0.07000000000000001, 52}, {1.6, 16, 0.57, 0.07000000000000001, 53}, {1.6, 16, 0.6200000000000001, 0.07000000000000001, 536}, {1.6, 16, 0.6200000000000001, 0.07000000000000001, 537}, {1.6, 16, 0.63, 0.07000000000000001, 505}, {1.6, 16, 0.63, 0.07000000000000001, 535}, {2., 14, 0.7, 0.16, RWE3}} ;[o] {{1., 16, 0.5, 0.04, 284}, {1.1, 16, 0.57, 0.04, 162}, {1.1, 16, 0.57, 0.04, 185}, {1.1, 16, 0.58, 0.04, 125}, {1.1, 16, 0.58, 0.04, 159}, {1.1, 16, 0.58, 0.04, 196}, {1.2, 12, 0.68, 0.07, 173}, {1.2, 16, 0.52, 0.04, 214}, {1.2, 16, 0.57, 0.04, 161}, {1.2, 16, 0.58, 0.04, 155}, {1.2, 16, 0.58, 0.04, 155}, {1.3, 16, 0.56, 0.07, 63}, {1.3, 16, 0.59, 0.07, 59}, {1.3, 16, 0.63, 0.07, 514}, {1.3, 18, 0.64, 0.07, 15}, {1.3, 20, 0.64, 0.07, 16}, {1.5, 16, 0.53, 0.04, 213}, {1.5, 16, 0.58, 0.04, 129}, {1.5, 16, 0.59, 0.04, 123}, {1.5, 18, 0.64, 0.07, 6}, {1.6, 14, 0.61, 0.07, 539}, {1.6, 16, 0.57, 0.07, 52}, {1.6, 16, 0.57, 0.07, 53}, {1.6, 16, 0.62, 0.07, 536}, {1.6, 16, 0.62, 0.07, 537}, {1.6, 16, 0.63, 0.07, 505}, {1.6, 16, 0.63, 0.07, 535}, {2., 14, 0.7, 0.16, RWE3}} :[font = input; Cclosed; preserveAspect; startGroup] ListPlot[Table[{glaslist[[i, 2]], glaslist[[i, 1]]}, {i, Count[glaslist, _._]}], PlotRange->{{14, 21}, {0.8, 1.8}}, Frame->True] :[font = postscript; PostScript; formatAsPostScript; output; inactive; preserveAspect; pictureLeft = 34; pictureWidth = 282; pictureHeight = 174] %! %%Creator: Mathematica %%AspectRatio: .61803 MathPictureStart %% Graphics /Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont % Scaling calculations -2 0.142857 -0.494427 0.618034 [ [(15)] .14286 0 0 2 Msboxa [(16)] .28571 0 0 2 Msboxa [(17)] .42857 0 0 2 Msboxa [(18)] .57143 0 0 2 Msboxa [(19)] .71429 0 0 2 Msboxa [(20)] .85714 0 0 2 Msboxa [(21)] 1 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.8)] -0.0125 0 1 0 Msboxa [(1)] -0.0125 .12361 1 0 Msboxa [(1.2)] -0.0125 .24721 1 0 Msboxa [(1.4)] -0.0125 .37082 1 0 Msboxa [(1.6)] -0.0125 .49443 1 0 Msboxa [(1.8)] -0.0125 .61803 1 0 Msboxa [ -0.001 -0.001 0 0 ] [ 1.001 .61903 0 0 ] ] MathScale % Start of Graphics 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin newpath [ ] 0 setdash 0 g p p .002 w .14286 0 m .14286 .00625 L s P [(15)] .14286 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .28571 0 m .28571 .00625 L s P [(16)] .28571 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .42857 0 m .42857 .00625 L s P [(17)] .42857 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .57143 0 m .57143 .00625 L s P [(18)] .57143 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .71429 0 m .71429 .00625 L s P [(19)] .71429 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .85714 0 m .85714 .00625 L s P [(20)] .85714 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w 1 0 m 1 .00625 L s P [(21)] 1 0 0 2 Mshowa p .001 w .02857 0 m .02857 .00375 L s P p .001 w .05714 0 m .05714 .00375 L s P p .001 w .08571 0 m .08571 .00375 L s P p .001 w .11429 0 m .11429 .00375 L s P p .001 w .17143 0 m .17143 .00375 L s P p .001 w .2 0 m .2 .00375 L s P p .001 w .22857 0 m .22857 .00375 L s P p .001 w .25714 0 m .25714 .00375 L s P p .001 w .31429 0 m .31429 .00375 L s P p .001 w .34286 0 m .34286 .00375 L s P p .001 w .37143 0 m .37143 .00375 L s P p .001 w .4 0 m .4 .00375 L s P p .001 w .45714 0 m .45714 .00375 L s P p .001 w .48571 0 m .48571 .00375 L s P p .001 w .51429 0 m .51429 .00375 L s P p .001 w .54286 0 m .54286 .00375 L s P p .001 w .6 0 m .6 .00375 L s P p .001 w .62857 0 m .62857 .00375 L s P p .001 w .65714 0 m .65714 .00375 L s P p .001 w .68571 0 m .68571 .00375 L s P p .001 w .74286 0 m .74286 .00375 L s P p .001 w .77143 0 m .77143 .00375 L s P p .001 w .8 0 m .8 .00375 L s P p .001 w .82857 0 m .82857 .00375 L s P p .001 w .88571 0 m .88571 .00375 L s P p .001 w .91429 0 m .91429 .00375 L s P p .001 w .94286 0 m .94286 .00375 L s P p .001 w .97143 0 m .97143 .00375 L s P p .002 w 0 0 m 1 0 L s P p .002 w 0 0 m .00625 0 L s P [(0.8)] -0.0125 0 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .12361 m .00625 .12361 L s P [(1)] -0.0125 .12361 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .24721 m .00625 .24721 L s P [(1.2)] -0.0125 .24721 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .37082 m .00625 .37082 L s P [(1.4)] -0.0125 .37082 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .49443 m .00625 .49443 L s P [(1.6)] -0.0125 .49443 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .61803 m .00625 .61803 L s P [(1.8)] -0.0125 .61803 1 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w .97619 .01472 m .63605 .08012 L .29592 .27632 L .22789 .34172 L .02381 .60332 L s % End of Graphics MathPictureEnd :[font = postscript; PostScript; formatAsPostScript; output; inactive; preserveAspect; pictureLeft = 34; pictureWidth = 282; pictureHeight = 174] %! %%Creator: Mathematica %%AspectRatio: .61803 MathPictureStart %% Graphics /Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont % Scaling calculations -0.384354 0.0680272 -0.573889 0.470883 [ [(8)] .15986 .36788 0 2 Msboxa [(10)] .29592 .36788 0 2 Msboxa [(12)] .43197 .36788 0 2 Msboxa [(14)] .56803 .36788 0 2 Msboxa [(16)] .70408 .36788 0 2 Msboxa [(18)] .84014 .36788 0 2 Msboxa [(20)] .97619 .36788 0 2 Msboxa [(1.4)] .01131 .08535 1 0 Msboxa [(1.6)] .01131 .17952 1 0 Msboxa [(1.8)] .01131 .2737 1 0 Msboxa [(2.2)] .01131 .46205 1 0 Msboxa [(2.4)] .01131 .55623 1 0 Msboxa [ -0.001 -0.001 0 0 ] [ 1.001 .61903 0 0 ] ] MathScale % Start of Graphics 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin newpath [ ] 0 setdash 0 g p p .002 w .15986 .36788 m .15986 .37413 L 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.01131 .2737 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w .02381 .46205 m .03006 .46205 L s P [(2.2)] .01131 .46205 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w .02381 .55623 m .03006 .55623 L s P [(2.4)] .01131 .55623 1 0 Mshowa p .001 w .02381 .10418 m .02756 .10418 L s P p .001 w .02381 .12302 m .02756 .12302 L s P p .001 w .02381 .14185 m .02756 .14185 L s P p .001 w .02381 .16069 m .02756 .16069 L s P p .001 w .02381 .19836 m .02756 .19836 L s P p .001 w .02381 .21719 m .02756 .21719 L s P p .001 w .02381 .23603 m .02756 .23603 L s P p .001 w .02381 .25487 m .02756 .25487 L s P p .001 w .02381 .29254 m .02756 .29254 L s P p .001 w .02381 .31137 m .02756 .31137 L s P p .001 w .02381 .33021 m .02756 .33021 L s P p .001 w .02381 .34904 m .02756 .34904 L s P p .001 w .02381 .38671 m .02756 .38671 L s P p .001 w .02381 .40555 m .02756 .40555 L s P p .001 w .02381 .42438 m .02756 .42438 L s P p .001 w .02381 .44322 m .02756 .44322 L s P p .001 w .02381 .48089 m .02756 .48089 L s P p .001 w .02381 .49972 m .02756 .49972 L s P p .001 w .02381 .51856 m .02756 .51856 L s P p .001 w .02381 .5374 m .02756 .5374 L s P p .001 w .02381 .06651 m .02756 .06651 L s P p .001 w .02381 .04768 m .02756 .04768 L s P p .001 w .02381 .02884 m .02756 .02884 L s P p .001 w .02381 .01001 m .02756 .01001 L s P p .001 w .02381 .57507 m .02756 .57507 L s P p .001 w .02381 .5939 m .02756 .5939 L s P p .001 w .02381 .61274 m .02756 .61274 L s P p .002 w .02381 0 m .02381 .61803 L s P P 0 0 m 1 0 L 1 .61803 L 0 .61803 L closepath clip newpath .004 w .97619 .01472 m .77211 .03826 L .63605 .08535 L .29592 .2737 L .02381 .60332 L s % End of Graphics MathPictureEnd :[font = postscript; PostScript; formatAsPostScript; output; inactive; preserveAspect; pictureLeft = 34; pictureWidth = 282; pictureHeight = 174] %! %%Creator: Mathematica %%AspectRatio: .61803 MathPictureStart %% Graphics /Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont % Scaling calculations -0.4 0.0666667 0 0.294302 [ [(8)] .13333 0 0 2 Msboxa [(10)] .26667 0 0 2 Msboxa [(12)] .4 0 0 2 Msboxa [(14)] .53333 0 0 2 Msboxa [(16)] .66667 0 0 2 Msboxa [(18)] .8 0 0 2 Msboxa [(20)] .93333 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0)] -0.0125 0 1 0 Msboxa [(0.5)] -0.0125 .14715 1 0 Msboxa [(1)] -0.0125 .2943 1 0 Msboxa [(1.5)] -0.0125 .44145 1 0 Msboxa [(2)] -0.0125 .5886 1 0 Msboxa [ -0.001 -0.001 0 0 ] [ 1.001 .61903 0 0 ] ] MathScale % Start of Graphics 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin newpath [ ] 0 setdash 0 g p p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .14715 m 1 .14715 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .2943 m 1 .2943 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .44145 m 1 .44145 L s P p .002 w .13333 0 m .13333 .00625 L s P [(8)] .13333 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .26667 0 m .26667 .00625 L s P [(10)] .26667 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .4 0 m .4 .00625 L s P [(12)] .4 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .53333 0 m .53333 .00625 L s P [(14)] .53333 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .66667 0 m .66667 .00625 L s P [(16)] .66667 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .8 0 m .8 .00625 L s P [(18)] .8 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .93333 0 m .93333 .00625 L s P [(20)] .93333 0 0 2 Mshowa p .001 w .02667 0 m .02667 .00375 L s P p .001 w .05333 0 m .05333 .00375 L s P p .001 w .08 0 m .08 .00375 L s P p .001 w .10667 0 m .10667 .00375 L s P p .001 w .16 0 m .16 .00375 L s P p .001 w .18667 0 m .18667 .00375 L s P p .001 w .21333 0 m .21333 .00375 L s P p .001 w .24 0 m .24 .00375 L s P p .001 w .29333 0 m .29333 .00375 L s P p .001 w .32 0 m .32 .00375 L s P p .001 w .34667 0 m .34667 .00375 L s P p .001 w .37333 0 m .37333 .00375 L s P p .001 w .42667 0 m .42667 .00375 L s P p .001 w .45333 0 m .45333 .00375 L s P p .001 w .48 0 m .48 .00375 L s P p .001 w .50667 0 m .50667 .00375 L s P p .001 w .56 0 m .56 .00375 L s P p .001 w .58667 0 m .58667 .00375 L s P p .001 w .61333 0 m .61333 .00375 L s P p .001 w .64 0 m .64 .00375 L s P p .001 w .69333 0 m .69333 .00375 L s P p .001 w .72 0 m .72 .00375 L s P p .001 w .74667 0 m .74667 .00375 L s P p .001 w .77333 0 m .77333 .00375 L s P p .001 w .82667 0 m .82667 .00375 L s P p .001 w .85333 0 m .85333 .00375 L s P p .001 w .88 0 m .88 .00375 L s P p .001 w .90667 0 m .90667 .00375 L s P p .001 w .96 0 m .96 .00375 L s P p .001 w .98667 0 m .98667 .00375 L s P p .002 w 0 0 m 1 0 L s P p .002 w 0 0 m .00625 0 L s P [(0)] -0.0125 0 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .14715 m .00625 .14715 L s P [(0.5)] -0.0125 .14715 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .2943 m .00625 .2943 L s P [(1)] -0.0125 .2943 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .44145 m .00625 .44145 L s P [(1.5)] -0.0125 .44145 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .5886 m .00625 .5886 L s P [(2)] -0.0125 .5886 1 0 Mshowa p .001 w 0 .02943 m .00375 .02943 L s P p .001 w 0 .05886 m .00375 .05886 L s P p .001 w 0 .08829 m .00375 .08829 L s P p .001 w 0 .11772 m .00375 .11772 L s P p .001 w 0 .17658 m .00375 .17658 L s P p .001 w 0 .20601 m .00375 .20601 L s P p .001 w 0 .23544 m .00375 .23544 L s P p .001 w 0 .26487 m .00375 .26487 L s P p .001 w 0 .32373 m .00375 .32373 L s P p .001 w 0 .35316 m .00375 .35316 L s P p .001 w 0 .38259 m .00375 .38259 L s P p .001 w 0 .41202 m .00375 .41202 L s P p .001 w 0 .47088 m .00375 .47088 L s P p .001 w 0 .50031 m .00375 .50031 L s P p .001 w 0 .52974 m .00375 .52974 L s P p .001 w 0 .55917 m .00375 .55917 L s P p .002 w 0 0 m 0 .61803 L s P P p p .002 w 0 .61178 m 0 .61803 L s P p .002 w .13333 .61178 m .13333 .61803 L s P p .002 w .26667 .61178 m .26667 .61803 L s P p .002 w .4 .61178 m .4 .61803 L s P p .002 w .53333 .61178 m .53333 .61803 L s P p .002 w .66667 .61178 m .66667 .61803 L s P p .002 w .8 .61178 m .8 .61803 L s P p .002 w .93333 .61178 m .93333 .61803 L s P p .001 w .02667 .61428 m .02667 .61803 L s P p .001 w .05333 .61428 m .05333 .61803 L s P p .001 w .08 .61428 m .08 .61803 L s P p .001 w .10667 .61428 m .10667 .61803 L s P p .001 w .16 .61428 m .16 .61803 L s P p .001 w .18667 .61428 m .18667 .61803 L s P p .001 w .21333 .61428 m .21333 .61803 L s P p .001 w .24 .61428 m .24 .61803 L s P p .001 w .29333 .61428 m .29333 .61803 L s P p .001 w .32 .61428 m .32 .61803 L s P p .001 w .34667 .61428 m .34667 .61803 L s P p .001 w .37333 .61428 m .37333 .61803 L s P p .001 w .42667 .61428 m .42667 .61803 L s P p .001 w .45333 .61428 m .45333 .61803 L s P p .001 w .48 .61428 m .48 .61803 L s P p .001 w .50667 .61428 m .50667 .61803 L s P p .001 w .56 .61428 m .56 .61803 L s P p .001 w .58667 .61428 m .58667 .61803 L s P p .001 w .61333 .61428 m .61333 .61803 L s P p .001 w .64 .61428 m .64 .61803 L s P p .001 w .69333 .61428 m .69333 .61803 L s P p .001 w .72 .61428 m .72 .61803 L s P p .001 w .74667 .61428 m .74667 .61803 L s P p .001 w .77333 .61428 m .77333 .61803 L s P p .001 w .82667 .61428 m .82667 .61803 L s P p .001 w .85333 .61428 m .85333 .61803 L s P p .001 w .88 .61428 m .88 .61803 L s P p .001 w .90667 .61428 m .90667 .61803 L s P p .001 w .96 .61428 m .96 .61803 L s P p .001 w .98667 .61428 m .98667 .61803 L s P p .002 w 0 .61803 m 1 .61803 L s P p .002 w .99375 0 m 1 0 L s P p .002 w .99375 .14715 m 1 .14715 L s P p .002 w .99375 .2943 m 1 .2943 L s P p .002 w .99375 .44145 m 1 .44145 L s P p .002 w .99375 .5886 m 1 .5886 L s P p .001 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.66667 .44145 L .66667 .44145 L .8 .44145 L .53333 .47088 L .66667 .47088 L .66667 .47088 L .66667 .47088 L .66667 .47088 L .66667 .47088 L .66667 .47088 L .53333 .5886 L s .93333 .32373 m .6 .35316 L .26667 .44145 L .2 .47088 L 0 .5886 L s .93333 .36788 m .73333 .38259 L .6 .41202 L .26667 .52974 L s .15238 .61803 m .26667 .52974 L s s P % End of Graphics MathPictureEnd :[font = output; output; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup; endGroup] Graphics["<<>>"] ;[o] -Graphics- :[font = input; preserveAspect; endGroup] :[font = section; inactive; Cclosed; dontPreserveAspect; startGroup] Dicken, Flächen (so, areao) (Achtung: Estrichdicke ist 80 mm, Betondicke ist 100 mm) :[font = input; dontPreserveAspect; endGroup] so := ( s[1] = 100/1000 (*m*); s[2] = 80/1000 (*m*); s[3] = 80/1000 (*m*); s[4] = 10/1000 (*m*)); so; Clear[sov]; sov := Array[s, 4]; areao := ( fn3 = 1/4 3.7 7 (*m^2*); fn1to3 = 1/4 1.5 20 (*m^2*); fd3 = 1/4 8 7.5 (*m^2*); fd2 = 1/4 ( 5.5 8 + 1.7 5.5) (*m^2*); fd1 = 1/4 4.5 7.5 (*m^2*); fd1to2 = 1/2 1.95 6.5 (*m^2*); fs1 = 1/4 4.7 7 (*m^2*); fs2to3 = 1/4 13 2.5 (*m^2*); fw = 1/4 (8.5 2.5 + (7.5 2.5)/2 + 4 2) (*m^2*); fo = fw; fdach = fd1 + fd2 + fd3; fg = fn3 + fn1to3 + fd1to2 + fdach + fs1 + fs2to3 + fw + fo; fwand = fg - fdach; fb = 1/4 (9 20 - 6 7 - 1.7 7) (*m^2*)); (*Glashausfußbodenfläche*) areao; :[font = section; inactive; dontPreserveAspect; startGroup] Jahresgang der Sonneneinstrahlung (dataso) und Temperatur (mtempno, mtempko) :[font = smalltext; inactive; Cclosed; preserveAspect; startGroup] RWE Energie Bau-Handbuch, 12. Ausgabe, RWE Energie AG, Bereich Anwendungstechnik, D-45117 Essen, Tel.:(0201) 12 - 01, Fax: (0201) 12 - 2 45 43, www.rweenergie.de :[font = smalltext; inactive; preserveAspect] (*max. Strahlungsleistung auf senkrecht bestrahlte Fläche*) qs[1] = 1000 (*W/m^2*); (*Strahlungsleistung bei sehr dichter Bevölkung*) qs[2] = 20 (*W/m^2*); (*min. diff. Strahlungsleistung bei vollständig verdeckter Sonne*) qs[3] = 20 (*W/m^2*); (*max. diff. Strahlungsleistung bei vollständig verdeckter Sonne*) qs[4] = 250 (*W/m^2*); :[font = input; preserveAspect; endGroup] qso := ( (*jährl. Einstrahlung auf horiz. Meckl.Ebene, dividiert durch 24h/d 365d*) qs[5] = 10.^6 (*W h /(m^2 24 h/d 365 d)*); (*durchschn. Globalstrahlung, Meckl., April-Sept.*) qs[6] = 8. 10^5 (*W h/(m^2 24 h/d 365/2 d)*); (*max. tägl. Einstrahlg., sehr klares Sommerwetter*) qs[7] = 8. 10^3 (*W h/(m^2 24 h)*); (*mittl. tägl. Einstrahlg. an den besten 100 Sonnentagen des Jahres*) qs[8] = 5500 (*W h/(m^2 24 h)*); (*mittl. tägl. Einstrahlg. an den 100 ungünstigsten Tagen des Jahres*) qs[9] = 10^3 (*W h/(m^2 24. h)*); (*min. tägl. Einstrahlg., sehr trübes Winterwetter*) qs[10] = 100. (*W h/(m^2 24 h)*); (*Sonnenscheindauer pro Jahr, min*) Tamin = 1300 h/(365 d 24. h/d); (*Sonnenscheindauer pro Jahr, max*) Tamax = 1900 h/(365 d 24. h/d); (*Sonnenscheindauer April-Sept., min*) Tamin = 1000 h/(365/2 d 24. h/d); (*Sonnenscheindauer April-Sept., max*) Tamax = 1400 h/(365/2 d 24. h/d); (*Sonnenscheindauer Okt.-März, min*) Tamin = 300 h/(365/2 d 24. h/d); (*Sonnenscheindauer Okt.-März, max*) Tamax = 500 h/(365/2 d 24. h/d) ); qso; :[font = smalltext; inactive; dontPreserveAspect; startGroup] Die tägliche Sonneneinstrahlung in eine 45 Grad geneigte nach Süden ausgerichtete Fläche ist nach Ihle, Bader, Golla, 221.5 :[font = input; dontPreserveAspect] sonneno = 1000 (*W/kW*) /(24 (*h/d*)){0.8 (*kWh/(m^2 d*), 1.55, 2.7, 4.25, 4.8, 4.3, 3.8, 3.75, 3.5, 1.9, 1.1, 0.4}(*W h/(m^2 h)*); (*Komponente 1 = Januar, 2 = Februar, etc.*) :[font = input; preserveAspect; startGroup] ListPlot[sonneno, PlotJoined->True, Frame->True, GridLines->Automatic] :[font = postscript; PostScript; formatAsPostScript; output; inactive; preserveAspect; pictureLeft = 34; pictureWidth = 282; pictureHeight = 174] %! %%Creator: Mathematica %%AspectRatio: .61803 MathPictureStart %% Graphics /Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont % Scaling calculations 0.0238095 0.0793651 0.0147151 0.00294302 [ [(0)] .02381 0 0 2 Msboxa [(2)] .18254 0 0 2 Msboxa [(4)] .34127 0 0 2 Msboxa [(6)] .5 0 0 2 Msboxa [(8)] .65873 0 0 2 Msboxa [(10)] .81746 0 0 2 Msboxa [(12)] .97619 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0)] -0.0125 .01472 1 0 Msboxa [(50)] -0.0125 .16187 1 0 Msboxa [(100)] -0.0125 .30902 1 0 Msboxa [(150)] -0.0125 .45617 1 0 Msboxa [(200)] -0.0125 .60332 1 0 Msboxa [ -0.001 -0.001 0 0 ] [ 1.001 .61903 0 0 ] ] MathScale % Start of Graphics 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin newpath [ ] 0 setdash 0 g p p 0 0 .5 r .001 w .18254 0 m .18254 .61803 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w .34127 0 m .34127 .61803 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w .5 0 m .5 .61803 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w .65873 0 m .65873 .61803 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w .81746 0 m .81746 .61803 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .16187 m 1 .16187 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .30902 m 1 .30902 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .45617 m 1 .45617 L s P p .002 w .02381 0 m .02381 .00625 L s P [(0)] .02381 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .18254 0 m .18254 .00625 L s P [(2)] .18254 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .34127 0 m .34127 .00625 L s P [(4)] .34127 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .5 0 m .5 .00625 L s P [(6)] .5 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .65873 0 m .65873 .00625 L s P [(8)] .65873 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .81746 0 m .81746 .00625 L s P [(10)] .81746 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .97619 0 m .97619 .00625 L s P [(12)] .97619 0 0 2 Mshowa p .001 w .05556 0 m .05556 .00375 L s P p .001 w .0873 0 m .0873 .00375 L s P p .001 w .11905 0 m .11905 .00375 L s P p .001 w .15079 0 m .15079 .00375 L s P p .001 w .21429 0 m .21429 .00375 L s P p .001 w .24603 0 m .24603 .00375 L s P p .001 w .27778 0 m .27778 .00375 L s P p .001 w .30952 0 m .30952 .00375 L s P p .001 w .37302 0 m .37302 .00375 L s P p .001 w .40476 0 m .40476 .00375 L s P p .001 w .43651 0 m .43651 .00375 L s P p .001 w .46825 0 m .46825 .00375 L s P p .001 w .53175 0 m .53175 .00375 L s P p .001 w .56349 0 m .56349 .00375 L s P p .001 w .59524 0 m .59524 .00375 L s P p .001 w .62698 0 m .62698 .00375 L s P p .001 w .69048 0 m .69048 .00375 L s P p .001 w .72222 0 m .72222 .00375 L s P p .001 w .75397 0 m .75397 .00375 L s P p .001 w .78571 0 m .78571 .00375 L s P p .001 w .84921 0 m .84921 .00375 L s P p .001 w .88095 0 m .88095 .00375 L s P p .001 w .9127 0 m .9127 .00375 L s P p .001 w .94444 0 m .94444 .00375 L s P p .002 w 0 0 m 1 0 L s P p .002 w 0 .01472 m .00625 .01472 L s P [(0)] -0.0125 .01472 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .16187 m .00625 .16187 L s P [(50)] -0.0125 .16187 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .30902 m .00625 .30902 L s P [(100)] -0.0125 .30902 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .45617 m .00625 .45617 L s P [(150)] -0.0125 .45617 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .60332 m .00625 .60332 L s P [(200)] -0.0125 .60332 1 0 Mshowa p .001 w 0 .04415 m .00375 .04415 L s P p .001 w 0 .07358 m .00375 .07358 L s P p .001 w 0 .10301 m .00375 .10301 L s P p .001 w 0 .13244 m .00375 .13244 L s P p .001 w 0 .1913 m .00375 .1913 L s P p .001 w 0 .22073 m .00375 .22073 L s P p .001 w 0 .25016 m .00375 .25016 L s P p .001 w 0 .27959 m .00375 .27959 L s P p .001 w 0 .33845 m .00375 .33845 L s P p .001 w 0 .36788 m .00375 .36788 L s P p .001 w 0 .39731 m .00375 .39731 L s P p .001 w 0 .42674 m .00375 .42674 L s P p .001 w 0 .4856 m .00375 .4856 L s P p .001 w 0 .51503 m .00375 .51503 L s P p .001 w 0 .54446 m .00375 .54446 L s P p .001 w 0 .57389 m .00375 .57389 L s P p .002 w 0 0 m 0 .61803 L s P P p p .002 w .02381 .61178 m .02381 .61803 L s P p .002 w .18254 .61178 m .18254 .61803 L s P p .002 w .34127 .61178 m .34127 .61803 L s P p .002 w .5 .61178 m .5 .61803 L s P p .002 w .65873 .61178 m .65873 .61803 L s P p .002 w .81746 .61178 m .81746 .61803 L s P p .002 w .97619 .61178 m .97619 .61803 L s P p .001 w .05556 .61428 m .05556 .61803 L s P p .001 w .0873 .61428 m .0873 .61803 L s P p .001 w .11905 .61428 m .11905 .61803 L s P p .001 w .15079 .61428 m .15079 .61803 L s P p .001 w .21429 .61428 m .21429 .61803 L s P p .001 w .24603 .61428 m .24603 .61803 L s P p .001 w .27778 .61428 m .27778 .61803 L s P p .001 w .30952 .61428 m .30952 .61803 L s P p .001 w .37302 .61428 m .37302 .61803 L s P p .001 w .40476 .61428 m .40476 .61803 L s P p .001 w .43651 .61428 m .43651 .61803 L s P p .001 w .46825 .61428 m .46825 .61803 L s P p .001 w .53175 .61428 m .53175 .61803 L s P p .001 w .56349 .61428 m .56349 .61803 L s P p .001 w .59524 .61428 m .59524 .61803 L s P p .001 w .62698 .61428 m .62698 .61803 L s P p .001 w .69048 .61428 m .69048 .61803 L s P p .001 w .72222 .61428 m .72222 .61803 L s P p .001 w .75397 .61428 m .75397 .61803 L s P p .001 w .78571 .61428 m .78571 .61803 L s P p .001 w .84921 .61428 m .84921 .61803 L s P p .001 w .88095 .61428 m .88095 .61803 L s P p .001 w .9127 .61428 m .9127 .61803 L s P p .001 w .94444 .61428 m .94444 .61803 L s P 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L .2619 .3458 L .34127 .53587 L .42063 .60332 L .5 .54201 L .57937 .48069 L .65873 .47456 L .7381 .44391 L .81746 .2477 L .89683 .1496 L .97619 .06377 L s % End of Graphics MathPictureEnd :[font = output; output; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup] Graphics["<<>>"] ;[o] -Graphics- :[font = input; preserveAspect] (*45 Grad nach Süden ausgerichtete Fläche, die mit der maximalen Modula-Leistung (11 kW) beschienen wird*) notF[s_] := 11 kW 24 h/d / (24/1000 s kW h/(m^2 d)) ;[s] 2:0,1;107,0;159,-1; 2:1,14,9,Times,0,12,0,0,0;1,13,9,Times,0,10,0,0,0; :[font = input; preserveAspect; startGroup] (*notF in Abhängigkeit vom Monat*) Map[notF, sonneno] :[font = output; output; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup] {330.*m^2, 170.3225806451613*m^2, 97.7777777777778*m^2, 62.11764705882354*m^2, 55.00000000000001*m^2, 61.39534883720931*m^2, 69.47368421052633*m^2, 70.4*m^2, 75.42857142857143*m^2, 138.9473684210527*m^2, 240.*m^2, 660.*m^2} ;[o] 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 {330. m , 170.323 m , 97.7778 m , 62.1176 m , 55. m , 61.3953 m , 69.4737 m , 70.4 m , 75.4286 m , 138.947 m , 2 2 240. m , 660. m } :[font = input; preserveAspect; startGroup] (*notF in Abhängigkeit vom Monat im Vergleich zur nach Süden ausgerichteten Rumpi-Dachfläche, Wirkungsgrad von Flachkollektoren bei voller Sonnenbestrahlung: 50 ... 80 % nach Abb. 17-18, RWE, Seite 17/16*) Show[ ListPlot[1/m^2 Map[notF, sonneno], PlotRange->{{1, 12}, All}, PlotJoined->True, Frame->True, GridLines->Automatic], Plot[5 23, {x, 1, 12}, PlotRange->{{0, 12}, All}, Frame->True, GridLines->Automatic]] ;[s] 3:0,2;207,1;208,0;416,-1; 3:1,14,9,Times,0,12,0,0,0;1,13,8,Times,0,11,0,0,0;1,13,9,Times,0,10,0,0,0; :[font = postscript; PostScript; formatAsPostScript; output; inactive; preserveAspect; pictureLeft = 34; pictureWidth = 282; pictureHeight = 174] %! %%Creator: Mathematica %%AspectRatio: .61803 MathPictureStart %% Graphics /Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont % Scaling calculations -0.0909091 0.0909091 -0.0387943 0.000972899 [ [(2)] .09091 0 0 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.00375 .23362 L s P p .001 w 0 .27253 m .00375 .27253 L s P p .001 w 0 .29199 m .00375 .29199 L s P p .001 w 0 .31145 m .00375 .31145 L s P p .001 w 0 .33091 m .00375 .33091 L s P p .001 w 0 .36982 m .00375 .36982 L s P p .001 w 0 .38928 m .00375 .38928 L s P p .001 w 0 .40874 m .00375 .40874 L s P p .001 w 0 .4282 m .00375 .4282 L s P p .001 w 0 .46711 m .00375 .46711 L s P p .001 w 0 .48657 m .00375 .48657 L s P p .001 w 0 .50603 m .00375 .50603 L s P p .001 w 0 .52549 m .00375 .52549 L s P p .001 w 0 .03904 m .00375 .03904 L s P p .001 w 0 .01958 m .00375 .01958 L s P p .001 w 0 .00012 m .00375 .00012 L s P p .001 w 0 .5644 m .00375 .5644 L s P p .001 w 0 .58386 m .00375 .58386 L s P p .001 w 0 .60332 m .00375 .60332 L s P p .002 w 0 0 m 0 .61803 L s P P p p .002 w .09091 .61178 m .09091 .61803 L s P p .002 w .27273 .61178 m .27273 .61803 L s P p .002 w .45455 .61178 m .45455 .61803 L s P p .002 w .63636 .61178 m .63636 .61803 L s P p .002 w .81818 .61178 m .81818 .61803 L s P p 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p .001 w .99625 .52549 m 1 .52549 L s P p .001 w .99625 .03904 m 1 .03904 L s P p .001 w .99625 .01958 m 1 .01958 L s P p .001 w .99625 .00012 m 1 .00012 L s P p .001 w .99625 .5644 m 1 .5644 L s P p .001 w .99625 .58386 m 1 .58386 L s P p .001 w .99625 .60332 m 1 .60332 L s P p .002 w 1 0 m 1 .61803 L s P P p P 0 0 m 1 0 L 1 .61803 L 0 .61803 L closepath clip newpath .004 w 0 .28226 m .09091 .12691 L .18182 .05633 L .27273 .02164 L .36364 .01472 L .45455 .02094 L .54545 .0288 L .63636 .0297 L .72727 .03459 L .81818 .09639 L .90909 .1947 L 1 .60332 L s % End of Graphics MathPictureEnd :[font = postscript; PostScript; formatAsPostScript; output; inactive; preserveAspect; pictureLeft = 34; pictureWidth = 282; pictureHeight = 174] %! %%Creator: Mathematica %%AspectRatio: .61803 MathPictureStart %% Graphics /Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont % Scaling calculations 2.77556e-17 0.0833333 -0.274513 0.00507417 [ [(2)] .16667 0 0 2 Msboxa [(4)] .33333 0 0 2 Msboxa [(6)] .5 0 0 2 Msboxa [(8)] .66667 0 0 2 Msboxa [(10)] .83333 0 0 2 Msboxa [(12)] 1 0 0 2 Msboxa [(60)] -0.0125 .02994 1 0 Msboxa [(80)] -0.0125 .13142 1 0 Msboxa [(100)] -0.0125 .2329 1 0 Msboxa [(120)] -0.0125 .33439 1 0 Msboxa [(140)] -0.0125 .43587 1 0 Msboxa [(160)] -0.0125 .53735 1 0 Msboxa [ -0.001 -0.001 0 0 ] [ 1.001 .61903 0 0 ] ] MathScale % Start of Graphics 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin newpath [ ] 0 setdash 0 g p p 0 0 .5 r .001 w .16667 0 m .16667 .61803 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w .33333 0 m .33333 .61803 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w .5 0 m .5 .61803 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w .66667 0 m .66667 .61803 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w .83333 0 m .83333 .61803 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .02994 m 1 .02994 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .13142 m 1 .13142 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .2329 m 1 .2329 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .33439 m 1 .33439 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .43587 m 1 .43587 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .53735 m 1 .53735 L s P p .002 w .16667 0 m .16667 .00625 L s P [(2)] .16667 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .33333 0 m .33333 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.8 0 m .8 .00375 L s P p .001 w .86667 0 m .86667 .00375 L s P p .001 w .9 0 m .9 .00375 L s P p .001 w .93333 0 m .93333 .00375 L s P p .001 w .96667 0 m .96667 .00375 L s P p .002 w 0 0 m 1 0 L s P p .002 w 0 .02994 m .00625 .02994 L s P [(60)] -0.0125 .02994 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .13142 m .00625 .13142 L s P [(80)] -0.0125 .13142 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .2329 m .00625 .2329 L s P [(100)] -0.0125 .2329 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .33439 m .00625 .33439 L s P [(120)] -0.0125 .33439 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .43587 m .00625 .43587 L s P [(140)] -0.0125 .43587 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .53735 m .00625 .53735 L s P [(160)] -0.0125 .53735 1 0 Mshowa p .001 w 0 .05023 m .00375 .05023 L s P p .001 w 0 .07053 m .00375 .07053 L s P p .001 w 0 .09083 m .00375 .09083 L s P p .001 w 0 .11112 m .00375 .11112 L s P p .001 w 0 .15172 m .00375 .15172 L s P p .001 w 0 .17201 m .00375 .17201 L s P p .001 w 0 .19231 m .00375 .19231 L s P p .001 w 0 .21261 m .00375 .21261 L s P p .001 w 0 .2532 m .00375 .2532 L s P p 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.61803 L s P p .001 w .13333 .61428 m .13333 .61803 L s P p .001 w .2 .61428 m .2 .61803 L s P p .001 w .23333 .61428 m .23333 .61803 L s P p .001 w .26667 .61428 m .26667 .61803 L s P p .001 w .3 .61428 m .3 .61803 L s P p .001 w .36667 .61428 m .36667 .61803 L s P p .001 w .4 .61428 m .4 .61803 L s P p .001 w .43333 .61428 m .43333 .61803 L s P p .001 w .46667 .61428 m .46667 .61803 L s P p .001 w .53333 .61428 m .53333 .61803 L s P p .001 w .56667 .61428 m .56667 .61803 L s P p .001 w .6 .61428 m .6 .61803 L s P p .001 w .63333 .61428 m .63333 .61803 L s P p .001 w .7 .61428 m .7 .61803 L s P p .001 w .73333 .61428 m .73333 .61803 L s P p .001 w .76667 .61428 m .76667 .61803 L s P p .001 w .8 .61428 m .8 .61803 L s P p .001 w .86667 .61428 m .86667 .61803 L s P p .001 w .9 .61428 m .9 .61803 L s P p .001 w .93333 .61428 m .93333 .61803 L s P p .001 w .96667 .61428 m .96667 .61803 L s P p .002 w 0 .61803 m 1 .61803 L s P p .002 w .99375 .02994 m 1 .02994 L s P p .002 w .99375 .13142 m 1 .13142 L s P p .002 w .99375 .2329 m 1 .2329 L s P p .002 w .99375 .33439 m 1 .33439 L s P p .002 w .99375 .43587 m 1 .43587 L s P p .002 w .99375 .53735 m 1 .53735 L s P p .001 w .99625 .05023 m 1 .05023 L s P p .001 w .99625 .07053 m 1 .07053 L s P p .001 w .99625 .09083 m 1 .09083 L s P p .001 w .99625 .11112 m 1 .11112 L s P p .001 w .99625 .15172 m 1 .15172 L s P p .001 w .99625 .17201 m 1 .17201 L s P p .001 w .99625 .19231 m 1 .19231 L s P p .001 w .99625 .21261 m 1 .21261 L s P p .001 w .99625 .2532 m 1 .2532 L s P p .001 w .99625 .2735 m 1 .2735 L s P p .001 w .99625 .29379 m 1 .29379 L s P p .001 w .99625 .31409 m 1 .31409 L s P p .001 w .99625 .35468 m 1 .35468 L s P p .001 w .99625 .37498 m 1 .37498 L s P p .001 w .99625 .39528 m 1 .39528 L s P p .001 w .99625 .41557 m 1 .41557 L s P p .001 w .99625 .45617 m 1 .45617 L s P p .001 w .99625 .47646 m 1 .47646 L s P p .001 w .99625 .49676 m 1 .49676 L s P p .001 w .99625 .51706 m 1 .51706 L s P p .001 w .99625 .00964 m 1 .00964 L s P p .001 w .99625 .55765 m 1 .55765 L s P p .001 w .99625 .57795 m 1 .57795 L s P p .001 w .99625 .59824 m 1 .59824 L s P p .002 w 1 0 m 1 .61803 L s P P p P 0 0 m 1 0 L 1 .61803 L 0 .61803 L closepath clip newpath p p .004 w .08333 .30902 m .12153 .30902 L .15972 .30902 L .19792 .30902 L .23611 .30902 L .27431 .30902 L .3125 .30902 L .35069 .30902 L .38889 .30902 L .42708 .30902 L .46528 .30902 L .50347 .30902 L .54167 .30902 L .57986 .30902 L .61806 .30902 L .65625 .30902 L .69444 .30902 L .73264 .30902 L .77083 .30902 L .80903 .30902 L .84722 .30902 L .88542 .30902 L .92361 .30902 L .96181 .30902 L 1 .30902 L s P P % End of Graphics MathPictureEnd :[font = postscript; PostScript; formatAsPostScript; output; inactive; preserveAspect; pictureLeft = 34; pictureWidth = 282; pictureHeight = 174] %! %%Creator: Mathematica %%AspectRatio: .61803 MathPictureStart %% Graphics /Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont % Scaling calculations -0.0909091 0.0909091 -0.0387943 0.000972899 [ [(2)] .09091 0 0 2 Msboxa [(4)] .27273 0 0 2 Msboxa [(6)] .45455 0 0 2 Msboxa [(8)] .63636 0 0 2 Msboxa [(10)] .81818 0 0 2 Msboxa [(12)] 1 0 0 2 Msboxa [(100)] -0.0125 .0585 1 0 Msboxa [(200)] -0.0125 .15579 1 0 Msboxa [(300)] -0.0125 .25308 1 0 Msboxa [(400)] -0.0125 .35037 1 0 Msboxa [(500)] -0.0125 .44766 1 0 Msboxa [(600)] -0.0125 .54494 1 0 Msboxa [ -0.001 -0.001 0 0 ] [ 1.001 .61903 0 0 ] ] MathScale % Start of Graphics 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin newpath [ ] 0 setdash 0 g p p 0 0 .5 r .001 w .09091 0 m .09091 .61803 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w .27273 0 m .27273 .61803 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w .45455 0 m .45455 .61803 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w .63636 0 m .63636 .61803 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w .81818 0 m .81818 .61803 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .0585 m 1 .0585 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .15579 m 1 .15579 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .25308 m 1 .25308 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .35037 m 1 .35037 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .44766 m 1 .44766 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .54494 m 1 .54494 L s P p .002 w .09091 0 m .09091 .00625 L s P [(2)] .09091 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .27273 0 m .27273 .00625 L s P [(4)] .27273 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .45455 0 m .45455 .00625 L s P [(6)] .45455 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .63636 0 m .63636 .00625 L s P [(8)] .63636 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .81818 0 m .81818 .00625 L s P [(10)] .81818 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w 1 0 m 1 .00625 L s P [(12)] 1 0 0 2 Mshowa p .001 w .12727 0 m .12727 .00375 L s P p .001 w .16364 0 m .16364 .00375 L s P p .001 w .2 0 m .2 .00375 L s P p .001 w .23636 0 m .23636 .00375 L s P p .001 w .30909 0 m .30909 .00375 L s P p .001 w .34545 0 m .34545 .00375 L s P p .001 w .38182 0 m .38182 .00375 L s P p .001 w .41818 0 m .41818 .00375 L s P p .001 w .49091 0 m .49091 .00375 L s P p .001 w .52727 0 m .52727 .00375 L s P p .001 w .56364 0 m .56364 .00375 L s P p .001 w .6 0 m .6 .00375 L s P p .001 w .67273 0 m .67273 .00375 L s P p .001 w .70909 0 m .70909 .00375 L s P p .001 w .74545 0 m .74545 .00375 L s P p .001 w .78182 0 m .78182 .00375 L s P p .001 w .85455 0 m .85455 .00375 L s P p .001 w .89091 0 m .89091 .00375 L s P p .001 w .92727 0 m .92727 .00375 L s P p .001 w .96364 0 m .96364 .00375 L s P p .001 w .05455 0 m .05455 .00375 L s P p .001 w .01818 0 m .01818 .00375 L s P p .002 w 0 0 m 1 0 L s P p .002 w 0 .0585 m .00625 .0585 L s P [(100)] -0.0125 .0585 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .15579 m .00625 .15579 L s P [(200)] -0.0125 .15579 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .25308 m .00625 .25308 L s P [(300)] -0.0125 .25308 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .35037 m .00625 .35037 L s P [(400)] -0.0125 .35037 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .44766 m .00625 .44766 L s P [(500)] -0.0125 .44766 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .54494 m .00625 .54494 L s P [(600)] -0.0125 .54494 1 0 Mshowa p .001 w 0 .07795 m .00375 .07795 L s P p .001 w 0 .09741 m .00375 .09741 L s P p .001 w 0 .11687 m .00375 .11687 L s P p .001 w 0 .13633 m .00375 .13633 L s P p .001 w 0 .17524 m .00375 .17524 L s P p .001 w 0 .1947 m .00375 .1947 L s P p .001 w 0 .21416 m .00375 .21416 L s P p .001 w 0 .23362 m .00375 .23362 L s P p .001 w 0 .27253 m .00375 .27253 L s P p .001 w 0 .29199 m .00375 .29199 L s P p .001 w 0 .31145 m .00375 .31145 L s P p .001 w 0 .33091 m .00375 .33091 L s P p .001 w 0 .36982 m .00375 .36982 L s P p .001 w 0 .38928 m .00375 .38928 L s P p .001 w 0 .40874 m .00375 .40874 L s P p .001 w 0 .4282 m .00375 .4282 L s P p .001 w 0 .46711 m .00375 .46711 L s P p .001 w 0 .48657 m .00375 .48657 L s P p .001 w 0 .50603 m .00375 .50603 L s P p .001 w 0 .52549 m .00375 .52549 L s P p .001 w 0 .03904 m .00375 .03904 L s P p .001 w 0 .01958 m .00375 .01958 L s P p .001 w 0 .00012 m .00375 .00012 L s P p .001 w 0 .5644 m .00375 .5644 L s P p .001 w 0 .58386 m .00375 .58386 L s P p .001 w 0 .60332 m .00375 .60332 L s P p .002 w 0 0 m 0 .61803 L s P P p p .002 w .09091 .61178 m .09091 .61803 L s P p .002 w .27273 .61178 m .27273 .61803 L s P p .002 w .45455 .61178 m .45455 .61803 L s P p .002 w .63636 .61178 m .63636 .61803 L s P p .002 w .81818 .61178 m .81818 .61803 L s P p .001 w .12727 .61428 m .12727 .61803 L s P p .001 w .16364 .61428 m .16364 .61803 L s P p .001 w .2 .61428 m .2 .61803 L s P p .001 w .23636 .61428 m .23636 .61803 L s P p .001 w .30909 .61428 m .30909 .61803 L s P p .001 w .34545 .61428 m .34545 .61803 L s P p .001 w .38182 .61428 m .38182 .61803 L s P p .001 w .41818 .61428 m .41818 .61803 L s P p .001 w .49091 .61428 m .49091 .61803 L s P p .001 w .52727 .61428 m .52727 .61803 L s P p .001 w .56364 .61428 m .56364 .61803 L s P p .001 w .6 .61428 m .6 .61803 L s P p .001 w .67273 .61428 m .67273 .61803 L s P p .001 w .70909 .61428 m .70909 .61803 L s P p .001 w .74545 .61428 m .74545 .61803 L s P p .001 w .78182 .61428 m .78182 .61803 L s P p .001 w .85455 .61428 m .85455 .61803 L s P p .001 w .89091 .61428 m .89091 .61803 L s P p .001 w .92727 .61428 m .92727 .61803 L s P p .001 w .96364 .61428 m .96364 .61803 L s P p .001 w .05455 .61428 m .05455 .61803 L s P p .001 w .01818 .61428 m .01818 .61803 L s P p .002 w 0 .61803 m 1 .61803 L s P p .002 w .99375 .0585 m 1 .0585 L s P p .002 w .99375 .15579 m 1 .15579 L s P p .002 w .99375 .25308 m 1 .25308 L s P p .002 w .99375 .35037 m 1 .35037 L s P p .002 w .99375 .44766 m 1 .44766 L s P p .002 w .99375 .54494 m 1 .54494 L s P p .001 w .99625 .07795 m 1 .07795 L s P p .001 w .99625 .09741 m 1 .09741 L s P p .001 w .99625 .11687 m 1 .11687 L s P p .001 w .99625 .13633 m 1 .13633 L s P p .001 w .99625 .17524 m 1 .17524 L s P p .001 w .99625 .1947 m 1 .1947 L s P p .001 w .99625 .21416 m 1 .21416 L s P p .001 w .99625 .23362 m 1 .23362 L s P p .001 w .99625 .27253 m 1 .27253 L s P p .001 w .99625 .29199 m 1 .29199 L s P p .001 w .99625 .31145 m 1 .31145 L s P p .001 w .99625 .33091 m 1 .33091 L s P p .001 w .99625 .36982 m 1 .36982 L s P p .001 w .99625 .38928 m 1 .38928 L s P p .001 w .99625 .40874 m 1 .40874 L s P p .001 w .99625 .4282 m 1 .4282 L s P p .001 w .99625 .46711 m 1 .46711 L s P p .001 w .99625 .48657 m 1 .48657 L s P p .001 w .99625 .50603 m 1 .50603 L s P p .001 w .99625 .52549 m 1 .52549 L s P p .001 w .99625 .03904 m 1 .03904 L s P p .001 w .99625 .01958 m 1 .01958 L s P p .001 w .99625 .00012 m 1 .00012 L s P p .001 w .99625 .5644 m 1 .5644 L s P p .001 w .99625 .58386 m 1 .58386 L s P p .001 w .99625 .60332 m 1 .60332 L s P p .002 w 1 0 m 1 .61803 L s P P p P 0 0 m 1 0 L 1 .61803 L 0 .61803 L closepath clip newpath p .004 w 0 .28226 m .09091 .12691 L .18182 .05633 L .27273 .02164 L .36364 .01472 L .45455 .02094 L .54545 .0288 L .63636 .0297 L .72727 .03459 L .81818 .09639 L .90909 .1947 L 1 .60332 L s p p 0 .07309 m .04167 .07309 L .08333 .07309 L .125 .07309 L .16667 .07309 L .20833 .07309 L .25 .07309 L .29167 .07309 L .33333 .07309 L .375 .07309 L .41667 .07309 L .45833 .07309 L .5 .07309 L .54167 .07309 L .58333 .07309 L .625 .07309 L .66667 .07309 L .70833 .07309 L .75 .07309 L .79167 .07309 L .83333 .07309 L .875 .07309 L .91667 .07309 L .95833 .07309 L 1 .07309 L s P P P % End of Graphics MathPictureEnd :[font = output; output; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup] Graphics["<<>>"] ;[o] -Graphics- :[font = smalltext; inactive; preserveAspect; startGroup] Veränderung dieser Sonneneinstrahlung: Einstrahlung auf eine horizontale Fläche nach RWE-Energie, Seite 17/19 :[font = input; preserveAspect; startGroup] Clear[dataso]; dataso := ( sonnenqo = {55/95 sonneno[[1]], 55/95 sonneno[[2]], 55/95 sonneno[[3]], sonneno[[4]], sonneno[[5]], sonneno[[6]], sonneno[[7]], sonneno[[8]], sonneno[[9]], 55/95 sonneno[[10]], 55/95 sonneno[[11]], 55/95 sonneno[[12]]}); dataso; :[font = message; inactive; preserveAspect] General::spell1: Possible spelling error: new symbol name "dataso" is similar to existing symbol "datao". :[font = message; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup; endGroup] General::spell1: Possible spelling error: new symbol name "sonnenqo" is similar to existing symbol "sonneno". :[font = input; dontPreserveAspect; startGroup] (*Jahresgang der mittleren Außenluft-Temperatur, kalte/normale Winter*) mtempko = {-8, -10, -3, 0, 8, 15, 20, 20, 15, 8, 5, 0.2} (*C*); mtempno = {1.7, 2.7, 5.4, 5.5, 12, 16, 18, 17, 14, 7.7, 4, 1.6} (*C*); mtemppo = {-2, 2, 6.5, 11.5, 17, 19.5, 21, 20.5, 17, 12.5, 6.5, 0.5} (*C*); :[font = message; inactive; preserveAspect] General::spell1: Possible spelling error: new symbol name "mtempno" is similar to existing symbol "mtempko". :[font = message; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup; endGroup; endGroup] General::spell: Possible spelling error: new symbol name "mtemppo" is similar to existing symbols {mtempko, mtempno}. :[font = input; preserveAspect; endGroup] :[font = subsubtitle; inactive; Cclosed; dontPreserveAspect; startGroup] datax :[font = input; dontPreserveAspect; startGroup] datax := ( alphai =.; alphaa =.; alphi =.; ts =.; fg =.; fb = .; g =.; fn3 = .; fn1to3 = .; fd3 = .; fd2 = .; fd1 = .; fs1 = .; fs2to3 = .; fw = .; fo = .; fb=.; fg=.; Clear[kv, lambda, lambdav, s, sv, sov]; tin=.; tout=.; tf=.; ta=.; ts =.; ); :[font = message; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup; endGroup] General::spell1: Possible spelling error: new symbol name "datax" is similar to existing symbol "datao". :[font = subtitle; inactive; dontPreserveAspect; startGroup] Definitionen :[font = input; preserveAspect] defw := ( (*------------------------------------------------------------------- Wärmeströme bei gegebenen Temperaturdifferenzen (W/m^2 Fußboden) ----------------------------------------------------------------------*) Clear[wbodenup, wbodendown, wbodendwn, qst, qg, wglas]; (**) wbodenup[tf_, tin_] := (tf - tin)/(1/alphai + s[4]/lambda[4]); wbodendown[tf_, ts_] := (tf - ts) /(s[1]/lambda[1] + s[2] / lambda[2]); wbodendwn[{tf_, ts_}] := (tf - ts)/(s[1]/lambda[1] + s2 / lambda[2]); (*-------------------------für analytische Lösung---------------------------------------------- wbodenup[tf_, tin_] := (tf - tin) alphai; wbodendown[tf_, ts_] := (tf - ts) ki; -------------------------für analytische Lösung----------------------------------------------*) (*wglas ist die durch das Glas verschwindende Wärme, qg ist der Transmissionswärmeverlust durch die Glasfläche, qst ist der Strahlungsverlust aus dem Glashaus*) qst[{tin_, tout_}] := (fdach/fb) Cst/(1/e1 + 1/e2 - 1) (((tin + 273)/100)^4 - ((tout + 273)/100)^4); (**) qg[{tin_, tout_}] := (tin - tout) ((fdach/fb)/(1/alphi + 1/kf[kv]) + (fwand/fb)/(1/alphi + 1/kf[kv] + s[2]/lambda[2])); (*-------------------------für analytische Lösung---------------------------------------------- qg[{tin_, tout_}] := (tin - tout) (fg/fb) kf[kv]; -------------------------für analytische Lösung----------------------------------------------*) wglas[tin_, tout_] := qg[{tin, tout}] + qst[{tin, tout}]; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------- berechnet bei Stationarität die Fußboden- (tf) und Innenlufttemperatur (tin) bei gegebener Energiezufuhr (Sonne (sonnenqo)) Außen- (tout) und Erdreichtemperatur (ts) -------------------------------------------------------------------*) Clear[solve]; solve[{q_, tout_}] := Solve[ {wbodendown[tf, ts] + wbodenup[tf, tin] == g q, wbodenup[tf, tin] == wglas[tin, tout]}, {tf, tin}]; Clear[temps]; (*temps-Vektor ist {tout, tf, tin}*) temps[{q_, tout_}] := (temps[{q, tout}] = If[Cst == 0, Flatten[{tout, tf, tin}/.solve[{q, tout}]], Clear[V]; V = {}; los = {tf, tin} /. solve[{q, tout}] ; For[l = 1, l <=4, l++, If[Head[los[[l, 1]]] == Complex, V = Append[V, {l}],]]; Prepend[Delete[los, V][[2]], tout ] ] ); Clear[maptemps]; (*temps-Vektoren für alle 12 Monate des Jahres*) maptemps:= ( maptemps = Map[temps, Table[{sonnenqo[[ii]], mtempo[[ii]]}, {ii, 12}]]); plottemps := Show[ ListPlot[Table[maptemps[[i, 1]], {i, 12}], PlotJoined->True], ListPlot[Table[maptemps[[i, 2]], {i, 12}], PlotJoined->True], ListPlot[Table[maptemps[[i, 3]], {i, 12}], PlotJoined->True], PlotRange->{Automatic, {-10, 30}}, Frame->True, GridLines->Automatic ]; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------- berechnet im Glashaus pro m^2 anfallende Wärme (kWh/d) bei Bodentemp. tf = 32 C, Innenlufttemp. tin = 19 C außer Jan/Feb: tf = 2 C, tin = 2 C März, Okt., Nov., Dez.: tf = 22 C, Innenlufttemp. tin = 19 C -------------------------------------------------------------------*) Clear[wbil, wbilv, BCwbilv]; wbil[{ii_, tout_}] := ( If[flag == -1, If[ii < 4 || ii > 9, 0, 24/1000 (g sonnenqo[[ii]] - (wbodendown[32, ts] + wglas[19, tout])) ], If[flag == 0, 24/1000 (g sonnenqo[[ii]] - (wbodendown[32, ts] + wglas[19, tout])), If[ii < 3, 24/1000 (g sonnenqo[[ii]] - (wbodendown[2, ts] + wglas[2, tout])), If[ii < 4 || ii > 9, 24/1000 (g sonnenqo[[ii]] - (wbodendown[22, ts] + wglas[19, tout])), 24/1000 (g sonnenqo[[ii]] - (wbodendown[32, ts] + wglas[19, tout])) ]]]] ); wbilv := Map[wbil, Table[{i, mtempo[[i]]}, {i, 12}]]; BCwbilv := BarChart[fb wbilv, PlotRange->{Automatic, {0, 100}}, Frame->True, GridLines->{None, Automatic}]; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------- bei Temp. des Fußbodens tF, was ist tin bei gegebenen tout? -------------------------------------------------------------------*) Clear[solv] ; solv[tout_] := Solve[wbodenup[tfu, tin] == wglas[tin, tout], tin]; Clear[mtin]; mtin[tF_] := ( tfu = tF; Flatten[ Map[solv, Table[mtemp[[i]], {i, 12}]], 1]); plottin[tf_] := ListPlot[tin/C /.mtin[tf], PlotRange->{Automatic, {-10, 90}}] (*Daten mit Einheiten verwenden*) ); defw; ;[s] 11:0,0;484,2;756,0;1144,2;1385,0;1954,1;1959,0;2786,1;2791,0;3042,1;3046,0;4201,-1; 3:6,14,9,Times,0,12,0,0,0;3,14,9,Times,1,12,0,0,0;2,13,9,Times,0,10,0,0,0; :[font = smalltext; inactive; Cclosed; dontPreserveAspect; startGroup] Näherung für tin bei festem tF (tin/.solv[tout] :[font = input; dontPreserveAspect; startGroup] Clear[tina]; tina[tF_, tout_] := (tF fb/fg(1/alphai + 1/kf[kv]) + tout/alphai)/((fb/fg + 1)/alphai + (fb/fg)/kf[kv]) :[font = message; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup] General::spell1: Possible spelling error: new symbol name "tina" is similar to existing symbol "tin". :[font = input; dontPreserveAspect; startGroup] datax; tina[tF, tout] :[font = output; output; inactive; dontPreserveAspect; endGroup] ((fb*(alphai^(-1) + (0.75 + 0.7*kv)^(-1))*tF)/fg + tout/alphai)/((1 + fb/fg)/alphai + fb/(fg*(0.75 + 0.7*kv))) ;[o] 1 1 fb (------ + -------------) tF alphai 0.75 + 0.7 kv tout ------------------------------ + ------ fg alphai --------------------------------------- fb 1 + -- fg fb ------ + ------------------ alphai fg (0.75 + 0.7 kv) :[font = smalltext; inactive; dontPreserveAspect; endGroup; endGroup] Erklärung: (1/alphai + 1/kf[kv]) ..... Wärmeübergangs-Widerstand am Fenster = Wärmedurchgangs-Widerstand durch Grenzschicht Luft am Glas + Wärmedurchgangs-Widerstand durch Glasscheibe. Quantitativ: = 1/6 + 1/1.3 m^2 K/W für kf[kv] = 1.3 W/(m^2 K): Durchgangswiderstand durch Scheibe ist etwa 5 mal größer als der durch die Luft-Grenzschicht. = 1/6 + 1/3 m^2 K/W für kf[kv] = 3 W/(m^2 K): Durchgangswiderstand durch Scheibe ist doppelt so groß wie der durch Luft-Grenzschicht. 1/alphai ................................ Wärmedurchgangs-Widerstand am Boden = Wärmedurchgangs-Widerstand durch Grenzschicht Luft am Boden + Durchgangswiderstand durch Fliesen (letzterer ist gegenüber Grenzschichtwiderstand vernachlässigbar). fg/fb ..................................... Wärmeabgabe durch Glas- und Bodenfläche ist bezogen auf 1 m^2 Bodenfläche. Im Glashaus ist etwa 3 mal soviel Glasfläche wie Bodenfläche. ;[s] 2:0,0;12,1;1946,-1; 2:1,14,10,Geneva,4,10,0,0,0;1,14,10,Geneva,0,10,0,0,0; :[font = subtitle; inactive; Cclosed; preserveAspect; fontSize = 15; startGroup] Alt: Kurven in {g, kv} mit konstanten wbil - neu siehe Wärmestrom, Wärmeleistung - ;[s] 3:0,0;55,1;80,0;83,-1; 2:2,21,15,Geneva,3,15,0,0,0;1,25,17,Times,1,23,0,0,0; :[font = input; preserveAspect] tout=.; e1=.; e2=.; :[font = input; Cclosed; preserveAspect; startGroup] 24/1000 (g 200 - (wbodendown[32, ts] + wglas[19, tout])) :[font = output; output; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup] (3*(-11.57142857142857 + 200*g - (1.166534496431403/(0.04 + (0.75 + 0.7*kv)^(-1)) + 1.775574940523394/(2.325714285714286 + (0.75 + 0.7*kv)^(-1)))* (19 - tout) - (6.614250594766059* (28398241/390625 - (273 + tout)^4/100000000))/ (-1 + e1^(-1) + e2^(-1))))/125 ;[o] 1.16653 1.77557 (3 (-11.5714 + 200 g - (-------------------- + -----------------------) 1 1 0.04 + ------------- 2.32571 + ------------- 0.75 + 0.7 kv 0.75 + 0.7 kv 4 28398241 (273 + tout) 6.61425 (-------- - -------------) 390625 100000000 (19 - tout) - ----------------------------------)) / 125 1 1 -1 + -- + -- e1 e2 :[font = input; preserveAspect] Clear[wbilf]; wbilf[g_, e1_, kv_] := (3*(-11.57142857142857 + 200*g - (1.166534496431403/(0.04 + (0.75 + 0.7*kv)^(-1)) + 1.775574940523394/(2.325714285714286 + (0.75 + 0.7*kv)^(-1)))* (19 - tout) - (6.614250594766059* (28398241/390625 - (273 + tout)^4/100000000))/ (-1 + e1^(-1) + e2^(-1))))/125 :[font = input; preserveAspect] Clear[cplot]; cplot[eps_] := ContourPlot[ wbilf[g, eps, kv], {g, 0.4, 0.71}, {kv, 1, 2.1}, Contours->{0.5, 0.7, 0.9, 1.1, 1.3, 1.5}]; :[font = input; preserveAspect; startGroup] tout = mtempko[[1]]; e2 = 0.96; wbilf[0.68, 0.04, 1.2] :[font = output; output; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup] 1.318606793389441 ;[o] 1.31861 :[font = input; Cclosed; preserveAspect; startGroup] Show[cplot[0.04], kvofg[1,5]] :[font = postscript; PostScript; formatAsPostScript; output; inactive; noFill; preserveAspect; pictureLeft = 34; pictureWidth = 282; pictureHeight = 282] %! %%Creator: Mathematica %%AspectRatio: 1 MathPictureStart %% ContourGraphics /Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont % Scaling calculations -1.22146 3.10174 -0.854895 0.874126 [ [(0.4)] .01923 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.45)] .17432 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.5)] .3294 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.55)] .48449 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.6)] .63958 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.65)] .79467 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.7)] .94975 0 0 2 Msboxa [(1)] -0.0125 .01923 1 0 Msboxa [(1.2)] -0.0125 .19406 1 0 Msboxa [(1.4)] -0.0125 .36888 1 0 Msboxa [(1.6)] -0.0125 .54371 1 0 Msboxa [(1.8)] -0.0125 .71853 1 0 Msboxa [(2)] -0.0125 .89336 1 0 Msboxa [ -0.001 -0.001 0 0 ] [ 1.001 1.001 0 0 ] ] MathScale % Start of Graphics 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin newpath [ ] 0 setdash 0 g p p .002 w .01923 0 m .01923 .00625 L s P [(0.4)] .01923 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .17432 0 m .17432 .00625 L s P [(0.45)] .17432 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .3294 0 m .3294 .00625 L s P [(0.5)] .3294 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .48449 0 m .48449 .00625 L s P [(0.55)] .48449 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .63958 0 m .63958 .00625 L s P [(0.6)] .63958 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .79467 0 m .79467 .00625 L s P [(0.65)] .79467 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .94975 0 m .94975 .00625 L s P [(0.7)] .94975 0 0 2 Mshowa p .001 w .05025 0 m .05025 .00375 L s P p .001 w .08127 0 m .08127 .00375 L s P p .001 w .11228 0 m .11228 .00375 L s P p .001 w .1433 0 m .1433 .00375 L s P p .001 w .20533 0 m .20533 .00375 L s P p .001 w .23635 0 m .23635 .00375 L s P p .001 w .26737 0 m .26737 .00375 L s P p .001 w .29839 0 m .29839 .00375 L s P p .001 w .36042 0 m .36042 .00375 L s P p .001 w .39144 0 m .39144 .00375 L s P p .001 w .42246 0 m .42246 .00375 L s P p .001 w .45347 0 m .45347 .00375 L s P p .001 w .51551 0 m .51551 .00375 L s P p .001 w .54653 0 m .54653 .00375 L s P p .001 w .57754 0 m .57754 .00375 L s P p .001 w .60856 0 m .60856 .00375 L s P p .001 w .6706 0 m .6706 .00375 L s P p .001 w .70161 0 m .70161 .00375 L s P p .001 w .73263 0 m .73263 .00375 L s P p .001 w .76365 0 m .76365 .00375 L s P p .001 w .82568 0 m .82568 .00375 L s P p .001 w .8567 0 m .8567 .00375 L s P p .001 w .88772 0 m .88772 .00375 L s P p .001 w .91873 0 m .91873 .00375 L s P p .001 w .98077 0 m .98077 .00375 L s P p .002 w 0 0 m 1 0 L s P p .002 w 0 .01923 m .00625 .01923 L s P [(1)] -0.0125 .01923 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .19406 m .00625 .19406 L s P [(1.2)] -0.0125 .19406 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .36888 m .00625 .36888 L s P [(1.4)] -0.0125 .36888 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .54371 m .00625 .54371 L s P [(1.6)] -0.0125 .54371 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .71853 m .00625 .71853 L s P [(1.8)] -0.0125 .71853 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .89336 m .00625 .89336 L s P [(2)] -0.0125 .89336 1 0 Mshowa p .001 w 0 .0542 m .00375 .0542 L s P p .001 w 0 .08916 m .00375 .08916 L s P p .001 w 0 .12413 m .00375 .12413 L s P p .001 w 0 .15909 m .00375 .15909 L s P p .001 w 0 .22902 m .00375 .22902 L s P p .001 w 0 .26399 m .00375 .26399 L s P p .001 w 0 .29895 m .00375 .29895 L s P p .001 w 0 .33392 m .00375 .33392 L s P p .001 w 0 .40385 m .00375 .40385 L s P p .001 w 0 .43881 m .00375 .43881 L s P p .001 w 0 .47378 m .00375 .47378 L s P p .001 w 0 .50874 m .00375 .50874 L s P p .001 w 0 .57867 m .00375 .57867 L s P p .001 w 0 .61364 m .00375 .61364 L s P p .001 w 0 .6486 m .00375 .6486 L s P p .001 w 0 .68357 m .00375 .68357 L s P p .001 w 0 .7535 m .00375 .7535 L s P p .001 w 0 .78846 m .00375 .78846 L s P p .001 w 0 .82343 m .00375 .82343 L s P p .001 w 0 .85839 m .00375 .85839 L s P p .001 w 0 .92832 m .00375 .92832 L s P p .001 w 0 .96329 m .00375 .96329 L s P p .001 w 0 .99825 m .00375 .99825 L s P p .002 w 0 0 m 0 1 L s P P p p .002 w .01923 .99375 m .01923 1 L s P p .002 w .17432 .99375 m .17432 1 L s P p .002 w .3294 .99375 m .3294 1 L s P p .002 w .48449 .99375 m .48449 1 L s P p .002 w .63958 .99375 m .63958 1 L s P p .002 w .79467 .99375 m .79467 1 L s P p .002 w .94975 .99375 m .94975 1 L s P p .001 w .05025 .99625 m .05025 1 L s P p .001 w .08127 .99625 m .08127 1 L s P p .001 w .11228 .99625 m .11228 1 L s P p .001 w .1433 .99625 m .1433 1 L s P p .001 w .20533 .99625 m .20533 1 L s P p .001 w .23635 .99625 m .23635 1 L s P p .001 w .26737 .99625 m .26737 1 L s P p .001 w .29839 .99625 m .29839 1 L s P p .001 w .36042 .99625 m .36042 1 L s P p .001 w .39144 .99625 m .39144 1 L s P p .001 w .42246 .99625 m .42246 1 L s P p .001 w .45347 .99625 m .45347 1 L s P p .001 w .51551 .99625 m .51551 1 L s P p .001 w .54653 .99625 m .54653 1 L s P p .001 w .57754 .99625 m .57754 1 L s P p .001 w .60856 .99625 m .60856 1 L s P p .001 w .6706 .99625 m .6706 1 L s P p .001 w .70161 .99625 m .70161 1 L s P p .001 w .73263 .99625 m .73263 1 L s P p .001 w .76365 .99625 m .76365 1 L s P p .001 w .82568 .99625 m .82568 1 L s P p .001 w .8567 .99625 m .8567 1 L s P p .001 w .88772 .99625 m .88772 1 L s P p .001 w .91873 .99625 m .91873 1 L s P p .001 w .98077 .99625 m .98077 1 L s P p .002 w 0 1 m 1 1 L s P p .002 w .99375 .01923 m 1 .01923 L s P p .002 w .99375 .19406 m 1 .19406 L s P p .002 w .99375 .36888 m 1 .36888 L s P p .002 w .99375 .54371 m 1 .54371 L s P p .002 w .99375 .71853 m 1 .71853 L s P p .002 w .99375 .89336 m 1 .89336 L s P p .001 w .99625 .0542 m 1 .0542 L s P p .001 w .99625 .08916 m 1 .08916 L s P p .001 w .99625 .12413 m 1 .12413 L s P p .001 w .99625 .15909 m 1 .15909 L s P p .001 w .99625 .22902 m 1 .22902 L s P p .001 w .99625 .26399 m 1 .26399 L s P p .001 w .99625 .29895 m 1 .29895 L s P p .001 w .99625 .33392 m 1 .33392 L s P p .001 w .99625 .40385 m 1 .40385 L s P p .001 w .99625 .43881 m 1 .43881 L s P p .001 w .99625 .47378 m 1 .47378 L s P p .001 w .99625 .50874 m 1 .50874 L s P p .001 w .99625 .57867 m 1 .57867 L s P p .001 w .99625 .61364 m 1 .61364 L s P p .001 w .99625 .6486 m 1 .6486 L s P p .001 w .99625 .68357 m 1 .68357 L s P p .001 w .99625 .7535 m 1 .7535 L s P p .001 w .99625 .78846 m 1 .78846 L s P p .001 w .99625 .82343 m 1 .82343 L s P p .001 w .99625 .85839 m 1 .85839 L s P p .001 w .99625 .92832 m 1 .92832 L s P p .001 w .99625 .96329 m 1 .96329 L s P p .001 w .99625 .99825 m 1 .99825 L s P p .002 w 1 0 m 1 1 L s P P p P 0 0 m 1 0 L 1 1 L 0 1 L closepath clip newpath p .01923 .98077 m .98077 .98077 L .98077 .01923 L .01923 .01923 L F p .001 w s P .388 g .64065 .98077 m .63736 .97126 L .61684 .91209 L .5929 .84341 L .56881 .77473 L .56868 .77437 L .54457 .70604 L .52018 .63736 L .5 .58087 L .49563 .56868 L .47092 .5 L .44605 .43132 L .43132 .39088 L .421 .36264 L .39577 .29396 L .37035 .22527 L .36264 .20452 L .34474 .15659 L .31893 .08791 L .29396 .02201 L .2929 .01923 L .98077 .01923 L .98077 .98077 L F p 0 g .001 w .64065 .98077 m .63736 .97126 L .61684 .91209 L .5929 .84341 L .56881 .77473 L .56868 .77437 L .54457 .70604 L .52018 .63736 L .5 .58087 L .49563 .56868 L .47092 .5 L .44605 .43132 L .43132 .39088 L .421 .36264 L .39577 .29396 L .37035 .22527 L .36264 .20452 L .34474 .15659 L .31893 .08791 L .29396 .02201 L .2929 .01923 L s P .516 g .76989 .98077 m .74608 .91209 L .72214 .84341 L .70604 .79748 L .69804 .77473 L .67381 .70604 L .64942 .63736 L .63736 .60358 L .62487 .56868 L .60016 .5 L .57529 .43132 L .56868 .41316 L .55024 .36264 L .52501 .29396 L .5 .22637 L .49959 .22527 L .47398 .15659 L .44817 .08791 L .43132 .04339 L .42214 .01923 L .98077 .01923 L .98077 .98077 L F p 0 g .001 w .76989 .98077 m .74608 .91209 L .72214 .84341 L .70604 .79748 L .69804 .77473 L .67381 .70604 L .64942 .63736 L .63736 .60358 L .62487 .56868 L .60016 .5 L .57529 .43132 L .56868 .41316 L .55024 .36264 L .52501 .29396 L .5 .22637 L .49959 .22527 L .47398 .15659 L .44817 .08791 L .43132 .04339 L .42214 .01923 L s P .643 g .89913 .98077 m .87532 .91209 L .85137 .84341 L .84341 .82064 L .82728 .77473 L .80305 .70604 L .77866 .63736 L .77473 .62634 L .75411 .56868 L .7294 .5 L .70604 .4355 L .70453 .43132 L .67948 .36264 L .65425 .29396 L .63736 .24827 L .62883 .22527 L .60322 .15659 L .57741 .08791 L 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L s P .899 g .98077 .48032 m .963 .43132 L .93795 .36264 L .91273 .29396 L .91209 .29223 L .88731 .22527 L .8617 .15659 L .84341 .10787 L .83588 .08791 L .80985 .01923 L .98077 .01923 L F p 0 g .001 w .98077 .48032 m .963 .43132 L .93795 .36264 L .91273 .29396 L .91209 .29223 L .88731 .22527 L .8617 .15659 L .84341 .10787 L .83588 .08791 L .80985 .01923 L s P 1 g .98077 .12947 m .96512 .08791 L .93909 .01923 L .98077 .01923 L F p 0 g .001 w .98077 .12947 m .96512 .08791 L .93909 .01923 L s P P % End of Graphics MathPictureEnd :[font = postscript; PostScript; formatAsPostScript; output; inactive; noFill; preserveAspect; pictureLeft = 34; pictureWidth = 359; pictureHeight = 221] %! %%Creator: Mathematica %%AspectRatio: .61803 MathPictureStart %% Graphics /Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont % Scaling calculations -1.29032 3.22581 -0.561849 0.561849 [ [(0.45)] .16129 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.5)] .32258 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.55)] .48387 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.6)] .64516 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.65)] .80645 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.7)] .96774 0 0 2 Msboxa [(1)] -0.0125 0 1 0 Msboxa [(1.2)] -0.0125 .11237 1 0 Msboxa [(1.4)] -0.0125 .22474 1 0 Msboxa [(1.6)] -0.0125 .33711 1 0 Msboxa [(1.8)] -0.0125 .44948 1 0 Msboxa [(2)] -0.0125 .56185 1 0 Msboxa [ -0.001 -0.001 0 0 ] [ 1.001 .61903 0 0 ] ] MathScale % Start of Graphics 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin newpath [ ] 0 setdash 0 g p p 0 0 .5 r .001 w .16129 0 m .16129 .61803 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w .32258 0 m .32258 .61803 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w .48387 0 m .48387 .61803 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w .64516 0 m .64516 .61803 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w .80645 0 m .80645 .61803 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .11237 m 1 .11237 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .22474 m 1 .22474 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .33711 m 1 .33711 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .44948 m 1 .44948 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 0 .56185 m 1 .56185 L s P p .002 w .16129 0 m .16129 .00625 L s P [(0.45)] .16129 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .32258 0 m .32258 .00625 L s P [(0.5)] .32258 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .48387 0 m .48387 .00625 L s P [(0.55)] .48387 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .64516 0 m .64516 .00625 L s P [(0.6)] .64516 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .80645 0 m .80645 .00625 L s P [(0.65)] .80645 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .96774 0 m .96774 .00625 L s P [(0.7)] .96774 0 0 2 Mshowa p .001 w .03226 0 m .03226 .00375 L s P p .001 w .06452 0 m .06452 .00375 L s P p .001 w .09677 0 m .09677 .00375 L s P p .001 w .12903 0 m .12903 .00375 L s P p .001 w .19355 0 m .19355 .00375 L s P p .001 w .22581 0 m .22581 .00375 L s P p .001 w .25806 0 m .25806 .00375 L s P p .001 w .29032 0 m .29032 .00375 L s P p .001 w .35484 0 m .35484 .00375 L s P p .001 w .3871 0 m .3871 .00375 L s P p .001 w .41935 0 m .41935 .00375 L s P p .001 w .45161 0 m .45161 .00375 L s P p .001 w .51613 0 m .51613 .00375 L s P p .001 w .54839 0 m .54839 .00375 L s P p .001 w .58065 0 m .58065 .00375 L s P p .001 w .6129 0 m .6129 .00375 L s P p .001 w .67742 0 m .67742 .00375 L s P p .001 w .70968 0 m .70968 .00375 L s P p .001 w .74194 0 m .74194 .00375 L s P p .001 w .77419 0 m .77419 .00375 L s P p .001 w .83871 0 m .83871 .00375 L s P p .001 w .87097 0 m .87097 .00375 L s P p .001 w .90323 0 m .90323 .00375 L s P p .001 w .93548 0 m .93548 .00375 L s P p .002 w 0 0 m 1 0 L s P p .002 w 0 0 m .00625 0 L s P [(1)] -0.0125 0 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .11237 m .00625 .11237 L s P [(1.2)] -0.0125 .11237 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .22474 m .00625 .22474 L s P [(1.4)] -0.0125 .22474 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .33711 m .00625 .33711 L s P [(1.6)] -0.0125 .33711 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .44948 m .00625 .44948 L s P [(1.8)] -0.0125 .44948 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .56185 m .00625 .56185 L s P [(2)] -0.0125 .56185 1 0 Mshowa p .001 w 0 .02247 m .00375 .02247 L s P p .001 w 0 .04495 m .00375 .04495 L s P p .001 w 0 .06742 m .00375 .06742 L s P p .001 w 0 .0899 m .00375 .0899 L s P p .001 w 0 .13484 m .00375 .13484 L s P p .001 w 0 .15732 m .00375 .15732 L s P p .001 w 0 .17979 m .00375 .17979 L s P p .001 w 0 .20227 m .00375 .20227 L s P p .001 w 0 .24721 m .00375 .24721 L s P p .001 w 0 .26969 m .00375 .26969 L s P p .001 w 0 .29216 m .00375 .29216 L s P p .001 w 0 .31464 m .00375 .31464 L s P p .001 w 0 .35958 m .00375 .35958 L s P p .001 w 0 .38206 m .00375 .38206 L s P p .001 w 0 .40453 m .00375 .40453 L s P p .001 w 0 .42701 m .00375 .42701 L s P p .001 w 0 .47195 m .00375 .47195 L s P p .001 w 0 .49443 m .00375 .49443 L s P p .001 w 0 .5169 m .00375 .5169 L s P p .001 w 0 .53938 m .00375 .53938 L s P p .001 w 0 .58432 m .00375 .58432 L s P p .001 w 0 .6068 m .00375 .6068 L s P p .002 w 0 0 m 0 .61803 L s P P p p .002 w 0 .61178 m 0 .61803 L s P p .002 w .16129 .61178 m .16129 .61803 L s P p .002 w .32258 .61178 m .32258 .61803 L s P p .002 w .48387 .61178 m .48387 .61803 L s P p .002 w .64516 .61178 m .64516 .61803 L s P p .002 w .80645 .61178 m .80645 .61803 L s P p .002 w .96774 .61178 m .96774 .61803 L s P p .001 w .03226 .61428 m .03226 .61803 L s P p .001 w .06452 .61428 m .06452 .61803 L s P p .001 w .09677 .61428 m .09677 .61803 L s P p .001 w .12903 .61428 m .12903 .61803 L s P p .001 w .19355 .61428 m .19355 .61803 L s P p .001 w .22581 .61428 m .22581 .61803 L s P p .001 w .25806 .61428 m .25806 .61803 L s P p .001 w .29032 .61428 m .29032 .61803 L s P p .001 w .35484 .61428 m .35484 .61803 L s P p .001 w .3871 .61428 m .3871 .61803 L s P p .001 w .41935 .61428 m .41935 .61803 L s P p .001 w .45161 .61428 m .45161 .61803 L s P p .001 w .51613 .61428 m .51613 .61803 L s P p .001 w .54839 .61428 m .54839 .61803 L s P p .001 w .58065 .61428 m .58065 .61803 L s P p .001 w .6129 .61428 m .6129 .61803 L s P p .001 w .67742 .61428 m .67742 .61803 L s P p .001 w .70968 .61428 m .70968 .61803 L s P p .001 w .74194 .61428 m .74194 .61803 L s P p .001 w .77419 .61428 m .77419 .61803 L s P p .001 w .83871 .61428 m .83871 .61803 L s P p .001 w .87097 .61428 m .87097 .61803 L s P p .001 w .90323 .61428 m .90323 .61803 L s P p .001 w .93548 .61428 m .93548 .61803 L s P p .002 w 0 .61803 m 1 .61803 L s P p .002 w .99375 0 m 1 0 L s P p .002 w .99375 .11237 m 1 .11237 L s P p .002 w .99375 .22474 m 1 .22474 L s P p .002 w .99375 .33711 m 1 .33711 L s P p .002 w .99375 .44948 m 1 .44948 L s P p .002 w .99375 .56185 m 1 .56185 L s P p .001 w .99625 .02247 m 1 .02247 L s P p .001 w .99625 .04495 m 1 .04495 L s P p .001 w .99625 .06742 m 1 .06742 L s P p .001 w .99625 .0899 m 1 .0899 L s P p .001 w .99625 .13484 m 1 .13484 L s P p .001 w .99625 .15732 m 1 .15732 L s P p .001 w .99625 .17979 m 1 .17979 L s P p .001 w .99625 .20227 m 1 .20227 L s P p .001 w .99625 .24721 m 1 .24721 L s P p .001 w .99625 .26969 m 1 .26969 L s P p .001 w .99625 .29216 m 1 .29216 L s P p .001 w .99625 .31464 m 1 .31464 L s P p .001 w .99625 .35958 m 1 .35958 L s P p .001 w .99625 .38206 m 1 .38206 L s P p .001 w .99625 .40453 m 1 .40453 L s P p .001 w .99625 .42701 m 1 .42701 L s P p .001 w .99625 .47195 m 1 .47195 L s P p .001 w .99625 .49443 m 1 .49443 L s P p .001 w .99625 .5169 m 1 .5169 L s P p .001 w .99625 .53938 m 1 .53938 L s P p .001 w .99625 .58432 m 1 .58432 L s P p .001 w .99625 .6068 m 1 .6068 L s P p .002 w 1 0 m 1 .61803 L s P P p p .002 w 0 0 m 1 0 L s P p .002 w 0 0 m 0 .61803 L s P P 0 0 m 1 0 L 1 .61803 L 0 .61803 L closepath clip newpath p [(123)] .6129 .28092 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(129)] .58065 .28092 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(213)] .41935 .28092 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(N20)] .77419 .44948 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(N24)] .77419 .28092 0 0 270 Mrotshowa P % End of Graphics MathPictureEnd :[font = postscript; PostScript; formatAsPostScript; output; inactive; noFill; preserveAspect; pictureLeft = 34; pictureWidth = 282; pictureHeight = 282] %! %%Creator: Mathematica %%AspectRatio: 1 MathPictureStart %% Graphics /Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont % Scaling calculations -1.20507 3.0722 -0.841991 0.865801 [ [(0.4)] .02381 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.45)] .17742 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.5)] .33103 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.55)] .48464 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.6)] .63825 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.65)] .79186 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.7)] .94547 0 0 2 Msboxa [(1)] -0.0125 .02381 1 0 Msboxa [(1.2)] -0.0125 .19697 1 0 Msboxa [(1.4)] -0.0125 .37013 1 0 Msboxa [(1.6)] -0.0125 .54329 1 0 Msboxa [(1.8)] -0.0125 .71645 1 0 Msboxa [(2)] -0.0125 .88961 1 0 Msboxa [ -0.001 -0.001 0 0 ] [ 1.001 1.001 0 0 ] ] MathScale % Start of Graphics 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin newpath [ ] 0 setdash 0 g p p .002 w .02381 0 m .02381 .00625 L s P [(0.4)] .02381 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .17742 0 m .17742 .00625 L s P [(0.45)] .17742 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .33103 0 m .33103 .00625 L s P [(0.5)] .33103 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .48464 0 m .48464 .00625 L s P [(0.55)] .48464 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .63825 0 m .63825 .00625 L s P [(0.6)] .63825 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .79186 0 m .79186 .00625 L s P [(0.65)] .79186 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .94547 0 m .94547 .00625 L s P [(0.7)] .94547 0 0 2 Mshowa p .001 w .05453 0 m .05453 .00375 L s P p .001 w .08525 0 m .08525 .00375 L s P p .001 w .11598 0 m .11598 .00375 L s P p .001 w .1467 0 m .1467 .00375 L s P p .001 w .20814 0 m .20814 .00375 L s P p .001 w .23886 0 m .23886 .00375 L s P p .001 w .26959 0 m .26959 .00375 L s P p .001 w .30031 0 m .30031 .00375 L s P p .001 w .36175 0 m .36175 .00375 L s P p .001 w .39247 0 m .39247 .00375 L s P p .001 w .4232 0 m .4232 .00375 L s P p .001 w .45392 0 m .45392 .00375 L s P p .001 w .51536 0 m .51536 .00375 L s P p .001 w .54608 0 m .54608 .00375 L s P p .001 w .5768 0 m .5768 .00375 L s P p .001 w .60753 0 m .60753 .00375 L s P p .001 w .66897 0 m .66897 .00375 L s P p .001 w .69969 0 m .69969 .00375 L s P p .001 w .73041 0 m .73041 .00375 L s P p .001 w .76114 0 m .76114 .00375 L s P p .001 w .82258 0 m .82258 .00375 L s P p .001 w .8533 0 m .8533 .00375 L s P p .001 w .88402 0 m .88402 .00375 L s P p .001 w .91475 0 m .91475 .00375 L s P p .001 w .97619 0 m .97619 .00375 L s P p .002 w 0 0 m 1 0 L s P p .002 w 0 .02381 m .00625 .02381 L s P [(1)] -0.0125 .02381 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .19697 m .00625 .19697 L s P [(1.2)] -0.0125 .19697 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .37013 m .00625 .37013 L s P [(1.4)] 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.30087 L s P p .001 w .99625 .3355 m 1 .3355 L s P p .001 w .99625 .40476 m 1 .40476 L s P p .001 w .99625 .43939 m 1 .43939 L s P p .001 w .99625 .47403 m 1 .47403 L s P p .001 w .99625 .50866 m 1 .50866 L s P p .001 w .99625 .57792 m 1 .57792 L s P p .001 w .99625 .61255 m 1 .61255 L s P p .001 w .99625 .64719 m 1 .64719 L s P p .001 w .99625 .68182 m 1 .68182 L s P p .001 w .99625 .75108 m 1 .75108 L s P p .001 w .99625 .78571 m 1 .78571 L s P p .001 w .99625 .82035 m 1 .82035 L s P p .001 w .99625 .85498 m 1 .85498 L s P p .001 w .99625 .92424 m 1 .92424 L s P p .001 w .99625 .95887 m 1 .95887 L s P p .001 w .99625 .99351 m 1 .99351 L s P p .002 w 1 0 m 1 1 L s P P p P 0 0 m 1 0 L 1 1 L 0 1 L closepath clip newpath p p p .02381 .97619 m .97619 .97619 L .97619 .02381 L .02381 .02381 L F P p .388 g .63931 .97619 m .63605 .96677 L .61573 .90816 L .59201 .84014 L .56815 .77211 L .56803 .77176 L .54414 .70408 L .51999 .63605 L .5 .5801 L .49567 .56803 L .4712 .5 L .44656 .43197 L .43197 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.8797 .56803 L .85522 .5 L .84014 .45829 L .83059 .43197 L .80578 .36395 L .78079 .29592 L .77211 .27241 L .75561 .22789 L .73025 .15986 L .70468 .09184 L .70408 .09026 L .6789 .02381 L .97619 .02381 L F p 0 g .001 w .97619 .84058 m .97604 .84014 L .95217 .77211 L .92817 .70408 L .90816 .64772 L .90401 .63605 L .8797 .56803 L .85522 .5 L .84014 .45829 L .83059 .43197 L .80578 .36395 L .78079 .29592 L .77211 .27241 L .75561 .22789 L .73025 .15986 L .70468 .09184 L .70408 .09026 L .6789 .02381 L s P P p .899 g .97619 .48051 m .95859 .43197 L .93378 .36395 L .9088 .29592 L .90816 .2942 L .88362 .22789 L .85825 .15986 L .84014 .1116 L .83268 .09184 L .8069 .02381 L .97619 .02381 L F p 0 g .001 w .97619 .48051 m .95859 .43197 L .93378 .36395 L .9088 .29592 L .90816 .2942 L .88362 .22789 L .85825 .15986 L .84014 .1116 L .83268 .09184 L .8069 .02381 L s P P p 1 g .97619 .133 m .96069 .09184 L .93491 .02381 L .97619 .02381 L F p 0 g .001 w .97619 .133 m .96069 .09184 L .93491 .02381 L s P P P p [(123)] .60753 .45671 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(129)] .5768 .45671 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(213)] .4232 .45671 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(N20)] .76114 .71645 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(N24)] .76114 .45671 0 0 270 Mrotshowa P P % End of Graphics MathPictureEnd :[font = output; output; inactive; preserveAspect; endGroup] Graphics["<<>>"] ;[o] -Graphics- :[font = input; Cclosed; preserveAspect; startGroup] Show[cplot[0.07], kvofg[6,10]] :[font = postscript; PostScript; formatAsPostScript; output; inactive; noFill; preserveAspect; pictureLeft = 34; pictureWidth = 282; pictureHeight = 282] %! %%Creator: Mathematica %%AspectRatio: 1 MathPictureStart %% ContourGraphics /Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont % Scaling calculations -1.22146 3.10174 -0.854895 0.874126 [ [(0.4)] .01923 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.45)] .17432 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.5)] .3294 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.55)] .48449 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.6)] .63958 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.65)] .79467 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.7)] .94975 0 0 2 Msboxa [(1)] -0.0125 .01923 1 0 Msboxa [(1.2)] -0.0125 .19406 1 0 Msboxa [(1.4)] -0.0125 .36888 1 0 Msboxa [(1.6)] -0.0125 .54371 1 0 Msboxa [(1.8)] -0.0125 .71853 1 0 Msboxa [(2)] -0.0125 .89336 1 0 Msboxa [ -0.001 -0.001 0 0 ] [ 1.001 1.001 0 0 ] ] MathScale % Start of Graphics 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin newpath [ ] 0 setdash 0 g p p .002 w .01923 0 m .01923 .00625 L s P [(0.4)] .01923 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .17432 0 m .17432 .00625 L s P [(0.45)] .17432 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .3294 0 m .3294 .00625 L s P [(0.5)] .3294 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .48449 0 m .48449 .00625 L s P [(0.55)] .48449 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .63958 0 m .63958 .00625 L s P [(0.6)] .63958 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .79467 0 m .79467 .00625 L s P [(0.65)] .79467 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .94975 0 m .94975 .00625 L s P [(0.7)] .94975 0 0 2 Mshowa p .001 w .05025 0 m .05025 .00375 L s P p .001 w .08127 0 m .08127 .00375 L s P p .001 w .11228 0 m .11228 .00375 L s P p .001 w .1433 0 m .1433 .00375 L s P p .001 w .20533 0 m .20533 .00375 L s P p .001 w .23635 0 m .23635 .00375 L s P p .001 w 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0 .54371 m .00625 .54371 L s P [(1.6)] -0.0125 .54371 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .71853 m .00625 .71853 L s P [(1.8)] -0.0125 .71853 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .89336 m .00625 .89336 L s P [(2)] -0.0125 .89336 1 0 Mshowa p .001 w 0 .0542 m .00375 .0542 L s P p .001 w 0 .08916 m .00375 .08916 L s P p .001 w 0 .12413 m .00375 .12413 L s P p .001 w 0 .15909 m .00375 .15909 L s P p .001 w 0 .22902 m .00375 .22902 L s P p .001 w 0 .26399 m .00375 .26399 L s P p .001 w 0 .29895 m .00375 .29895 L s P p .001 w 0 .33392 m .00375 .33392 L s P p .001 w 0 .40385 m .00375 .40385 L s P p .001 w 0 .43881 m .00375 .43881 L s P p .001 w 0 .47378 m .00375 .47378 L s P p .001 w 0 .50874 m .00375 .50874 L s P p .001 w 0 .57867 m .00375 .57867 L s P p .001 w 0 .61364 m .00375 .61364 L s P p .001 w 0 .6486 m .00375 .6486 L s P p .001 w 0 .68357 m .00375 .68357 L s P p .001 w 0 .7535 m .00375 .7535 L s P p .001 w 0 .78846 m .00375 .78846 L s P p .001 w 0 .82343 m .00375 .82343 L s P p .001 w 0 .85839 m .00375 .85839 L s P p .001 w 0 .92832 m .00375 .92832 L s P p .001 w 0 .96329 m .00375 .96329 L s P p .001 w 0 .99825 m .00375 .99825 L s P p .002 w 0 0 m 0 1 L s P P p p .002 w .01923 .99375 m .01923 1 L s P p .002 w .17432 .99375 m .17432 1 L s P p .002 w .3294 .99375 m .3294 1 L s P p .002 w .48449 .99375 m .48449 1 L s P p .002 w .63958 .99375 m .63958 1 L s P p .002 w .79467 .99375 m .79467 1 L s P p .002 w .94975 .99375 m .94975 1 L s P p .001 w .05025 .99625 m .05025 1 L s P p .001 w .08127 .99625 m .08127 1 L s P p .001 w .11228 .99625 m .11228 1 L s P p .001 w .1433 .99625 m .1433 1 L s P p .001 w .20533 .99625 m .20533 1 L s P p .001 w .23635 .99625 m .23635 1 L s P p .001 w .26737 .99625 m .26737 1 L s P p .001 w .29839 .99625 m .29839 1 L s P p .001 w .36042 .99625 m .36042 1 L s P p .001 w .39144 .99625 m .39144 1 L s P p .001 w .42246 .99625 m .42246 1 L s P p .001 w .45347 .99625 m .45347 1 L s P p .001 w .51551 .99625 m .51551 1 L s P p .001 w .54653 .99625 m .54653 1 L s P p .001 w .57754 .99625 m .57754 1 L s P p .001 w .60856 .99625 m .60856 1 L s P p .001 w .6706 .99625 m .6706 1 L s P p .001 w .70161 .99625 m .70161 1 L s P p .001 w .73263 .99625 m .73263 1 L s P p .001 w .76365 .99625 m .76365 1 L s P p .001 w .82568 .99625 m .82568 1 L s P p .001 w .8567 .99625 m .8567 1 L s P p .001 w .88772 .99625 m .88772 1 L s P p .001 w .91873 .99625 m .91873 1 L s P p .001 w .98077 .99625 m .98077 1 L s P p .002 w 0 1 m 1 1 L s P p .002 w .99375 .01923 m 1 .01923 L s P p .002 w .99375 .19406 m 1 .19406 L s P p .002 w .99375 .36888 m 1 .36888 L s P p .002 w .99375 .54371 m 1 .54371 L s P p .002 w .99375 .71853 m 1 .71853 L s P p .002 w .99375 .89336 m 1 .89336 L s P p .001 w .99625 .0542 m 1 .0542 L s P p .001 w .99625 .08916 m 1 .08916 L s P p .001 w .99625 .12413 m 1 .12413 L s P p .001 w .99625 .15909 m 1 .15909 L s P p .001 w .99625 .22902 m 1 .22902 L s P p .001 w .99625 .26399 m 1 .26399 L s P p .001 w .99625 .29895 m 1 .29895 L s P p .001 w .99625 .33392 m 1 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.53938 m 1 .53938 L s P p .001 w .99625 .58432 m 1 .58432 L s P p .001 w .99625 .6068 m 1 .6068 L s P p .002 w 1 0 m 1 .61803 L s P P p p .002 w 0 0 m 1 0 L s P p .002 w 0 0 m 0 .61803 L s P P 0 0 m 1 0 L 1 .61803 L 0 .61803 L closepath clip newpath p [(6)] .77419 .28092 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(52)] .54839 .33711 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(505)] .74194 .33711 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(N20)] .77419 .44948 0 0 270 Mrotshowa [(N24)] .77419 .33711 0 0 270 Mrotshowa P % End of Graphics MathPictureEnd :[font = postscript; PostScript; formatAsPostScript; output; inactive; noFill; preserveAspect; pictureLeft = 34; pictureWidth = 282; pictureHeight = 282] %! %%Creator: Mathematica %%AspectRatio: 1 MathPictureStart %% Graphics /Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont % Scaling calculations -1.20507 3.0722 -0.841991 0.865801 [ [(0.4)] .02381 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.45)] .17742 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.5)] .33103 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.55)] .48464 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.6)] .63825 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.65)] .79186 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.7)] .94547 0 0 2 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.00625 .37013 L s P [(1.4)] -0.0125 .37013 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .54329 m .00625 .54329 L s P [(1.6)] -0.0125 .54329 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .71645 m .00625 .71645 L s P [(1.8)] -0.0125 .71645 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .88961 m .00625 .88961 L s P [(2)] -0.0125 .88961 1 0 Mshowa p .001 w 0 .05844 m .00375 .05844 L s P p .001 w 0 .09307 m .00375 .09307 L s P p .001 w 0 .12771 m .00375 .12771 L s P p .001 w 0 .16234 m .00375 .16234 L s P p .001 w 0 .2316 m .00375 .2316 L s P p .001 w 0 .26623 m .00375 .26623 L s P p .001 w 0 .30087 m .00375 .30087 L s P p .001 w 0 .3355 m .00375 .3355 L s P p .001 w 0 .40476 m .00375 .40476 L s P p .001 w 0 .43939 m .00375 .43939 L s P p .001 w 0 .47403 m .00375 .47403 L s P p .001 w 0 .50866 m .00375 .50866 L s P p .001 w 0 .57792 m .00375 .57792 L s P p .001 w 0 .61255 m .00375 .61255 L s P p .001 w 0 .64719 m .00375 .64719 L s P p .001 w 0 .68182 m .00375 .68182 L s P p .001 w 0 .75108 m .00375 .75108 L s P p .001 w 0 .78571 m .00375 .78571 L s P p .001 w 0 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.90532 .01923 L s P P % End of Graphics MathPictureEnd :[font = postscript; PostScript; formatAsPostScript; output; inactive; noFill; preserveAspect; pictureLeft = 34; pictureWidth = 282; pictureHeight = 174] %! %%Creator: Mathematica %%AspectRatio: .61803 MathPictureStart %% Graphics /Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont % Scaling calculations -1.29032 3.22581 -0.561849 0.561849 [ [(0.45)] .16129 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.5)] .32258 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.55)] .48387 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.6)] .64516 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.65)] .80645 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.7)] .96774 0 0 2 Msboxa [(1)] -0.0125 0 1 0 Msboxa [(1.2)] -0.0125 .11237 1 0 Msboxa [(1.4)] -0.0125 .22474 1 0 Msboxa [(1.6)] -0.0125 .33711 1 0 Msboxa [(1.8)] -0.0125 .44948 1 0 Msboxa [(2)] -0.0125 .56185 1 0 Msboxa [ -0.001 -0.001 0 0 ] [ 1.001 .61903 0 0 ] ] MathScale % Start of Graphics 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin newpath [ ] 0 setdash 0 g p p 0 0 .5 r .001 w .16129 0 m .16129 .61803 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w .32258 0 m .32258 .61803 L s P p 0 0 .5 r .001 w 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p .001 w .25806 0 m .25806 .00375 L s P p .001 w .29032 0 m .29032 .00375 L s P p .001 w .35484 0 m .35484 .00375 L s P p .001 w .3871 0 m .3871 .00375 L s P p .001 w .41935 0 m .41935 .00375 L s P p .001 w .45161 0 m .45161 .00375 L s P p .001 w .51613 0 m .51613 .00375 L s P p .001 w .54839 0 m .54839 .00375 L s P p .001 w .58065 0 m .58065 .00375 L s P p .001 w .6129 0 m .6129 .00375 L s P p .001 w .67742 0 m .67742 .00375 L s P p .001 w .70968 0 m .70968 .00375 L s P p .001 w .74194 0 m .74194 .00375 L s P p .001 w .77419 0 m .77419 .00375 L s P p .001 w .83871 0 m .83871 .00375 L s P p .001 w .87097 0 m .87097 .00375 L s P p .001 w .90323 0 m .90323 .00375 L s P p .001 w .93548 0 m .93548 .00375 L s P p .002 w 0 0 m 1 0 L s P p .002 w 0 0 m .00625 0 L s P [(1)] -0.0125 0 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .11237 m .00625 .11237 L s P [(1.2)] -0.0125 .11237 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .22474 m .00625 .22474 L s P [(1.4)] -0.0125 .22474 1 0 Mshowa p .002 w 0 .33711 m .00625 .33711 L s P [(1.6)] 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%%Creator: Mathematica %%AspectRatio: 1 MathPictureStart %% Graphics /Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont % Scaling calculations -1.20507 3.0722 -0.841991 0.865801 [ [(0.4)] .02381 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.45)] .17742 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.5)] .33103 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.55)] .48464 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.6)] .63825 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.65)] .79186 0 0 2 Msboxa [(0.7)] .94547 0 0 2 Msboxa [(1)] -0.0125 .02381 1 0 Msboxa [(1.2)] -0.0125 .19697 1 0 Msboxa [(1.4)] -0.0125 .37013 1 0 Msboxa [(1.6)] -0.0125 .54329 1 0 Msboxa [(1.8)] -0.0125 .71645 1 0 Msboxa [(2)] -0.0125 .88961 1 0 Msboxa [ -0.001 -0.001 0 0 ] [ 1.001 1.001 0 0 ] ] MathScale % Start of Graphics 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin newpath [ ] 0 setdash 0 g p p .002 w .02381 0 m .02381 .00625 L s P [(0.4)] .02381 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .17742 0 m .17742 .00625 L s P [(0.45)] .17742 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .33103 0 m .33103 .00625 L s P [(0.5)] .33103 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .48464 0 m .48464 .00625 L s P [(0.55)] .48464 0 0 2 Mshowa p .002 w .63825 0 m .63825 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